Final Fantasy XIII: Slaves of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 3, 2010.

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  1. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Jaden stared at the Crystal L'cie for a second then nodded, with a sigh. "Hey! this ain't over ya hear?!" he shouted to Cid as he took off after Leo and his Summon.
    ...It seemed lately he was running a hell of a lot.


    Linegia looked down at the Abyss of darkness.
    She quickly flew down and smashed Argent hard, sending him flying out of Omega's grip and then backwards towards the air ships as a tendril wrapped around her, this wasn't to hurt him, but more to get him out of the way so he could live, after all, he was another tool to her Masters plans..
    "If you want you and your men to live. I suggest now you do leave." she told him in her monotone as she got pulled down further into the void.

    Uh... Lin? This isn't good.
    Linegia simply looked upwards.
    "Well, that's it for Oerba Master..." she spoke softly, and closed her eyes.
    It mattered not about the small village anyway, in fact this could work out too for their plans, this might motivate the L'cie in a new and different way. They have no home to go back to for the immediate future.
    Yes... this would all work out as Jenova had predicted.

    Um... Lin! We're sinking! he inner voice reminded her.
    Lin span around as she let Darkness surround her body, then she let it explode in an instant as she ripped through the tendril and out of the rift.
    She then looked at Omega for a brief moment. "I have no time any more to deal with an insignificant fool like you.
    This fight told me pretty much what I already knew."
    she revealed before turning away and flying off towards the other crystal L'cie.

    The crystal shards started to shatter from her body and her hair and eyes returned to normal as she reverted from her Crystal form.
    She approached Cid next to his Wyvern.
    "I am ashamed for losing myself earlier... I apologise, Cidolfu." she bowed her head to him, her doll like face and voice still expressionless despite her apparant shame, she was all too aware that he had sensed what had happened with her. "...We save the L'cie for now then?" she looked to him.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning narrowly dodged a black tendril and did a quick survey of the area. Darkness, swallowing everything. "L--" she started and watched Leo speed away on his Eidolin. Stay safe Leo. The world needs the new l'Cie. Light jumped in the opposite direction than Leo and headed away from the commotion.
  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3

    Mya continued slashing all around her until she realized it wasn't getting anywhere as the tendrils consumed more of the land. Leo's right. We gotta fall back. What her problem is that the soldiers wouldn't stop firing. She had a difficult time makig her way to the Eidolon as soldiers, dead or alive, sprayed bullets all over the place.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008


    "Naivete and innocence. Such is the mind of youth."
    Leo turned his head towards Lightning. "No!" He had planned to carry half of the l'Cie on Belias and have Lightning help the rest get away, but she was running away from them. Where is she going? We need her! It was then that he saw Jaden riding one of Cid's monsters. It was big enough to carry the others. So he is helping us... Cid just confirmed something Leo had suspected. "Mya!" Belias' horns erupted into fire and Leo rode through the soldiers, attempting to move them out of the way, not kill them. "Get out of here if you want to live!" He kept yelling as he rode past them. "Hop on, Mya!" He yelled as he neared her. Akira, where's Akira? He looked around, wondering where to go next.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    'Gah! This place is falling apart.' He growled lowly and tightly clenched his blade, his other hand placed on his chest. The blows he had taken caused him some pain but he was completely fine from it. Argent moved his hand from his chest and sent out a message over the Cavalry communication line. "Fall back. Oerba's slipping from our grasp." As soon as he spoke the incoming fire on the l'Cie suddenly stopped as his troops began to quickly head out. "And what about you?" He called out towards the one who was watching the scene unfold.

    "I've got something else in mind." Grey plainly stated, turning away from his brother as he fixed his eyes on Cid. 'Was it your idea to tear apart Oerba?' Grey got onto his bike, Fenrir, and revved its engine as he waited to follow Cid.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Akira watched Lightning ride away and felt despair grip her. She felt her hope slide from her body and sink into the Rift. "This isn't can't be.

    Lightning urged Odin as fast as he could go toward the elevator joining Pulse and Cocoon. Her plan: confront the Sanctum. Why? She wanted and deserved answers about this new set of army enforcing the Gauardian Corps. Sanctum knew it had no right bothering in all the security of Pulse. Cocoon was their job since the creatures of Pulse were much too much for them. A wave of pain hit Light's heart as she thought about Snow and Serah. It's in the past now...all I can do is move forward. Light hurried toward the Archylte Steppe again and towards the elevator and finally towards Palumpolum. Another tear at her heart...Palumpolum...Hope's home city. Her last stop would be Eden.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I'm really not sure if you're trying to kill off your character so tell me if I'm interrupting some plan you have with Akira. Now to an awkward transition to...


    'That's the last of them.' Grey watched as the last of both the Guardian Corps and Cavalry retreated. Argent was confident but he wasn't the type to just let his own people get killed when he could do something about it. He turned his head, noticing something out of place at the other group leaving. There seemed to be one missing. "I can't stay here long." He muttered to himself as he scanned the darkening abandoned town for any signs of someone else out there. Finally, he saw something...someone to be more specific. "Akira?" For some reason or another, the girl was still in Oerba while the others left. Whether she was just in shock over having her home destroyed or just taking in the sights, he couldn't just let Akira get sucked up into oblivion or who-knows-where. Grey drove the motorcycle right by her, extending a hand out towards Akira. "Now's not the time to stand still. Get on...Come with me if you want to live!"

    OOC: If I misread something ...or something, just tell me. <-<;
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: Nope, no plan for dying. Akira's like Hope. Her faith is easily changed.

    bic: Akira looked up at Grey with glazed eyes, "If I want to live...? But...Lightning..." she glanced towards the direction Light had dashed off in and grabbed Grey's hand, swinging herself up and behind him. "What do I do...? Without Lightning's guidance...I'm nothing." Lightning hadn't asked if anyone wanted to go with her...hadn't said anything about leaving them. Just like Snow...they were out another experienced l'Cie.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Oh...well that's all good then! ...That only made me think of Hope's appearance in XIII-2.


    Grey scoffed and took off with Akira on Fenrir, speeding out of Oerba before it was sucked away. "You shouldn't depend so much on her. You're your own person too." He stated lowly as Fenrir's engine quieted when Grey slowed the motorcycle down at Oerba's outer area. He couldn't head in the direction of the Cavalry or towards the other l'Cie so he just took off to somewhere in between. "Listen..." He paused as he stopped Fenrir. "From what I know, Lightning and her former group never really accomplished anything. The only reason Cocoon never fell was some sort of intervention. You guys aren't any worse off without her." He took in a deep breath and looked off to the side. "Leo, Jaden, Mia, and the others can't be too far that way..." He said, pointing out towards where he had last seen the group head off to. "I'd suggest you head back to them. I've got something else in mind." Grey said the last sentence quietly as he glanced over at Oerba.
  10. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3

    Mya jumped as hard as she can and grasped onto Belias. She then climbed up and sat behind Leo, watching in horror the destruction all around them.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Akira stared at Grey, "What? Never accomplished anything..? Grey, they took down Orphan...and a fal'Cie. Doesn't that mean anything to you? What would make you believe that they're heroes?" She lost her focus for a moment and looked down the way Leo had taken everyone, "You expect me to run? Wh-where are you going?"
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Heartless, your picture seems to be broken. D: ...Might as well make a post now since I'll be gone awhile.


    Grey shook his head slowly and muttered a halfhearted "No". "It's not like it must've been any easier on them that this is on us now. It was a team effort on their part and if you keep doubting yourself you might as well give up. We all have the potential to do great things..." He lowered his gaze and sighed out, crossing his arms over his chest. He had already said out loud that was going against the other l'Cie so it wasn't as if he could just go in, drop Akira off, and go on his own without any conflict. "I could try and get you closer but I have to keep close to that Crystal l'Cie. ...In all honesty I'm not sure where I'll be heading."
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Snapshot of the future."

    "And just where do you think you're going, Ms. Farron?" Jenny's voice echoed through the air around Lightning, though the girl herself was nowhere to be seen. "You still have business on Gran Pulse...or are you planning on leaving your so called students to die? How utterly heartless." She mocked the l'Cie with a laugh..

    OOC: Before I post as anybody else, it looks like Protector212 and Aerith G. are no longer here. If you guys are and see this, either post or let me know before we have to kill off your characters :/
  14. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    Is this still open?
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Yes, it is. In the first post, there's a link to the Datalog (under the video). Click it to go to the rules and OC form.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OOC: Sorry!!!!!!!! >< There's been a lot on my mind.

    BIC: Mia jumped off Alexander and he flew up into the air, she turned to Belias and ran after it. She whispered for Angel and she followed. Alice wanted to go after them, but she decided not to go. When her toys would run away, she would give them some distance before she played with them again. Mia gasped for air as she ran beside Belias with Angel next to her. Softly touching Snow's bandanna, Mia began to run fast, heading out of the village.
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning gritted her teeth against Jenny's words and urged Odin to go faster. "Shut up! You have no idea what my duties are! My duty is to myself, not to them! You're one to talk about being heartless...stealing Snow's crystal and turning him into a crystal." Lightning's mind was exhausted and she knew Odin was getting tired. How long could she keep going like this?

    Akira forgot Grey and ran after her friends. Her eyes stung and her lungs felt like they were about to burst. Lightning...please come back soon, if at all.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Good to see you, Aerith G. I'll give Protector a few more posts to see if he's still in.

    "Snapshot of the future."

    A flash of pink light and Jenny was standing in Odin's way. Her eyes were glowing red and her skin seemed to shine, like a reflective service. Her face had an angry scowl as she spoke, her voice still ringing through the air despite her being right there. "Child, you have no idea how heartless I am!" She didn't move, out of the way, urging Odin to hit her. The Eidolon would disappear on contact, she knew. "All fal'Cie are heartless, machines built around crystals. Then you have the Makers, including your beloved so called goddess!!" She lost her cool and patience, throwing a hand up that shot a blast not towards Lightning, but towards Odin.


    "Naivete and innocence. Such is the mind of youth."
    "What are you doing?" Leo demanded from beneath his mask as he slowed Belias down a bit. "Get on!" He knew there wasn't much room for all of them on Belias, so he improvised. He let go of Belias and grabbed Mia with one hand. "Come on!" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone running behind them. Akira? He almost panicked, realizing she was still in the Rift's area. "Let's go, we don't have time!" He pulled Mia with all his might, pulling her onto Belias. He then did the same for the other girl, who he didn't recognize, though there was no room for her. "AKIRA! I'm coming!!" He yelled as he somersaulted off of Belias. Without him, Mia, Mya, and Angel had enough room on Belias. Under him, the ground hit his body as he rolled, quickly standing up. Above him, a wyvern holding Jaden flew over him. Leo silently hoped that Jaden could make the wyvern turn around and help him. I gotta reach her...or these black things will take her! He started sprinting towards her, yelling her name. His voice sounded strange beneath Belias' mask.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning and Odin toppled over on the ground and lay there for a moment until Odin disappeared. Lightning stood shakily and pulled out her gunblade, "Even's futile...I will fight you. Our Goddess Etro sacrificed herself for us! It isn't her fault you have no heart!" Light lifted her hand and let a Ruinaga simmer there. "What purpose do you have in destroying us!? What was the overall goal of turning Snow to crystal...and my sister...?!"

    Akira's lungs hurt as she ran, the voice yelling her name sounded like Leo but she wasn't sure. "I hope that's you Leo! LEO!"
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Oi! You overgrown Lizard freak! Listen to me!" Jaden yelled as the back of his coat was in the Wyverns mouth and it was carrying him away.
    "Hey dumbass! If you're gonna make me ride like this. At least let me actually ride!" and whether it was to get him to stop yelling or because the Wyvern understood, it threw him into the air and positioned itself so Jaden landed on it's back. "That's more like it, Liz!" he smirked, having apparently also named the Wyvern... which was weird as he would not have even known what gender it was... meh.
    Jaden looked down below to see what else was going on as the out of control rift was swallowing everything. Good thing I don't get air sick...
    He then saw Leo, jump off of his Eidolon and run towards Akira. "Well Liz. Not a single L'cie gets left behind right?" he asked the Wyvern rhetorically. "...Oh come on! Just go an' help me out here!" and suddenly the Wyvern swooped down heading for the ground at great speed and making it's way towards where Leo and Akira were. "Booya! that's it girl!" ...It was apparently a girl he had decided.
    As they picked up speed, Jaden let out another bout of his catch phrase, "BOOOOOOOOOOYYYAAAAA!" which would also alert Leo and Akira he was on his way.
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