Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean turned aroudn to hear Yuna and he was hugged by Rikku. "Hey, whoa." he said as he hugged Rikku back, he didn't notice what she was wearing but heard Kari as he looked at her.

    "Oh the same as always, helping out towns, drifting here and there." Dean said in response and let go of Rikku as Yuji looked at him. "And this is?" he asked and Dean gave a grin. "Another of Yuna's former guardians." He said and Yuji blinked. "But your hair was white wasn't it?"

    Dean let go and looked at Yuji. "It's always the same question... man, is dark blue hair a real surpise? ANyway, no, my hair is always this color but an incident happened, gave me a power, lost it during the battle with Sin, damn that armor I wore was heavy, I'm glad I'm wearing this outfit now." Dean counted his blessings.

    "Then your the one Rikku calls?" he asked and Dean nodded. "What can I say, she worries where I end up drifting next." He turned hsi head to her and saw her outfit and he blushed. "...Okay, seeing Rikku wear that attire wasn't what I was expecting." he thought, if he were like two years ago, he'd have a nosebleed but since two years, he's matured more.

    "What about you Daichi, still facing Lukya's dreaded paperwork with her?" He teased imeediately, every important figure knew the bane of paperwork.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Actually, no. Daichi and I are part of the Gullwings, a sphere hunting group." Lukya said, smiling. Kari smiled and said, "I'm sure you and Wakka are wondering the same thing about these yellow ribbons Yuna, Rikku, Lukya, Daichi, and I have on our left arms. Like we can forget the one guy who helped us make this all possible. Man, I miss him."

    "Did Wakka tell you about the sphere Rikku and Kari found?" Yuna asked as she headed for the hut where Lulu was waiting for them.
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Heh." Daichi gave him a friendly punch on the arm.
    "The paper work is huge... between that and stopping oncoming Ronso's from trying to break into the mansion etc. Me and Lukya haven't had much time off at all. It's nice to be out journeying again though. Of course, wherever Lukya goes, I go." he told his old friend.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Wakka did say something like that but he was msotly concerned about you going off with Rikku, besides, the tubby as Rikku calls him asks me for advice about how eh shoudl act like a father." Dean just shrugged his shoulders. "I did tell him to just be himself and he'll find the answer or as one man said 'look not to others for answers-' Whoa!" He said as Rikku was dragging him by his scarf to somewhere private perhaps.

    "I'll try and catch up with you all later!" He managed to say as they left the town's gates abeit unwillingly on Dean's part.

    "Is he always like that?" Yuji had to ask, it was kind of hard to believe that he was a guy who was confident and witty from what the people say.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Nah, that's just what he is like when he is around Rikku." Daichi told Yuji, patting him on the back before following Yuna to Lulu's hut.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yup, that's Dean." Yuna said, smiling and entered the hut. Lulu looked up and smiled, "Welcome back." "Hi, Lulu." Yuna smiled at her.


    Rikku stretched after she dragged Dean away from the village. "It's so good to see you again, Dean. Brother constanly worries when I call you on the Commsphere."
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji just nodded went to look aroudn the village


    Dean breathed for air as he heard her. "Really, what does your mohawk sibling worry about?" He asked her, straighting his blue scarf as he looked at her.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Just who is I'm talking to and all. Guess he doesn't know you're the same person we saved two years ago." Rikku smiled and turned to him. "You know, I was kinda hoping you, Tuddy, and Lulu would be wearing yellow ribbons too. Since, you know. You guys also knew him." Rikku smiled and touched her ribbon, remembering the young man who traveled with them two years ago.


    "So tell us about the baby! It's gonna be born soon, right?" Lukya asked, Lulu smiled and shook her head, "Hm. Not yet. Wakka's getting a little ahead of himself." "Aw, bummer." Kari said, disappointed, Lulu stood up and asked, "So, care to go for a little walk?" "Can you?" Yuna asked, worried about her condition, Lulu said, "I could use the exercise. Come on." She led them to the summit of the hill, while Lukya admired the view of the village, Lulu decided to talk Yuna. "So, what's so important that you'd run off without telling us?" she asked, Yuna simply said, "This." She showed Lulu the sphere, Lulu looked at it, she said, "The sphere. Wakka told me about it."

    Yuna played back the footage on the sphere, she risked it since whenever Aqua watches it, she gets a terrible headache. The footage showed a young man who looked similar to the young man who traveled with Yuna, Rikku, Lukya, Daichi, Dean, Wakka, Kari, Lulu, and Kimahri two years ago. Kari said, "Kimahri said he found it on Mt. Gagazet."

    "It does look like him. Though something seems a little off." Lulu said, Yuna stopped the sphere when she saw Aqua a little pale, Lulu asked, "Have you found anything?" "Nothing. But there's still lot of places we haven't looked yet." Yuna said, Lulu smiled, "Must be fun, being free to go where you please." "It is fun, I never expected a journey quite like this." Yuna smiled back, holding Aqua's hand, Lulu said, "I'm not there, so you can spread your wings."

    "Maybe." Yuna said, Lulu sighed and smiled, "You have spread your wings. Well, good luck. But, Yuna, never forget who you are." Yuna had a bit of a puzzled look when Lulu said and listened as she continued, "Along with Ryo, you're the high summoner that defeated Sin. There are those who would use that, Yuna." "I'll be all right. I won't let myself be used anymore. Not by anyone."
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Standing outside in the ruins of Mt.Gagazet stood Ryo and Gilgamesh with their arm crossed gazing out at the scenery "still thinking about the girl?" Gilgamesh asked

    "huh? yeah I guess, you see somebody you haven't seen or talked to for 2 years and she is to busy to stay talk...or in our position fight" Ryo said and closed his eyes "but then again if she is happy with the Gullwings then I guess I am" Ryo said opening his eyes and looked up at the sky "had I known about the side effects...would I have wielded you... dark sword Arondight?" Ryo said
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean laughed a little. "Silly, I do wear a bit of yellow on my belt, I wouldn't forget that guy even if I was given a million gil." He said to her and breathed. "It's not suprsing he's worried, after the airship dropped us all off at Luuca for Yuna's speech, after it, my hair was changing back and guns I used no longer worked, not to mention the armor became too heavy since it was a part of Skeith."

    Dean rubbed his hair and stood beside her. "Of course, I know you taken those guns since you and Brother were always so eager to learn it's origins and how it worked, if I recall, you once said they've are powered by one of your sphere now as an alternative source." Dean said thoughtfully, he never knew it but Rikku used those guns in her Gunner dressphere and during the two years, Dean stumbled upon some ruins no-one in Spira knew about, sure there wasn't any spheres but he found a surprise, his old guns which were still working and he found the monowheel parts 2 months after that discovery and restored it.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Rikku smiled, "Well, one of the main goals of the Gullwings is trying to find him, because of that sphere we found. Did you happen to see the concert in Luca?" She decided to show him her versions of his old guns and changed her dressphere. She showed him the gun, the daggers were a bit shorter and colored in light red.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I couldn't unfortunately, the stadium was packed and also, someone in Luca asked me to take care of a few fiends on the road since it had been bothering him." Dean reposnsed and saw her new change, but in a few seconds, while she changed, she was coated in a crystal-like substance before taking her new form. "So that's what you did with them."
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yup!!!!!!" Rikku smiled and tested out the guns on a nearby fiend. "So, will you be staying the night? I'm sure Lulu and Wakka asked you as they will ask us." Kari walked up and shouted at them, "Hey!!!!!!!!!!"
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Well, I got time until tomorrow since I gotta, you know, drift." He said to her, he hated to be the bearer of bad news even though they met for the first time in two years since Sin's defeat.

    "Besides, I don't think me joining the Gullwings will help much, one, your Brother might kill me for not being there for two years and two, there's always machina to dig up." He said to her.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "You lovers done catching up?" Kari asked, smiling. "Lulu wants us to spend the night. And Lukya really wants to test out our new dressphere tomorrow. So you coming Rikku?" Rikku blushed at the lovers comment, and shouted, "Yes, I'm coming!!!!!!!! Race you guys to the village!!" Kari smiled and ran to the village.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean chuckled lightly and walked, he was gonna let Rikku have her fun for now as he walked back in the village as Yuji was within the temple, examining the staues.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna was in the temple, praying at her father's statue. Lukya looked around, staring at the statues of the other High Summoners. She sighed and thought of her late half-brother, and looked at Yuna.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi had left the others after they entered the temple, he had walked along Besaid's pathways and made it to the beach.
    He stared out over the water at the horizon.
    I wonder... if me and Luna had made it off of the mountain, would we have ended up here. It's so peaceful here... and safe.. Even Lukya feels safer here...
    He had finally been able to let go of his past and accept what had happened to his twin sister Luna, two years ago after he had returned to Mt Gagazet as Team Besaid went through it to get to Zanarkand, he had faced his past demons and was able to break away from his former fate, thanks to the help of Kimahri... Lukya and the others.
    Also, having beaten Sin... he had technically gotten his revenge, even though in the end, he wasn't even fighting for it.
    The words his sister had made sure he remembered during his trial drifted into his mind.I fight for those I have lost, and for those I don't want to lose. His reason to fight...
    Even in death, Luna still had continued to help him and watch over him. He still found that his mind would wonder on some days, and thoughts of his sister would drift back into his mind.

    He sighed, and then thought of Lukya.It would be nice if me and Lukya could stay here after all of this is done... of course, I'm happy wherever she is.
    Other than Wakka and Lulu, he and Lukya were the only other couple who had actually spent their time together over the two years.

    He found himself glancing down at the yellow Ribbon tied around the bicep of his left arm.
    This is where they found you that time right? ...I wonder, what would you and Yuna be doing right now if you hadn't have disappeared? he spoke to his former fellow Guardian in his mind.
    We'll get you back, buddy... You can count on it.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Lukya left the temple and headed to the beach, she saw Daichi and walked up beside him. She smiled, looking out at the horizon. She wished in her heart that Seymour was still around and with her. Placing her hand over her heart, she sighed. Unlike her companions who had only yellow ribbons, she had intertwined her yellow ribbon with a blue one, she couldn't forget her brother or the man who she traveled with two years ago.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "...If... you could do anything, anything at all...
    say that... you didn't have to be leader of the Guado... not that you would change anything of course...
    ...but, just say it was so...
    What would you want to do?"
    Daichi asked her, not taking his eyes off the horizon before them.
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