Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "I am not a clown" Gilgamesh yelled out loud holding his head in frustration. Opening his eyes he looked around he noticed nobody was there except Enkidu "huh? that was strange. Hey faithful companion did you hear that?" Gilgamesh asked Enkidu who nodded. "it sounded like that furry guy voice" Gilgamesh said raised his fist "an invitation no less, let us answer it" Gilgamesh said as Enkidu nodded again
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Running out of Kari's arms, Lukya ran up beside Daichi. "Garik, if you are beaten by Daichi, then please let me make negotiations of peace between our people."
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Garik looked at the girl, glaring at her coldly. "Ronso hold anger no longer. Ronso youth fearless. Go to battle with
    Mountain tell Ronso to go!"
    he proclaimed loudly.

    [​IMG] Daichi spoke out, his voice still a growl. "Garik! The mountain doesn't want this! Our predecessors don't want this! After the events of two years ago, things were gonna change!"

    "Lies from weak Ronso! Filthy Half-Breed Scum!"

    [​IMG] Maylene called out from the airship. "Garik, you just don't get it! It's over! Certainly by now Daichi has proven that we Halflings are not weak!"

    "You think weak half-breed can hold Ronso anger with puny arms?"

    "We all know he can! Let him prove it!"

    "And I will! Once I do, you listen to what Lukya has to say!"

    "Very well, but Garik know Garik never fall!"

    Daichi held an arm out, gesturing Lukya to move back as the two squared off yet again.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya stepped back and stood with Kari, she stared at him. With a sigh, she hoped in her heart Daichi would beat him.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji watched the fight unfold. "Shouldn't we help?" He asked and Yuji shook his head. "Ronsos are always attached to the pride they share, so if anything, it's probably only Daichi who can stand on even grounds and shatterthat so called rageless pride that teh Ronso built up for two years, if this was left unchecked, The Guado could of very well been heading for a bloodshed."
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Then the reason Lukya came here by herself was to possibly prevent that bloodshed from happening." Yuna said, watching. "After all, she was only thinking of her people."


    Lukya and Kari watched as the two got ready to fight each other.
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi and Garik charged at each other.
    Garik seemed to have the edge, but of course... Daichi was exhausted and not in a top state.
    His blows pounded into Daichi as the Half-Ronso got knocked into a wall.
    Garik reared a huge fist back and sent it to Daichi's head.
    Daichi was just able to duck causing the big Ronso's attack to miss, him smashing his hand into the mountain.
    Garik, used White Wind on himself...
    Daichi not one to be left behind, decided he wouldn't hold back either.
    He however didn't heal himself, he instead went on the offensive, like he was known for. ...It was time to end it all.
    The years of hatred, the years of pain and suffering just for your own blood whether it was Guado, Ronso, Al-Bhed, Human or Halfling of any type.
    It would end with Daichi's next moves...
    Daichi was upon Garik immediately and used used Thrust kick to hit Garik in the stomach hard and send him flying into the mountain wall.
    Daichi then ran at him and rebounded off the mountain wall sending himself high into the air.
    "This is over Garik!"
    He unleashed a torrent of his most powerful Ronso Rage abilities, Fire Breath, Stone breath... any move that did damage.
    He then dropped back to earth.
    Garik was somehow still standing, but barely himself. He charged at Daichi.

    ... Daichi closed his eyes.
    When he next opened them, it was the deciding move of the battle.
    There was one Ronso Rage move that only he and Kimahri possessed. No other Ronso could use it.
    Daichi went into overdrive and cast his most powerful ability. The one learnt from Omega Weapon.
    Garik was hit to full effect by the powerful move instantly.
    Daichi turned his back on the battle, but he glanced over his shoulder at Garik... he clicked his fingers and ended the move prematurely so it wouldn't kill the Ronso Warrior, leaving him on the floor unable to move... just barely concious.
    Daichi looked at Lukya, before he dropped onto his knees, his head leaning back as he just stared at the mountain.
    So... Mount Gagazet... Would you say I won?
    That this time... I proved my strength... once and for all?


    Kimahri watched from a short distance away.
    ...The Halfling warrior he had journeyed with had come a long way from when the two had first met back on the Thunderplains all that time ago.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya walked up to him and smiled. Then she turned to Garik, she spoke, "Garik, let me clear things. First, neither me or my people had anything to do with my brother's actions two years ago. I was just as shocked and saddened as the rest of Team Besaid when I heard the news. Also, Lady Yuna, Kari, Rikku and I are personally witnessed with the other Ronso who were killed that Daichi had proved himself to be strong. I know you can't forgive my brother, but please, let us peace together. For the sake of the future."
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Garik feel hate, try to stop. But without path, hate is strong. Garik lost to hate. Garik rather unleash anger than go mad searching for path Garik cannot find!"

    [​IMG]Daichi still hadn't moved from his spot, he still stared up at the sky, hair covering his face, blood still dripping from his body, and caught in his fur. "...I once felt that way too... but you can find that path..."

    Kimahri also stepped in. "Kimahri tell Garik many times. Force not solve problems."
    "Then what good is power Ronso receive from mountain? Once Ronso train to defend Yevon sacred ground. But now summoners not come! Ronso power go to waste! Kimahri true elder? Then Kimahri answer Garik!"

    Kimahri simply stayed silent, however he looked to Daichi.

    "Then... if you cannot find your path on the mountain... the leave the mountain, and find your path...
    It's how I found mine. I would have destroyed myself with my own hatred if not for that path and those I found on it..."

    "Long journey teach Daichi and Kimahri more than icy mountain can."

    "Garik unsure..."

    "Let us think together. Kimahri is elder."

    Garik sighed from the ground and glanced at Daichi and Lukya "Elder right. Daichi right."

    Kimahri helped Garik stand up.

    "One Ronso problem is problem for all. All Ronso problem is problem for one."

    "One day Ronso path will be clear. This Kimahri believe."

    Garik looked at Lukya. "Ronso not forgive... never forgive... but Ronso make peace. One day Ronso understand...
    One day... Ronso be friend..."
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya nodded and smiled. "I hope one day we can be friends, Garik." Kari smiled and rubbed her hair. "Alright, lets head back."
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi stood, he tore off the tattered remnants of his coat and released them, letting them go flying off into the wind.
    He gave Kimahri a nod and looked Garik in the eye, allowing himself to be led back to the airship.
    Once onboard... Daichi had no need to worry about appearing weak. He had been holding on through pure strength of will and spirit.
    But now... he fell face forwards onto the hallway floor in the airship.
    He had a dream... a dream in which he saw Luna and all the Ronso who had perished. Smiling... and at peace.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya found Daichi in the hall, she smiled, changing to White Mage and healing, then got him to the relaxation room, laying him on a bed. She looked at him, holding his hand, thinking to herself, 'I hope you're having a good dream, Daichi.' She laid beside him and fell asleep, holding his hand. She also had a dream, a dream where Seymour was smiling at her, applauding her bravery.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    uji watched everying and sat at the bar soon afterwards, it appeared they were heading for the Mmonflow to isit the Tobili person then he had to guess Yuna was going to think up a song and it hit him. "Does Yuna even know any music?" He thought and remembered Leblanc posing as Yuna and sung and all Yuji did was facepalm himself. "Please sweet Spira, tell me Yuna knows something."
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna hummed a few bars of a song, Kari asked, "Wow, did you write that?" "It's more like I felt it. I can hear it echoing inside me." Yuna said, Aqua asked, "Lenne?" "I think so. I don't know much about her, but I'm learning more and more. Bits and pieces of her memories keep pouring in. It's like...t's like I can feel what she was feeling!" Yuna said, smiling. "I'd like it if you helped me with this concert, Aqua." Aqua smiled and nodded, Rikku said, "Thus shall Lenne's scattered thoughts be woven into bittersweet song...Something like that?"

    "Hey, that was poetic." Kari said. Rikku giggles, Paine said, "We'll be arriving soon. After Buddy drops us off, he and the others will go pick up the spectators." "So we won't be able to board for a while." Yuna figured, Paine nodded, "You got it."
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shogo listened to Rikku's answer. "I never took you for one to be poetic Rikku." He said and yuji chuckled silently. Shugo, they are women, they are one mystery man will never solve and perhaps for very good reason too."
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka lay in her bunk half listening to what everyone else was saying.
    She sighed...

    [​IMG] Maylene was working in the engine room to help out with the fact the engines nearly overheated as they had gone to save Lukya. She sighed contently, at last... it looked like everything had changed. For the better and this time, hopefully more of a permanent change.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Lockon watched Maylene as she helped with the engines. He sighed, fixing his glasses, remembering Kari saying for him to confess properly. "Hey, Maylene........... I like you. That's what I meant to say at Bevelle. I wasn't sure if you knew what I meant." He turned to his attention to the main engine and sighed.


    Lukya woke up and stayed by Daichi's side, holding his hand. She smiled and continued to lay beside him.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene looked up at him.
    "I like you too Lockon, why wouldn't I?" she laughed, (she genuinely didn't get what he meant... again. lol)
    She fiddled with something in the engine. "There we go! This baby is gonna puuuurr." she said, purring on the word purr herself.


    [​IMG] Daichi's eyes slowly opened...
    he ached a little, but he felt better, he wasn't covered in wounds anymore.
    Heh... I best thank Yuna later...
    He slowly sat up and looked down at himself. He had a number of light scars on his body and arms.
    And not that he could see it, but he had a small cross shape scar on his right cheek.
    It's safe to say, if it hadn't been for Yuna's healing, they would have been a lot worse.
    He looked at Lukya lying next to him and looking at him, and before she could say anything, he hugged her.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OOC: For the relevance of this scene: [video=youtube;OKlQ9_7A-Hc][/video]

    BIC: [​IMG] Lukya smiled and hugged him back. She sighed and held him close. Gently, she touched the scar on his right cheek and sighed.


    Lockon sighed, and smiled. He spoke to Brother and Buddy, "The engine is good to go." Brother shouted happily, Lockon sweat dropped and sighed. Rubbing his hair, he looked at Maylene. They arrived at the Thunder Plains, and met Tobli's Hypello, who told of a fiend scaring the viewers. Yuna went and defeated it on her own. Soon after, the plains were fulled of people from New Yevon and the Youth League, Guado, Al Bhed, and even Ronso. Yuna took a breath and walked with Aqua by her side.

    "One thousand years ago, before the time of Sin... Spira was torn in two, divided by a terrible war. This was Spira's great mistake. Out of the rift left by this terrible conflict, Sin was born. In only two short years, Spira has shaken off its unhappy past. We have moved on. Now, Spira grows brighter with each passing day. That light is our strength. I don't want to see it fade. Do you? There are so many of us, each with different ideas and different beliefs. Of course we sometimes disagree, and arguments will happen. But our hearts can and should always be one." Yuna said, suddenly another voice began to speak with hers. "Believe with me: Even if we're torn apart, our feelings will unite us. That's what this song is about."

    Softly, Yuna began to sing, as she sang, everyone in the audience started to calm down and put their anger aside. While Yuna sang, the rain began to slow down and stop altogether. Everyone in the audience and those who watched on the airship were amazed, Aqua remained by her side. The area changed into Zanarkand, Yuna simply continued as pyreflies flew out of the dress and the area changed once more into the room below Bevelle. As Yuna sang, it seemed like it was her and Aqua. Until.........

    A light appeared around Yuna, she changed into a young woman with long brown hair. She continued where Yuna left off and held Aqua in her arms motherly. Scenes of Yuna's dreams, only now with her and Shuyin, played, Shuyin was shown with Aqua as he gently placed his hand on her head and whispered something. She fell backwards and went to asleep, then he ran to the woman and they stood together for one last time, then shot. Various images of the three of them appeared, then the woman and Yuna began to sing together, Aqua now in Yuna's arms. Near the end of the song, the woman vanished.

    As Yuna ended, for the first time in a long time, sunlight had broken through the dark clouds of the Thunder Plains. The sun shone on Yuna holding Aqua tightly in her arms and falling to her knees. Lukya cried and smiled, running up to them with the others.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Standing in the middle of the crowd stood Ryo. Watching the concert until the end Ryo looked down at his hands as they were shaking "wh-why? everybody is so calm. The song set their anger aside...but why" Ryo muttered quietly as he held his head with both hand, his eyes closed "why is my anger still growing" Ryo said

    Because, you are a beast destined to destroy all

    Ryo immediately opened his eyes and looked around who said that Ryo thought as he frantically looked around at the group of people
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