Final Fantasy XIII: Slaves of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 3, 2010.

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  1. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Jaden had been unable to dodge the Ruin in time, it exploded at his chest and sent him flying towards the edge of the tower.
    He was just barely able to grab onto the side, and managed to pull himself up to his elbows, his legs dangling beneath him. "That was too clo- What the?!"
    He was shocked as he saw what was happening to Snow.
    Lightning trying to free him desperately.
  2. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    ooc: Apologies keep getting distracted xD
    Freyja waited for them to strike again and then suddenly instead of blocking them with the barrel of her gun she allowed them forth but when they brought their weapons down on her suddenly when their weapons made contact with her skin instead of blood there was a crack in her skin very much like ice and it seemed the expression on her face froze suddenly her whole body turned a pale translucent color and shattered into icy fragments that released a icy vapor as it fell to the ground. Off in the distance there was a sudden clapping off from the right as Freyja appeared out of the shadows with her palms together and a smile on her face.
    " So did you have fun with my toy?"
    Freyja said as the icy fragments that had fallen to the ground nearby them seemed not to be melting but instead they were dragged across the ground by a invisible force towards Freyja where they meshed together till they morphed into a long almost serpentine shape with a sharp tip at the end, a sharp spear-like tip that was pointed at them.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: No worries, Love xD
    Leo grimaced as he watched Freyja's trick. Even as l'Cie we can't handle one Crystal l'Cie? He thought, holding his blade tight. He turned around upon hearing yells and saw Snow. "Snow!" He yelled taking a step to run before stopping and turning back to Freyja. Shouldn't turn my back on her... He thought, pulling the hammer of Heretic's handle. Torn between fighting Freyja and saving Snow, Leo hoped that Lightning could save Snow. Hopefully, Grey and I will be able to take out at least one l'Cie! He thought before yelling, "Grey, let's go!" He raised his hand as a small fireball came out and flew at Freyja. Fire was weak, but a distraction. He ran to follow up with another sparkstrike as he pressed the hammer, causing his electrified blade to vibrate as he slashed at Freyja.
    Floating down slowly, Cid quickly moved to the outskirts, away from the center of the action. His crystal skin started to disappear before he sat down, cross-legged. He crossed his arms and watching the scene with burning eyes. He knew what was about to happen to Snow, but the thought somewhat scared him. "Ah, well, when it's your time to go, you gotta go," he mumbled as he reached for a small box held to his head by his goggles. He opened it with a flick of his fingers, pulled out a small white stick, and placed it in his mouth. "Sorry, Snow, it has to happen," he whispered as he closed his eyes. His hands flashed red once and the cigarette lit aflame. He took a long inhale and then exhaled, a steady stream of smoke escaping his mouth. "You'll die a hero, Snow!" Cid yelled, waving frantically, "Just not for the humans!"

    "He-lp," Snow struggled to say as Lightning's attack did nothing to the wire. He couldn't hear anything at this point; his ears were ringing from the pain. His brand kept burning intensely and Snow was freaking out. If only he could summon Shiva. As he continued to struggle, the wire lifted him higher in the air and turned him around to face Lightning. Guys, no! Snow thought as he watched as everyone else failed to make progress in their respective fights. "A-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The pain was unbearable. The wire that had wrapped his forearm had now entered his glowing brand. Snow felt like his arm was being cut off. Everything started to go black as the pain increased. The wire was digging, not in his arm, but into his brand. Snow continued yelling.

    Jenny's voice laughed from the glowing light which held Snow hostage. Her distorted voice called out to Lightning. "Tell me, Lightning, do you know what happens when a l'Cie loses his crystal?"

    Akira's Thunder bounced of Dahaka like nothing. Dahaka flew around her one time before noticing Jaden hanging from the edge. The sound of bells grew louder as Dahaka's body bent backwards and reverted to its original mask-like face. It let out a melodic sounding growl and flew away from the apex, turned around, and flew at Jaden. The fal'Cie raised a single large hand towards Jaden back slowly. Suddenly, it shut it around the new l'Cie. Dahaka then looked at Akira and flew towards her before swinging his hand, dropping a now-safe Jaden on top of her.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Akira glanced up to see a falling Jaden land on her. She collapsed under his weight. "Oof, g-get off me!" Her gunblade slipped from her hand and she couldn't cast a spell like this. She feebly pushed at the boy.

    Lightning felt all her age old anger bubble from inside her. Anger that wouldn't win this but it would fuel her actions. She turned a furious blue gaze to the light and the voice. "Why are you doing this?! I don't know and I don't intend to find out! Let him go!" For the life of her, she couldn't put together why Jenny was doing this or who she was. Light tired every spell she knew and every attack form she could on the wire. If anything she just needed to crack the surface. "Snow, hang in there!"
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    The sound of Snow's screaming was unbearable. Jaden tried to pull himself up, but before he did he had been grabbed by the giant Fal'cie"Oh hell no!" Jaden yelled out, "Let me go you dumbass piece oh - wah!"
    Jaden was released, landing on top of Akira..

    That was un-cool... Jaden thought to himself.
    Then he realised he was on top of Akira... "Sorry Akira..." he groaned as she feebly tried to stand up.
    Suddenly... I'm more okay with this. he thought again, correcting his earlier thought..
    He pushed himself up and held out a hand to help out Akira also.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey snapped his arm backwards, keeping the whip burning with the intense fire as it flew back. He spun the hilt to keep the chain in the air as he waited for Leo to make the first strike before lashing out at Freyja from where he stood. Instead of actually hitting the Crystal l'Cie, the whip wrapped around the spear she had summoned. Grey pulled on his arm in an attempt to shatter it before Freyja could use it for anything.
  7. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    The elevator reached its destination. Shinryu walked out and observed the chaos with an emotionless stare. The man fitting Omega's description was getting something pulled out of him and the woman he also described was helping to free the man. The others kids there, most likely to be l'Cie, were either attacking Dahaka or this other female l'Cie. Off to the side of everything was a man having a smoke. Things haven't changed at all. People are still fighting over nothing and dying in the process.

    For a second, he thought he felt eyes staring at him. His grip on his lance tightened.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou's feet moved instantly as he ran towards where Lighting stood and he leapt, hearing the question that was asked towards Light, but instead, he answered for her. "Don't even think about giving up Light! Not even a second!" Ryou said with a very serious tone that seemed to speak alot more than his appearance let on as he went to slice at the wire, keeping it forced upon it.

    "And you Snow, where's the hero we all know?! Where's the guy who never gave up?! Where's the resolve that pushes you to keep on fighting!?" Ryou yelled out, he wasn't letting up at all as he tried to push all of his new I'Cie's strength to force the blade to cut past the wire as Ryou removed one of his hands from the hilt and grabbed the wire, intent on ripping it apart.
  9. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Why don't you help your friends? Does fighting me matter more then saving them?"
    Freyja smirked as she closed her eyes and breathed deeply as icy vapor came from mouth creating a thick cold white mist that engulfed her and both Grey and Leo, hiding her from view as she wandering the mist.
  10. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya got up with some difficulty after getting a hard hit onthe head. She then looked up and saw Snow in trouble. Snow! Hang in there! She started to cast Faithara and Bravara on Lightning, hoping the boost in strength and magic will break the wires constraining Snow.
  11. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    When the elevator reached the top and the melody ended, the whole tower immediately became silent. Not even the monsters on the ground floor dared to take a step. "What is this?" Omega questioned. From behind, a near silent dash in the air caught his attention and quickly turned around. Nothing. Something's stalking me. A flyer. And it's fast. Out of nowhere multiple bolts of lightning homed in on him from all directions, but he dodge rolled forward in time to evade them. He faced his attacker: a blueish-black, six-winged Cie'th. "Mithridates?! Didn't Lightning already get rid of you?!" An Undying was the last thing he wanted to meet because, in someway or another, they almost always find a way back to the world of the living. Great, a magic battle. It's fights like these when I really wish I wasn't alone.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Leo cursed under his breath as Freyja disappeared. How the hell is this fair? He asked as he readied himself. He held his Gunblade with both hands and backed up towards Grey. "I can't see anything," he told his partner, stating the obvious. "There has to be something we can do..oh!" A lightbulb should have shined over his head when he realized how stupid he was. "Aero!" He threw his left hand forward, intending for a gust of wind to spread the mist...but nothing happened. "Guess I don't know that technique yet..."

    Cid was still sitting down, watching everything: Snow's demise arriving, Dahaka rescuing the boy, Freyja having fun with two of the l'Cie, even the new boy arriving with a spear. His eyes narrowed, who was that boy? Cid sensed something strange from him, but disregarded it. Too many great things were happening for that boy to be of any significance. "Hurry it up, Snow. Your time has-AGH!" He coughed abruptly, spitting up the cigarette filter he had just started to swallow.

    Snow could barely hear Ryou, or Lightning, or any of the other commotion. The pain was unbearable and he could only keep screaming. Is this it? Is this how it ends? He wondered as he heard the sounds of battle. "Se---Ser..Serah," he managed to say as the image of his wife flashed in his mind. I never found you...I failed, he thought as the pain suddenly stopped and he became overwhelmed with a calming feeling. The wire then exited his forearm and pulled out a blue, glassy heart: Snow's l'Cie crystal. "Agh..." Snow lost consciousness as all of the wires let him go and he fell to the floor with a thud.

    The bright pink light with Jenny's silhouette began to shimmer as the wires retreated. The wire holding Snow's crystal, however, stayed. After a moment, the pink light disappeared and in its place stood the auburn-haired girl claiming to be Jenny. She had a sinister smile on her face as she looked at lightning. Protruding from the left sleeve of her jacket was the black wire, slowly shrinking back into it. Snow's crystal fell into her hand as the wire disappeared. She raised Snow's heart-shaped crystal to her eyes and repeated, "Tell me, do you know what happens when a l'Cie loses his crystal?"
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Time slowed for Lightning as she watched Jenny holding Snow's crystal. "Snow!" She wanted to revive her friend, but getting that crystal seemed equally important. "I don't know Jenny, why don't you refresh my memory!" Anger flashed in her blue eyes as she tried to keep her calm. Snow, her brother-in-law was lying at her feet, her sister gone and the girl they thought they could trust was something other than human.

    Akira brushed herself off, rubbing her shoulder where Jaden had fallen on her, "I'm alright....I'm alright..." She looked up and saw Snow's crystal in Jenny's hands. A cry fell from her lips, "Snow!" Pushing herself to her feet, Akira ran to stand beside Lightning. She didn't know Jaden very well and one of her mentors was in trouble.
  14. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Just as Omega was about to retaliate, his vision blurred for a moment. He shut his eyes tight in hope to correct his vision. When he opened them, Mithridates was gone and everything went back as usual. It's as if the Cie'th was never there in the first place. Omega sighed and facepalmed. "That's what I get for being around Cie'th when they're having a moment..." he muttered, "I might as well go back on top and see what everyone's doing. I can't risk losing another arm or leg if I just leave." As a shortcut Omega casts Warp, a weaker and slightly modified form of Banish, on himself to near-instantly transport himself back to the apex.

    A l'Cie losing their...what?! A second ago, when Jenny appeared, Shinryu wondered if she was l'Cie as well but her actions of extracting crystals from l'Cie showed she was far from it. Dahaka wasn't the only fal'Cie around. Making up his mind he takes hold of his lance in an attack position and, like a true dragoon, attacks Jenny with Jump in hope for her to drop the crystal.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou lost his grip and he landed on the ground and watched Jenny hold the crystal as he heard Lighting's words as if she was trying to calm herself and Ryou stood a few steps aside of her, willing to aid her. "...Why do i get the feeling we won't like that answer?" Ryou thought to himself and got into a stance until he saw something leap at Jenny, not from in front but from above? "Who or what the hell is that?" He thought to himself.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "...You're welcome! ...I guess.." Jaden said somewhat confusedly... he didn't get what was going on.
    Then he remembered... Snow HAD been screaming, but was no more...
    Had he been saved?
    No... The look on Lightning's face told him otherwise.
    He noticed a crystal in Jenny's hand, and he connected the dots... Snow's crystal?
    Damn it...
    he thought.
    He noticed a boy with a lance go flying over head towards Jenny.
    Whatever was going on... It had something to do with the crystal Jenny was holding.
    There was only one thing for it. He had to hope that the crystal was sturdier than it looked, but there was only one way they would probably be able to get the crystal back, and anyone attacking the psycho lady was good enough for Jaden to consider an ally, at least if it was even temporarily.
    He gripped both of his Katana and let Firestrike and Aerostrike channel through the blades. "No more playing around!" he smirked as he charged towards Jenny.
    He knew she was the big bad boss and she wouldn't go down easily. But why should he let that stop him. Getting that crystal back was important.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya stared at Jenny. Was the crystal a part of their lives? If it were to be destroyed, would they cease to exist. Mya looked back at Snow and then back at Jenny. Anger fused up inside of her. what the hell do you people even want?! Why can't you leave us alone?!
  18. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Omega reappeared behind the elevator and out of everyone's sight, but a bit out of breath. "I thought I was going to be back at the Void for a second there. Wait, what-?" He listened in on Mya's short burst of anger. When she finished, he leaned his back against the elevator and thought of a response. "What we want? What we want is the destruction of Cocoon. But if you're talking individually, what I want has nothing to do with Cocoon or it's inevitable demise. The place can rot for all I care," he answered the first question to himself quietly. "As for all of you? You're all at the bidding of a fal'Cie now. Sure, you'll start realizing that you're losing control of your fate, but it's not like any of you ever had total control of it from the start," he continued.
  19. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Wait can she hear him?
  20. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    OOC: No, it's all to himself. He's answering as if he was talking to her. But if you want her to hear him, you can.
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