Final Fantasy XIII: Slaves of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 3, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya stood back up with a little trouble and hobbled over to Lightning. Lightning! Are you alright? She tried to help Lightning up.
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Omega lowered his arm after Odin fell. A look into his eyes would show his disappointment. He was unimpressed at both their strength, as he considered the severity of his injuries as nothing a simple Potion can fix. With that he decided to leave. "I've done my part in this. You guys can take it from here," he told Cid. Soon after he spoke, Omega headed off towards the Archylte Steepe.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou's eyes moved suddenly as he let his sleeve fall and his hand grasped his katana and moved to Lighting's side, not caring if he felt weakened from the branding and looked at Omega leaving, but the Dahaka remained airborne. "Okay Ryou...think this can't attack from here, a I'Cie can use magic and supernatural strength...but how do you cast the magic?" He thought, it was never truly explained how to cast magic since Light and Snow learnt from experience and do it naturally.

    "Come on...!" Ryou thought out in frustation as he felt something threatening to burst forth and he saw something taking shape in of a small green energy. "The wind...?" He thought to himself and felt it building as he looked at the Dahaka and flung the sphere straight at it as when it connected, it expanded, creating a small wind tunnel.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Missed more than I thought >> Graxe, you can't just "leave" like that. I'll allow it this time but simply "heading to" whatever place won't work. How'd he get off the tower? Did he jump, fly, run, etc.?

    Leo stood with Grey, one hand on his Gunblade and the other on his chest, feeling his brand. I can't believe this is happening, he thought, trembling. We're... He looked as Omega left, "l'Cie," he whispered the last word. He could feel an entire range of emotions brewing up. He looked around and saw "Cid" with Jaden and Snow. Jenny was nowhere to be found and Dahaka was hovering in the sky, now eying Ryou who had used magic on it. "What..the...HELL?!" Not sure what to do, he focused on one single emotion out of all the ones he was feeling: anger. He spotted Freyja, the woman who was with Cid earlier, and pointed his Gunblade at her. "What do you want?!" He yelled as he ran forward at her before slashing his Gunblade at her.

    Cid looked at Jaden with a bored look. He had been receiving instructions from Jenny this entire time. Now that he knows what to do, he raised his right claw. "You're a tool, boy, in every definition of the word," he smiled before a blast of ice hit the side of his face. "...Snow." It was obvious who used magic on him.

    "C'mon, Jaden! Let's show this guy who's boss!" Snow yelled as he ran at Cid. So many things were going wrong right now, but he pushed everything to the back of his mind. Pummel now, ask later.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning simply couldn't stand anymore. Weakly and desperately, she switched to Medic and cast Cura on herself. It took the edge off but her brand stung from the severity of the blows Odin took. Her vision blurred as she fell over, closing her eyes and retreating into her memories of Hope and the others. She remembered the first time she'd fought a battle next to Sazh. He was so afraid of that robot.

    Akira thought the entire battle with Omega went too fast for her to watch and now that Light was hurt, she felt frustration well up in her. How did this happen to us? Pointing her gunblade up at Dahaka, she wanted to help Ryou. She felt her anger bubble through her like a raging tsunami. Water touched her hand and out of reflex she threw the condensed burst of water at the Fal'Cie.
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Heh... Snow, I thought you'd never ask!" Jaden yelled as he ran towards Cid.
    He wasn't particularly angry, but whatever emotions he was feeling right now were pure, and he let them push him in his fight.
    He bought his blades back and as he swung them, they became engulfed in flames as they struck the crystal L'cie.

    So this is the power of a L'cie huh?

    Jaden grinned. It seemed he had shifted into Ravager
    "Heh, take this glass boy!"
    He swung repeatedly, The pure red blade 'Hell' engulfed in flames. Firestrike.
    While the pure white blade 'Heaven' was engulfed in wind. Aerostrike.

  7. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Freyja barely shot Leo a glance when she pulled one of her long barrel guns out and blocked him, clashing the hard steel of her gun with that of his sword. Freyja then looked over at him and she made a sly smile as she pulled her gun away and charged him, throwing a deadly quick punch to his stomach. To her it was nothing more then a flick of her frail fist but to him it would of had the strength of being hit by a car or someone quite bigger and more heavily built then the fragile appearing woman who stood before him.
    " Now that was rude, attacking someone out of the blue like that."
  8. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Flying to the steepe, Omega wasn't very far from the tower before his right arm stiffened and was overcome with pain. He grabbed his forearm, only to feel something like rock than flesh. Not now... He fell to the ground below and trudged his way over to the cliffside to lean against it. "Dammit...what am I doing wrong...? It never grows this fast unless I'm..." he said through his teeth weakly. "How am I straying from my Focus? Is it them? Those new l'Cie and their Focus that's a threat?" he continued. Omega looked back angrily at the tower. An impulse told him to simply become Omega Weapon and raze the tower to the ground with everyone in it, but his conscience suppressed the thought. I better not be making a mistake...
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya shook Lightning. Hey wake up! You can't pass out now! She lifted Lightning up and carried her to a safe corner away from the battle.
  10. Black_Star Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 30, 2010
    Noah continued to look on as the newly powered group took the fight to the man who saved his life not too long ago and his female companion, he spoke up calling towards Cid, "Cid! What's this all about? You saved me didn't you? Why?" Noah attempted to stand but like before was much to weak as he crumbled to the ground again, "You have to answer me this, don't ignore me!" he added seeing Jaden and Snow preparing a joint attack. Noah felt utterly useless sitting on the ground but he was too weak to join the fray, and could only yell from the sidelines like an overbearing soccer mom.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Guess I'll post and place myself somewhere. @-@ *Revives RP*


    Looks like everyone's having some fun but me. Doesn't seem that there's much of a point with this fight though. Grey stared at his blade, wondering whether or not he should even continue helping the others. Small flames rose from the edges of the sword as Grey felt an almost overwhelming sense of power pour from his hands onto it. "Feels like it could make quite the inferno..." He looked over at the Dahaka then at the Crystal l'Cie still left. Leo seemed to be fighting alone so he figured his abilities served best if he helped out against the woman. Grey ran closer, stopping several feet away from Freyja. Now how did this go... He focused on his blade, letting the magic flow into it which caused the blade to ignite and coat itself in a white hot blaze. "Sorry I have to cut in." Grey said aloud, himself unsure if he spoke to either Leo or Freyja. He swung the blade horizontally, releasing the chain in an attempt to strike Freyja on her side.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Leo flew back after Freyja's fist made contact with his stomach. He almost lost his grip on Heretic as he hit the ground, but he quickly reverse somersaulted onto his feet, kneeling down with one hand on his stomach. I feel like I got tackled by a Behemoth, he thought, grimacing at the pain. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he wouldn't have survived that punch the day before. Seeing Grey attack, he rushed forward, dragging his Gunblade across the floor as he ran and making sparks fly. He pulled the hammer back and pulled the trigger as he raised it. Electricity surged around the vibrating steel as he brought it down vertically behind Grey's horizontal attack. Sparkstrike?

    "That's the idea, elemental barrage!" Snow yelled in Ravager mode as his right hand became encased in ice and his left in water. "Take my Froststrike and Aquastrike, too!" He yelled as he ran behind Cid. While Jaden attacked his front with his own swords, Snow sent a flurry of frozen and watery fists at Cid's back. When Cid spun around, his large claw flailing towards Snow, Snow ducked and jumped, a Froststrike reaching Cid's chin.

    Damn it, Cid groaned as Snow's attack launched him into the air. There was almost no pain, but the force was strong enough to move him. Everyone on the apex was a l'Cie, but Snow and Lightning had experience and maxed out abilities compared to the fledgling l'Cie. Jenny's orders still rang in his head. He needed to buy a little more time..."Is that all you got, Snow? Change your name to Sprinkle if it is!" He yelled as he landed on his feet and flew forward. With his claw flailing again, he spun at high speeds, using his own version of Blitz on Jaden and Snow. "I saved you to be a hero, boy!" He yelled at Noah, not giving any more details until the time was right.

    Dahaka flew through the sky. Akira's and Ryou's attacks barely affected it. It was simply awaiting orders. It had spent hundreds of thousands of years flying the skies of Gran Pulse, searching. His original purpose was fulfilled. Now his new one...he growled as he laid eyes on Akira. She was a part of his new purpose, as was Ryou. "GRRAAAAWWWWRRR," he roared as his head flung back, revealing his true Dragonic form. The time for play was over. A ball of fire escaped his mouth before another bigger ball flew out. Fire and then Firaga. He cast it between Akira and Ryou. The sounds of chiming bells followed the explosion.

  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Akira's eyes widened at the on coming Fire and Firaga. The explosion knocked her onto her back. "Oof." Sprining back to her feet, she ignored the stabbing pain in her legs and lifted her gunblade again, "C'mon, is that the best you got?!"

    Lightning's eyes opened to an explostion and Cid goading her companions. Struggling to her feet, she stayed in her Medic mode and healed herself as best she could. Having Hope or Vanille would've proved useful at this moment. Racing to stand beside Akira and Ryou, she healed them with a last Cura and switched to her Ravager mode, "Let's go!" She casted Thundaga on Dahaka, hoping to knock him down to their level.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Jaden jumped back and dodged the blitz, jumping forwards again to continue his barrage.
    As much as he wanted to kick Cid's ass, the best he could do right now would be to keep distracting Cid and let Snow pound on him.
    After all, he may be a L'cie now... but Snow was the more experienced hero.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou's eyes widened as he was hit with the lemental magic of Dahaka but now he was a I'Cie, the dmaage felt somehow lessened but light came in to restore their strength, now that was more like it.

    "Okay!" Ryou said as he heard Light's commanding voice, taking the leadership role with ease as Ryou focused on his wind magic again and flung it at the Dahaka, it was abit tiring but he stopped after using it two more times to rest a little, using magic was a bit draining and it was a first time so it was natural. "Well, Light and SNow used it for ages and gotten used to it." he thought to himself, knowing it was true.
  16. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    As the pain in his arm subsided, Omega's body was still shaking. "It's been a long time...since I felt this bad," he said weakly between breaths. When he recovered from the shock, he took off the glove on his right hand and saw small veins of crystal nearly covering his entire wrist. "Nearly the entire arm this time. At this rate, I'll be back to sleep by tomorrow." Omega was lost on what to do now. He left the fight and was punished for it. To return to the fight or continue on observing from a distance? He gazed up at the tower's peak and into the sky. "Ultima, you dream of the future. Where do I go from here?"

    The silence inside the tower was getting to Shinryu. What was getting to him even more was the far off echoes of the Cie'th in the upper tiers. He faintly remembers a general rule about Cie'th that someone (he doesn't recall who) told him when he was younger: "The cries of Cie'th are sounds you never forget. Listen too long and madness will follow." Madness wasn't too far off now. He was really considering to go up top just to escape the noise. At least the melody of the elevator will calm him down a bit.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya wave her hands and slowly buffed her teamates with an assortment of boosts and sped them up. She then glowed red and raised her gunblade. I won't let my friends down! She ran towards Cid and aimed a slash at his side.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Cid grimaced at the slashes of Jaden and Mya. He brought down his left elbow onto Mya's head and sent a ruin from his right at Jaden. He then spread his wings out to knock Snow back several feet. "It's time, Snow!" He yelled, looking over his shoulder. He jumped into the air, the cut on his side from Mya's blade already healed. He looked at the center of the apex as a familiar light started forming there. "DESTINIES AWAIT!" Cid yelled as he pointed to the light with his claw. As long as Dahaka and Freyja kept the others busy...

    "Ugh!" Snow fell back after being hit by Cid's wings. "Time for what?" He yelled as he jumped back up and lunged forward...before falling back. "Agh!" A wire was around his neck, pulling him towards the center of the apex. He grabbed it with both hands, but he couldn't break it; it was completely unbreakable. He couldn't fight as he was being dragged backwards quickly. Before he knew it, he was turned around and in the air staring at the same light that had turned the others into l'Cie. "Je--agh-Jenny!" He managed to groan. The light was a faint pink, with a single black wire reaching out; the same wire was suspending Snow in the air by his neck. He narrowed his eyes, hoping for Light to save him when another wire flew and grabbed his left forearm. The blond hero could now see the outline of a figure in the light. "AAHHHHHHH!" He yelled as the brand on his arm started to burn uncontrollably.

    Dahaka roared again and flew down as fast as it could, sending a gust of wind at its opponents.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning heard Snow in his commotion. Turning her head to see that light and Snow suspended by a black wire. "Snow!" Light took off, as fast as she could toward him, her gunblade poised to slice the wire in half and release her companion. "Akira, handle Dahaka!" Light pushed off the ground and struck the wire. With all her heart she hoped it would break as time seemed to slow around her.

    Akira nodded briefly at Light's words. She wanted to help her mentor free Snow, but Light could handle it...couldn't she? Bracing herself against the gust of wind, she took up Lightning's point and casted Thunder on Dahaka. What was the breaking point for the fal'Cie?
  20. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Why am I going back to the tower? Omega thought to himself as he walked away from a recently felled wyvern and entered the structure's interior.

    Shinryu stepped through the thin membrane at the top of the ramp and called down the elevator. Hearing someone walking in, he turned to see who it was.

    Omega looked at Shinryu for a moment. He only had one thing to say to him: "As long as you're prepared for a fight against some l'Cie and a fal'Cie, I won't stop you." Continuing on he noticed from their cries that the Cie'th were acting up more than usual. Was it because of all the events both taking place and currently in motion? Whatever the reason, it's nothing too important; it's only Cie'th. They're just something for Omega to absorb when the time comes.

    When Omega said "fal'Cie" Shinryu clearly knew he meant Dahaka. There was no other fal'Cie that resided here but him. As for the warning about several l'Cie, he grew a bit hesitant about his decision to go. Now that he's human again there was no magic to use against them or to protect himself with. All he had was physical ability. Would that be enough? Even with that in mind he brought himself together and proceeded on to the top.
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