Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2010.

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  1. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "So... the legendary Guardian even assisted Spira in death. Why am I not surprised..." Daichi said with a slight smirk as he watched one of his hero's start to shimmer with Pyreflies right in front of him.

    He listened to Auron's words intently. "Thank you. For everything." he said to him.
    He would never ever forget what the man had done for him.

    OOC: [video=youtube;14gA4R4e-cU][/video]
    had to include this for his sending... it was impossible for me not to.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The scenery changed as everyoen stood upon the airship which left Sin's mouth a sthe monster burst into a sea of flame all across the night sky, SIn was finally gone as the Aeons were slowly becomign pryeflies a sthe Sending continued and in gagazet, Tidus's bubble popped as he looked at his hands, seeing them become see through and looked at Yuna who shook her head.

    "Yuna, I have to go.... I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand...Goodbye!" Tidus said to her and walked forwards, past Yuna.

    "Hey!" Wakka called out as Kimarhi watched Yuna run towards Tidus. "Yuna!"
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna ran toward Tidus, hoping that she was seeing wasn't true. She held out her arms as she neared him, only to fall through him and fall down. Lukya felt tears fall down her face as she watched, holding Daichi.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi held Lukya close as he watched Tidus start to fade...
    he had known this time was coming.
    But... he still didn't feel prepared for the actual disappearance.
    "Tidus!" He called out.
    "You proved yourself as a Guardian... maybe even the best there ever was!" He told him, before giving him a final nod.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean beside Rikku, watching Tidus's whole body startign to fade in and out when the blonde turned to catch Yuna only to pass through him.

    "...." Dean remained silent.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kari sighed and looked away, the pyreflies flew into the sky and vanished. Yuna stood up and tried not to cry as she softly said the one thing she never told him, "I love you........" Lukya smiled and wiped her tears.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo watched an remained silent. There was nothing he could do or say to stop Tidus from fading away
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Tidus was trying his very best not to cry as he walked behind yuna to embrace her even though he continued to fade and brathed upon her one last time as he passed through her and broke into a sprint and jumped off the airship into the sea of flames as the blonde passed Braska, Auron and saw Jecht extending his hand and Tidus slapped it.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The airship flew the remaining party to Luca where Yuna and Ryo were both praised as High Summoners for defeating Sin together. Yuna was to give a speech to tell the people of Spira the news, but she was out on the port, whistling loudly when Lulu came up behind her, "Yuna, it's time." Yuna sighed and turned, following her black mage guardian.

    In the stadium, gripping the replica earring and necklace, Yuna looked at the people who gathered in the stadium and spoke, "Everyone..... everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody..... Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again." The crowd cheered loudly, Yuna continued, "Working together..... Now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so lets start out today."

    Turning back to her guardians, each one gave a nod or something kind of approval, Yuna smiled and turned back to the crowd, "Just one more thing...... The people and the friends we have lost or the dreams that have faded...... Never forget them."


    OOC: So, we end the story of Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Tidus's form was curled up in the water as he strenched out and grinend as he swam upwards to the surface, with a huge grin plastering on his face.

    OOC: You really thought we'd end on that note? Now it's really the end of this story...or maybe, one ending is really a new start to another one's story, you'll have to discover that in the Eternal Calm, the prequel to the the next story, through the eyes of one female High Summoner, Yuna.


  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OOC: I'll post the Eternal Calm tomorrow, so are you asking to have this locked up that we're finished.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC; perhaps so lol oh and I did one last thing...
  13. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    It was an honour to RP Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers with you.
    Onto the next one, I wish us the best success :)

    It's fitting to end with this as well I think:
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    OOC: and what happened to high summoner Ryo? Well...

    BIC: Standing near the edge of a cliff as the wind blew past his cape stood high summoner Ryo staring down at the beauty of Spira "it over...I dedicated my life to defeating Sin and have finally prevailed. Now a new journey begins. Out there in Spira...I will find the answers of what I shall do with my life" Ryo said with a smile as he turned away from the cliff and began to walk away. As he walked away he suddenly stopped once he heard the crackling of thunder behind him. "what the?" Ryo yelled as he turned around only for a yell of pain to echo in the area
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OOC: Here is the prequel to the next chapter of Yuna's story, The Eternal Calm.

    BIC: The sun was shining on the island of Besaid, the home of the High Summoner Yuna, who defeated the being called Sin two years previous. Though the cost of defeating Sin caused her to lose someone important, Yuna kept hope and tried to live the life she gave up as a summoner. At the moment, she was training to be a blitzball player like three of her guardians, counting to herself in her head underwater, ’37…… 38……. 39…….. 40…….. 41………..’

    Unable to hold her breath anymore, Yuna swam to the surface and gasped, looking at the sky. She smiled and said, “2 minutes, 41 seconds. My longest yet.†“Yuna!†A man’s voice shouted to her. “It’s time!†Yuna turned to face the man who walked onto the beach.

    “Coming!†She shouted back, as she swam to the shore, the man crossed his arms and smiled. Once she had gotten on shore and dried herself, he said, “You’re diving like a real pro, ya?†“You’ll always be the pro, Wakka,†she said, walking up to the former couch and captain of the Besaid Aurochs. Wakka shook his head and said, “I dunno. It’s been so long since I trained.â€

    “You have gotten a little chubby.†Yuna smiled, poking his stomach, Wakka looked embarrassed and laughed with her, Yuna continued, “And you’re not even the one having the baby!†Sometime after the Eternal Calm started, Wakka and another guardian of Yuna’s, Lulu, got married and now were expecting a child. Wakka turned around and sighed, then ran off to the village. Yuna remained on the beach and looked out at the ocean.

    ‘It’s been two years….’ She thought to herself. ‘I’ve learned how to hold my breath for more than two minutes now. It takes more than psychical strength….. and there are some tricks you can’t be taught. It took practice. Lots and lots of practice. I just had to keep trying until I figured it for myself. You know what? Back then, I didn’t think there were any tricks to it at all. I didn’t have time to think. An eternal calm. A slightly chubby Wakka and my 2 minutes, 41 seconds. It’s not much…. But it’s enough.’

    Yuna left the beach and headed for the village, smiling. As she neared the village, Yuna looked up at the cliff which surrounded the path. She smiled, remembering another guardian who left the island to see the world. She hadn’t forgotten that day, and thought back to it. But she sighed and entered the village, heading for the temple.

    Standing in the doorway, Yuna looked inside. She saw Wakka talking to an elderly man who lived in the village and walked inside the temple. Though most of the temples were in decline because the Fayth were gone and there was no longer need for them, some people used them. As Yuna walked straight Wakka and the elderly man, she kept to herself. She stopped a few feet from them and they looked at her, the elderly man did the prayer gesture and walked up to her with Wakka behind him. “Lady Yuna, it is a pleasure to meet you.†He said. “I heard your speech two years ago in the stadium. But seeing you this close, you look so much more---- I mean, you’re truly beautiful.â€

    “That’s very kind of you to say.†Yuna said, the elderly man said, “The reason I’ve come here today is talk to you about my grandson. He’s joined the Youth League, you see. I’ve nothing against the League, mind you. It’s just me and the missus belong to New Yevon. My grandson used to attend all the party meetings…. With his parents, of course. That is, until one day…… I’m sure being around people his age can’t be bad for the boy. Still, I’m worried about him. I feel, oh, how shall I say this….. like our grandchildren are moving too quickly.â€

    ‘In the last two years, many groups have been springing up all over,’ Yuna thought to herself. ‘Everyone wants to be part of a new age. Everyone wants to build a new age. Everyone wants to build a new Spira. And they’re all racing to find their own way to do it.’ “I only want what’s best for him,†The elderly man said, “but it troubles me when we agree on so little.â€

    ‘People have different ideas,’ Yuna continued to think. ‘And sometimes, they disagree on the right thing to do. Some people worry about what the new age will bring. Sometimes, I worry too. I just have to tell myself that for now….. I’m doing the right thing.’ She turned to the elderly man and told him, “I understand how you feel. But Tasgio, maybe you should try talking to your grandson first. He may walk a different path…… but I’m sure he wants the same for Spira as we all do.†Soon, they began to talk about how Tasgio would talk to his grandson.

    After the talk in the temple, Yuna walked out of the village and was near the waterfalls; Wakka followed her and shouted, “Hey there!†Yuna turned to him, and asked, “What is it? Another visitor?†“No, no. I just wanted to chat, ya?†Wakka said, walking onto one of the bridges. “It’s just the old folks in the villages, they’d like to see you get, y’know----“ “And who is it this time?†Yuna asked, having turned back around. Wakka turned to her, and said, “Well, they’re saying it’s the son of the Chairman of New Yevon, ya?†“Tell them no.†Yuna said simply. “He would only use me, after all.â€

    Wakka facepalmed and sighed, “Right, I’m sorry.†Yuna suddenly thought of something and ran to Wakka, she said, “Don’t worry. I’ll go tell them myself.†“No, no, you leave that to me, ya?†Wakka said. “You really don’t want to see them, anyway. You know how they get.†“Yeah……†Yuna nodded. A young man’s voice shouted to them, “Lady Yuna!†A young man ran up to them.

    “Lady Yuna, allow me to introduce myself.†He said, in-between gasps for breath. “My name is Yaibal. I’ve come on Youth League business! I bring a message for you from our leader, Meyvn Nooj.†“She’s not interested in joining, ya?†Wakka said, Yaibal was surprised, “Oh?†“Is that why you’ve come?†Yuna asked, and he answered, “That is correct, my lady.†“I’m sorry, but I won’t be joining any group,†she said, standing behind Wakka, then walked away, Yaibal ran up to Wakka and said, “Perhaps the lady will start a group of her own?â€

    “Leave us. Please.†Yuna said, before hearing two familiar voices, “Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!†“Yuna! Wakka!†Two young Al Bhed girls ran up to them, the two of them led Yuna and Wakka to the ship they used to get to the island. Yuna smiled, thinking to herself, ‘Rikku and Kari sometimes visit us here in Besaid. The two of them have been traveling around Spira……. Salvaging ancient machina and teaching people how to use them. It’s tiring work, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at them. I also heard Kari’s been getting a lot of gift from the other high summoner, Ryo, for some reason.’

    Rikku was a fun time poking Wakka’s chubby stomach while Yuna and Kari talked about the latest gift Ryo sent her. “Hey, cut it out!†Wakka shouted at the young blond haired Al Bhed, turning away in embarrassment. Rikku smiled, “Love’s sure got a handle on you!†“Like you’re one to talk, Rikku,†Kari said. “What about that last conversation you had with Dean on the Commsphere?†“Kari!!!!!!†Rikku shouted, embarrassed as Wakka, Yuna giggled while Kari asked, “So, where’s Lulu?†Wakka turned to them, “Back in the village. Go say hi, ya?†“You betcha!†Rikku and Kari said at the same time, they turned to look at Yuna, Rikku said, “And Yuna, you….. seem the same as always.†“Yeah, same as always.†Yuna said. She looked up into the sky, covering her eyes from the sun.

    “Is Kimahri still on Mt. Gagazet?†Wakka asked the two girls, Kari nodded and Rikku said, “Yeah! He’s been up there teaching the orphaned Ronso all kinds of stuff! He’s like this big guru now.†“Oh, yeah, that reminds me.†Kari said, nodding at Rikku, who began to look for something in her shorts. “We got something for you.â€

    “Hmm, where is it, where is it……..†Rikku said to herself, looking for the said object. “Here we go.†She pulled out a weird looking sphere, Kari said, “Kimahri found it up on the mountain.†“A sphere?†Yuna said in surprise, Wakka said, “Funny looking design, ya?†“You better take a good look, Yuna.†Kari said as Rikku placed the sphere down and played it back.

    The screen was a bit fuzzy, but what caught Yuna’s attention was the voice that echoed into the sphere and the image that appeared, “No, I’m not sorry! I haven’t done anything wrong! I know you’re listening! If she was your girl, what would you do? How can you blame me for trying to use your weapon? It was the only way I could save the summoner! What would you do if you were me? Let me out! I want to see her……..â€

    ‘It was a voice from the past…….’ Yuna thought to herself. ‘No, it was a voice that’s never left me.’ “What is it?†Wakka asked. “What’s he doing? I mean, is that really him? Is that… is he…. What’s going on?†“We’re not sure.†Rikku said. “But you wanna find out, don’tcha?â€

    “Well, yeah, but ----“ “Yes!†Yuna said immediately, Kari smiled as Rikku said, “Let’s go, then!†“Go where?†Yuna asked, Kari sighed and said, “Well, that’s the tricky part.†“I know!†Rikku said. “Kimahri found the sphere. Lets go talk to him!†“Whoa, whoa.†Wakka said, stretching his head. “You sure you’re ready to just run off? Can’t you wait until we find a little more first?†“And just who’s supposed to do the finding out?†Kari asked.

    “Leave that to us!†A familiar voice said, it was Yaibal who had somehow gotten on the boat, he said. “I’m sure Meyvn Nooj will agree to help. In fact, I volunteer to ask him myself!†“Beat it, ya?†Wakka said to him, Yaibal said, “Understood! I shall return as soon as possible with a full report of our investigation!†He left, Rikku said, “Well, look, Kari and I really want Yuna to go.†“She can’t do that,†Wakka said, Kari asked, “Why not?â€

    “Because she’s booked solid for three month, ya!†he said, trying to think of something. “And everyone wants to see her.†“Yeah, well what about what she wants?†Kari asked, Wakka sighed, “Well, yeah, but…… Okay, maybe once things calm, y’know?â€

    “And what if they don’t, Wakka?†Rikku said. “What then, huh? Neither Kari nor I believe it! After everything Yuna did for us! Why can’t she just do what she wants do now? Why? You know, every time Kari and I visited here, we both wondered……. Why is it, that when everyone’s out making their dreams happen….. and everyone’s getting their chance……. Yuna’s dreams are on hold?†“Gee, it’s not like-------“ Wakka was cut off by Rikku, “What do you know, anyway, tubby?†While Rikku’s new nickname for Wakka was Kari’s mind, she turned to Yuna and said, “Yuna?â€

    “I want…….†Yuna started to say. She thought to herself, ‘I want to journey again. But…… if I leave, I’ll be disappointing everyone else.’ “I want…….†She said again, then remembered something he once said, “What’s the point of pretending to be all grown up……. If it’s means the things I want to say never get said? How am I supposed to change anyway?†Yuna gave a small nod and turned to them, she said, “I’ll go.†While Kari and Rikku gave a breath of relief, Wakka shouted in surprise, “Yuna!â€

    “I know it’s selfish, but this is my story……†she said, Rikku smiled, “Right on! I knew you’d would say that, so Kari and I brought something just for the occasion!†“Gimme a break.†Wakka said, facepalming again. Kari and Rikku tried to look for the item, Kari said, “First, a costume change. You do need a new look. You are a celebrity, so incognito’s the way to go.â€

    “Wait, you three!†Wakka said. “I’ll go get Lu!†He left, Yuna thought to herself, ‘An eternal Calm. A slightly chubby Wakka and my 2 minutes, 41 seconds. It’s not much….. but it’s enough. Still…… it’s okay to want more, isn’t it?’ Turning to Kari and Rikku, she said, “Rikku, Kari, lets leave! Lets leave right now!â€

    “Alright, then, we need to stop in Guadosalam.â€
    Kari said, following her inside the ship, Rikku smiled and nodded as the ship prepared to leave. Yuna thought about who was in Guadosalam, two of her guardians, the young female leader of the Guado and her half-Ronso protector. The ship stopped in the North Bank of the Moonflow first, then the three girls stepped into the city of Guadosalam.

    They all looked in surprise at the city, Kari was the first to speak, “Is it me or does Guadosalam seem a little less Guado?†“It isn’t you, Kari,†Yuna said. “Despite their leader’s attempts, the Guado are now hiding in the forest of Macalania for fear of the Ronso who want revenge.†“Well, lets go see how the little princess and her mighty protector are doing, then, shall we?†Kari said, heading for the manor. Yuna and Rikku followed her.

    Inside the manor foyer, a young fifteen year old girl with short light blue hair was looked to be praying at two pictures of past Guado leaders. Beside her was a young man with white skin and gray fur, Rikku smiled and shouted, “Hey, Lukya! Daichi!†The two turned to them and smiled, walking up to them. Lukya hugged Yuna and smiled; Yuna smiled and hugged her back. They went into the living room and Lukya asked, “What brings you all here?†“Well, we wanted to see how you and Daichi were doing living together, little princess,†Kari said, putting her hand on Lukya’s head.

    Rikku smiled and took the sphere, “And to show you guys this!†She showed them the sphere, Lukya and Daichi watched in surprise. “So are you going to join us?†Kari asked, Lukya and Daichi looked at each other, they smiled and looked at the trio. “You bet!†The group left the manor, and as Yuna was about to take the lead, she tripped over something.

    When she looked up, everyone gasped, Yuna didn’t trip over something, but over someone. There was a little girl asleep where Yuna fell; she had long light purple hair, apparently from her two ponytails and was holding a white machina dragon. Everyone had a surprise look on their faces, when Yuna touched her, she woke up. “Mama……….†She said softly and fell back asleep in Yuna’s arms.

    Everyone was in shock, but Yuna didn't seem to mind and smiled, holding the girl in her arms. She smiled, “Well, lets go!†Kari, Rikku, Lukya, and Daichi smiled. Hiding behind a pillar, a cloaked figure watched them; it smiled and whispered quietly, “So, a high summoner becomes a sphere hunter to find a person who disappeared two years ago, huh? This should be interesting.†The figure walked away, disappearing.

    OOC: Disclaimer: Besides Lukya and Kari, I own nothing else in this. The male OCs belongs to the three people whom I had honor of rpging this story with. The little girl will play a key role in the next story:

    Character Name: Aqua
    Age: 6/?????
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Dream Giver
    Ultimate Dressphere: Dark Musician
    Bio: A strange little girl who is never seen without her white dragon machina. She clings to Yuna because she reminds her of her mother. The Gullwings believe her parents are musicians due to the fact her only memory of her father playing some kind of organ and bright lights. She gets a headache whenever she watches the sphere.
    Weapon: Boomerang

    This character I couldn't find a place for, but he will also play a important role:

    Character Name: Lockon
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Guado, Half-Human
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dressphere: N/A
    Bio: A guest engineer to the Gullwings when he met Lady Yuna, then he asked to join full time. When asked why, he said he wanted to fulfill his late father's wish of traveling Spira with a well-celebrity, and Brother immediately made him the bodyguard and protector of Yuna since she was the high summoner. Lockon is quite knowledgeable since he was a former scholar of Yevon who left when he discovered the truth. He respects and honors Lukya as the Guado leader and has faith in her choice of a lover. Aqua's machina pet seems to like to bite his hand, while he hides his guado features with machina.
    Weapon: Dual-bladed sword.

    Here's Kari's and Lukya's updated profiles:

    Character Name: Kari
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half-Al Bhed, Half-Human
    Default Dressphere: Ninja
    Ultimate Dressphere: Mecha-Fighter
    Bio: Former guardian of High Summoner Yuna and host of the Final Aeon for High Summoner Ryo. During the past two years, Kari has been traveling Spira with Rikku to find and salvage ancient machina. However, while visiting one of her former teammates, Kimahri, who gave her and Rikku a strange sphere with the most strangest image inside, Kari and Rikku raced to Besaid to show Yuna.
    Weapon: Hand Claw, katana

    Character Name: Lukya
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Guado
    Bio: Another of Yuna's former guardians as well as the only former living Maester. She's the leader of her people, the Guado, and lives in Guadosalam with her protector and lover, a half Ronso named Daichi. Trying to convince the other races of Spira of how her people were before her late half-brother, Seymour, became a Maester, Lukya immediately leaves with her friends and lover on a new adventure of finding a certain someone.
    Default Dressphere: Machina-Wielder
    Ultimate Dressphere: Guado Flux
    Weapon: Machine Gun

    Now lets us begin the next chapter.
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