Final Fantasy XIII: Slaves of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 3, 2010.

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  1. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    ooc: Sorry folks, I keep forgetting to post in this even when I have it subscribed.

    Freyja only shook her head as she pounced off the back of the dragon without much thought and landed cleanly on her feet below. Landing only a bit off course from where Noah was going to land. So Freyja stepped aside to make sure that the kid wouldn't land on her when he came down. When the kid was given to brunette woman's care she wondered little about it and jumped off again, following Cid. Freyja had nothing else to do, so she would follow this man till she could get in on some of the major battling.
    " I will continue to follow you since you have the ticket to this play date."
    She said staring over at Cid with a smile, void of emotion since her glasses covered her eyes. It was always hard to tell if she even had emotions since she seemed emotionless even in the face of death itself.
  2. Black_Star Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 30, 2010
    All at once the questions stopped, the child like quality he possessed, the laughing, the never ending smile, the innocence, were all replaced by a kind of sinister seriousness. "So, what does it all mean?" He spoke up in a much wiser sounding tone "I mean, I understand so much, I feel........different, But why?"

    Noah walked around the towers apex letting everything soak in. "I'm a hero now and I know what i've gotta do" The beast they flew in on was circling the tower and when it caught Noah's eye he had the strongest notion to snap his fingers and he did calling out Stop!. At that instant the massive beast was completely immobilized, an almost holographic image of a clock appearing above it's head, and began to fall towards the ground. Noah looked on and the former innocence and happiness he onced owned seemed to come rushing back to him.

    He laughed heartily outloud and spoke "Oh wow! This is gonna be fun, I wonder what else i can do!" With the snap of his fingers on his opposite hand he found himself speeding up exponentially and also if he willed it slowing down to a snails pace, or back to normal speed. With his old personality apparently restored he looked at Jenny who was watching him the whole time "Did you see that? Look what i can do now! I'm powerful!" He said sticking his tongue out and then giggling. He touched the tip of his tongue, feeling as if something was different about it but he shrugged it off and plopped down indian style right next to Jenny and stared up at her nonchalantly "So, should i just call you majesty like Cid? Or do you have an actual name? Also when do i start this hero business, I can't wait!"
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Jenny smiled at Noah's enthusiasm. She walked around him, circling the boy. "For now, you can call me Jenny," she told him, "You shall learn my real name soon enough, but only after you meet your teammates." She twirled in a semi dance. "And then you shall embark on your Focus and bring me, your queen, the happiness I so desire and deserve." Jenny closed her eyes as she spun, waiting for her other tools to reach her.

    OOC: Will post as the others once Leo's group posts.
  4. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    The platinum-haired boy was sitting alone in the dark chamber. He was freezing the entire time he was down there. When Omega called his name, his eyes perked up.

    Omega recognized the boy's eyes. He knelt down and examined the boy. Huh. Your brand's gone. That means you're... A small smile came to his lips with that thought. Other than the large scar on his chest from the lance wound and his brand gone, there was nothing strange. He takes off his coat and places it over Shinryu. "You must be freezing. Come on, let's get you out of here," he said in a caring tone.

    Shinryu was confused. He knew the man, but the name couldn't reach him. All that he remembered was that the man was his enemy. Whatever his reasons though, Shinryu obliged. He couldn't wait to get out of here. After being a dragon for such a long time being on two legs again took a bit of getting used to, but it was manageable.

    As they headed over to the lift, Omega looked again at the back of Shinryu's neck. It's odd not seeing his brand there anymore. He's human, that's what matters now. Before they went up, he grabbed the Dragoon Lance that was on the ground with them.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: Sorry all, moved house, no connection so had to wait until i came to grandmothers for the week.

    Ryou heard Leo's comment, obivously worried for his well being of the injures he sustained. "It's okay, I'm fine, Light may not be the best person to specialize in healing magic but she certainly focused all of her strength into it." Ryou said thoughtfully. "Besides, an attack like that was bound to happen while we were trained by Light and Snow so we have to prepare for the dangers that come with that." He said very calmly and changed to a smile. "But you're forgetting we are stronger than we first realize, Light and Snow saw potenial in us." He explaiend to him.
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: Yo, already been approved lol, just waiting for a good place to post and talking with Mario Savio about it etc.

    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992

    Name: Jaden Kaylib

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Except he wears a black trench coat (similar in style to Snows), with a red bandana tied around the arm, no white shirt like in the picture but he does have the red T-shirt underneath the trench coat, he always has yellow headphones around his neck too (unless of course, he is listening to them.)
    His blades are sheathed on his back.

    Personality: A carefree guy who likes to take life easy. Generally kind to others and known as a bit of a joker. He does however know when to take things seriously and can become quickly hot headed in such situations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and will always try to stand up for what he believes in.
    He can also be a bit of a flirt when confronted by pretty girls. He has a catchphrase of saying 'Booya' when he is happy or when something cool happens. It is safe to say that he is led by his emotions and his heart rather than by his head.

    Biography: Both of his parents died on the outskirts of Oerba when he was just a kid. He ended up getting by on his own however, living alone at his home and helping others around the village when they needed it. In his spare time he also liked to explore the area surrounding Oerba, and as such developed moderate fighting skills against the many creatures he had to face there.
    When he met Lightning and Snow, he decided that he would join their cause feeling that the war has gone on long enough and has caused too much suffering already... That and he has nothing better to do anyway.
    Both his Katana belonged to his mother and father respectively.

    Weapon: Heaven and Hell - Two Katana (One is pure white, while the other is pure red), duel wielded in an inverted grip style.

    Location of Brand: Lower right arm, on the underside of his wrist.

    Magic Type: Fire, Aero, Cure

    Eidolon: Ifrit
    Gestalt: he'd fold up into a sort of 3 wheeled car (not at all like Brynhildr), the horns he has on his head and arms (the ones with fire coming out of them, would be aimed behind him on the very back to propel the car forwards faster with bursts of fire. The arms would be the back 2 wheels too, and his legs would have stretched up in front of him and have the third wheel between the feet. His garments and jewels would be dangling in places on his body and just simply (look cool) as they get blown all over the place as Gestalt Ifrit moves, the spikes on his body would also have moved in various places just to look extra dangerous..
    There actually wouldn't be a steering wheel. Jaden would simply balance on top of the main torso and ride and guide him almost like he was surfing.

    Edit OOC: Right, I know how I'm fitting in, I just need Leo and Ryou's group to make a post first.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: In, Rock Lee Bushy-Brow. Guys, we worked it out so Jaden has always been one of the apprentices, but he had gone off before the RP so the others should know him. Protector212, that's fine :]

    Also, just to clarify:
    Mya (heartless_angel) is in the elevator of the tower with Snow, Lightning, Akira, and Grey.
    Mia (Aerith G.) is with Leo and Ryou.


    "AGH!" Cid yelled as he hit the ground, making a cloud of dirt rise up. "That hurt more than it should have..." He thought as he stood up. His body was bruised and cut from the fall and his right arm seem dislocated, but the bruises and cuts disappeared as he stood up; being a Crystal l'Cie had its perks.. He grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand and popped it back into place. The loud crack made him groan and shiver. Dusting himself off, he muttered, "I should have gone Crystal." He looked around. He knew the group he was looking for, Snow and Lightning's so called apprentices, were nearby, but he couldn't see them. I hope they haven't reached the springs already... He reached up to his goggles and pushed them back onto his head. He looked up at the sky, waiting for Freyja to arrive. The immense height of Taejin's Tower stood in the way of the sun. From the bottom, he couldn't even see the apex.

    Beeep. Snow's fists have never clenched so quickly as they did when the elevator stopped and beeped. "We're here," he said, taking on a serious tone and face, rarely seen on the blond hero's visage. "Everyone ready? It's hero time!" But his signature grin and attitude broke through as the door opened and the sun broke through. "Let's go!" He charged outside into the apex, not knowing what to expect.

    Jenny heard the elevator, but she would have known that the elevator had arrived without hearing it. She waited for Lightning's group to come out into the open and see her, perfectly healthy. With her back still to the elevator, she watched Noah with an innocent smile on her face, but a devious stare.

    "Good," Leo said, smiling at Ryou. They and Mia were about to enter the tunnel linking the canyon to the Sulyya Springs.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey took off directly behind Snow, sword in hand. He kept silent as he wanted to save all his witty comments for when the enemy appeared. Things feel so calm... He thought to himself, as the light touched his skin feeling oddly cold to him. He did his best to shrug it off, figuring it must have been nothing more than a hint of anxiety. Grey came to an abrupt halt when he saw Jenny's figure up ahead. "Jenny?" He hadn't expected her to look perfectly alright...or at least that's what it looked like to him.
  9. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Elevator's gone. I just missed them then. Omega thought to himself. He and Shinryu stopped over by the stairs with the missing elevator. While there, he looked up towards the apex. "My, do they have no idea what they got themselves into," he commented.

    When they got to the ground floor, he found this place vaguely familiar. There was just something about all the engravings, the lights, the monsters, and even that soundboard that seemed to have no end. As they took a pause by the stairs, Shinryu stared at Omega's face. He always had this calm, serious look on him, but his eyes showed a glimmer of ferocity. Something monstrous and fierce that he's been holding back. The brand over his eye didn't help much to cover it up. He jerked his head in question at Omega's comment.

    He felt the boy's eyes gazing at him. "Rampant fal'Cie. And that's never good. There should be another one somewhere..." he answered, turning his head toward Shinryu. I can't take him with me or he'll become just like me. Nor can I let Cid get his hands on him or he'll end up returning to his old state. No...he needs to be with someone who knows what it's like and what it means to be human. Someone to give him that chance I'll never have. He took his eyes off Shinryu as his mind continued to wander. In a dream during his crystal sleep, he recalls seeing a boy who looked just like Shinryu. He didn't catch the name, but he remembered that the other boy was with Lightning. "Lightning..." he whispered to himself. The answer was very clear now.
  10. Black_Star Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 30, 2010
    Noah heard the beep of the elevator from his seated position next to Jenny and he looked happily from her, to the elevator, to her, and the elevator once again seeing the people emerge. When he heard one of the men call Jenny's name his ears perked up and he stared "Hello!" he called to them long and drawn out with a big smile on his face and a warm waving hand. "Who are you guys? What are you doing here? My name is Noah, Noah Kent and this is Jenny, she's really pretty but you seem to already know her."

    At that, Noah stood up and brushed himself off and leaned in to whisper in Jenny's ear "Are these the bad guys? If I beat them up, will I be a hero? I think i can take them all on with my new powers, Do they have powers?" He pulled away from her ear and stood smiling happy as ever staring at these new guests.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Akira stared at Jenny, having run after Snow too and stopped behind him, her hand resting on her gunblade. "Light...what's...who is he?"

    Lightning kept her face impassive as she followed everyone out. Stopping beside Akira and Grey. Pulling out her gunblade she kept it as a gun and pointed it at Noah, "Snow...this boy. Could he have been taken by Omega too? Rgh, you, little boy! What're you doing up here with Jenny?" Her instincts told her what he was whispering couldn't have been praise about them. Something's not right here. Can Snow sense it too, or is he too preoccupied that she looks like Serah. At that thought, Lightning refocused her eyes on Jenny, "Are you alright, Jenny?"
  12. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: lol, I laughed at the Rock Lee thing, although Bushy Brow was actually my regular nick name for a long time when I made this account lol. I have really bushy eye brows lol... part of being Mediterranean lol

    "Stupid... Chocobos..." Jaden panted. "Why are they so hard... to catch... Jeez..."
    He continued his jog, he figured he must be getting close by now. If what Lynnea had said when he got back home was correct, he had only just missed the others.
    So why was it taking him this long to catch them?
    "I blame the Chocobo detour... I should have just ran from the beginning."
    At last he saw some figures in the distance, it looked like they were about to enter the tunnel linking the canyon to the Sulyya Springs.
    "That must be the group going to warn Cocoon." Jaden realised. He'd only heard vague details about the current situation.
    In all honesty, he would have much preferred to kick some butt with Lightning and Snow's group, but at least he had found people now.
    "Hey!" He yelled out to them, his tiredness disappearing as he broke into a sprint to cover the remaining distance between him and them.
    "I guess there is no rest for heroes." He said to himself in a way he could imagine Snow saying it.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou stopped walking as his presence of stopping suddenly was a change to the others and he held his hand loosely by his katana but then a human voice resounded and he turned his head, seeing someone actually running towards them in avery fats sprint, almost if the group right now was his only hope in his sights.

    "Looks like it's just Jaden." He said as he kept his hand on the hilt, he remembered Light's words. "Never let your guard down, even if you're with allies, an attack can come from any direction to you must expect it." Light's words said within his memory.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mia scoffed and looked away, "We better hurry. Snow and Lighting are counting on us." She still wasn't used to calling them that, but she started to like it. Gripping her spear, Mia looked around for any monsters. She sighed and rubbed the back of her head.
  15. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Freyja flew through the air, her stoic expression remained unchanged even though she was falling several feet up and unlike her traveling companion Cid, she landed cleanly on the ground below, her feet softy touching down on the turf below as clean and fluid like as if she were sinking down into watery depths.
    "So should our welcoming party be coming soon?
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Well, aren't you as graceful as a goat," Cid remarked as he saw Freyja land on her feet. He looked around and pointed towards a tunnel that would lead to hot springs. "My guess is that they're headed that way. We don't want to lose them, so," he turned his point to a wave, "ladies first. Let's go find us some new tools."


    "Jaden!" Leo was surprised to see their friend from Oerba there. "I thought you were traveling?" It had been weeks since Jaden departed from Oerba, stopping his training under Lightning and Snow. "It can't be coincidence that you just happened to be here," Leo said as he smiled at his friend. He reached up to his neck where the revolverish hilt of his Gunblade was sticking out from his shirt and moved the hilt to the other side.

    "You cannot defeat them yet, and they are your new allies," Jenny told Noah as she smiled at him and turned around to face her 'saviors.' "Hello, Snow, Lightning," she smiled at them and did a quick twirl. "Jenny? Oh, you mean this vessel?" She gestured towards her body with a confused expression, genuinely unsure of how to answer. "Jenny has not been alright for decades, dear children. Her body is now mine to use." She eyed Snow with disappointment, Lightning with a smile, and the apprentices with confusion. "I was told there would be more of you? Well, I suppose it's of little importance as my wonderful Crystal l'Cie shall bring the rest to me."

    Snow had no idea what was going on. He stepped forward, and shrugged as he raised his hands. "What...what are you talking about?"

  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Yeah." Jaden laughed, "You know me, can't stick around one place for too long. Felt like an adventure and that it would be some good experience... although I won't go into detail about nearly being gored by a behemoth... twice..., anyway long story short, nothing really happened on my journey and I missed all the fun with you guys. I get back to find I had just missed you.
    I shoulda stayed. Lynnea filled me in vaguely and told me you guys had quite the party while I was away. So I took off after ya.
    And well... here I am.
    So... spill, how are you guys? and the old lady and old geezer?"
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Snow and Lighting are alright. But we're wasting time here, we have to getting." Mia said, starting to walk. "You guys better hurry to Cocoon. The people there need to know there's danger probably coming their way."
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning shivered at that smile. Jenny...wasn't Jenny? "Who are you!?" she snarled, turning her gun from Noah to 'Jenny'.

    Akira stood still, a little boy was guarding Jenny with no Crystal l'Cie? And she'd been looking forward to kicking some Crystal l'Cie butt. "I don't get then...Jenny wasn't alive after all?"
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Not good. Grey's grip tightened on his sword, knowing the group had been lead straight into a trap of some sort. From the girl's words it sounded as if something else was inside her. While in the back of his mind he doubted such a thing was possible he soon realized that everything else he's seen before could have been just as unbelievable. Do we fight...? He asked himself silently. "I wonder what's in that girl. A Fal'cie?"
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