Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I... had no choice in going through with those experiments." He said and turned Haruka's Commsphere off as he wanted this to be private. "Bevelle or I should really say, Yevon took me from my homeland without warning, Kazuhiro however, was a willing subject, I only got to know him through those days btu the experiment with merging humans with Aeons stopped us from aging, Haruka, I'm actually 116 years old mentally, but my body is just a a normal sixteen year old, what's more is..."

    Dean's hair covered his eyes. "I can't go back to my home anymore, everyone I known passed away while I live on in a time I shouldn't even be in. He said and looked at her. "To be honest, I thought only me and kazuhiro were the only ones to be put through that hell, Kazuhiro eventually went mad as his Aeon was capable of absorbing the other Aeon's power as well as those of the Fayth of Gagzaet... we were two sides of the same coin by our Aeons, I held the Aeon of Death while he was Rebirth."

    Dean breathed for a few moments. "Kazuhiro died by my hand to be at peace and the Rebirth Aeon went with him while I lost my Aeon to Sin or rather, the one who summoned Sin, it was a terrible experience as our Aeons were like our shadows, a part of us that we'd never thought about but yet hidden, remember the white hair? That shown I held my Aeon within me, when he ws gone, my hair slowly turned back to my normal state and my body felt normal, I started to age as a normal human would."
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka listened... but she didn't know how she could handle what she was hearing.
    She didn't how Dean could handle it at all...
    What did this mean for her? Was she also not from this time?
    Did she really have an aeon in her?
    Was it the source of her visions?
    ... "...Why? ...Why did these things happen? To me and you...

    It makes sense you know... Some things make sense now...
    Everytime I'm in Bevelle, I have this huge sense of dread...
    And... All of this started happening to me recently when the Aeons came back..."
    she started to add things up as she went along, small thing started making sense, but other questions arose...
    "But... why only now? I mean... why not years ago...
    what time am I even from? ...Who am I...
    Why was I even chosen for such experiments...?"

    She then looked at Dean as her eyes opened wide again.
    "Wait?! But... that can't be it can it?! Are you sure I'm like you were?
    I mean... I've been ageing...
    I definitely have! I woke up at the age of 10, and look, I'm definitely 15 now.
    ...You said you didn't age. So... can this really be it..."

    ...what did all this mean?
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I didn't age because me and Kazuhiro were perhaps the first two to be experimented, Kazuhiro could age cause he held the Rebith, which meant if he died, he could bring himself back while Death cannot age, it's perhaps those traits passed on from our Aeons into our systems." Dean said and looked up.

    "Besides, my memories were already forgotten when I escaped thanks to Kazuhiro's last act of sanity, I foudn the AL Bhed who took me to the nearest docking area in Spira and since then, i travelled and stayed in Besaid, it was quiet, but Yuna's journey made me rediscover who I was and when I learnt who I was, I knew I had to accept what happened. He said before sitting on his behind.

    "The journey always encourged us to look forward and I already was doing so, I never let my mind focus on my past back in my time, ah, how I missed that life, digging up Golems, becoming a successor and of course travelling with everyone then saving our country... almost makes me wish I could turn back the clock and relive it on endless repeats." He said, chuckling a bit. But I cna't go back to that life so, after Sins' defeat and my body returning to normal, I decided to travel wherever the wind took me, a Drifter in other words."
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "So, what happened?" Lockon asked, standing next to Maylene, Yuna sighed, "Well..." Yuna told everyone all about what happened with her at the Farplane. Buddy thought for a moment, "Lenne, huh?" Everyone, expect Rei, recalled the name from the awesome sphere. Aqua was quiet.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka accepted what Dean said, despite it all being hard to believe...
    She knew Dean wouldn't lie... and she had seen the visions... visions of his life. The very life he was talking about...
    had she seen these visions because he was like her? Someone who held an Aeon inside them?
    Somehow... she just knew this was right... like it resonated in her soul.
    She clenched her fist...
    "I have no memories... But... my reason for that can't be the same as you...
    I don't know why, but I can just tell... Kazuhiro didn't do that to me.
    Both you and he... didn't even know about me...
    But you're right. I have to keep journeying...
    I wanted answers before... and I'm getting them...
    I still want answers, so I can't stop now..
    I have to know..."
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean looked at her and gave a look of calmness. "Then that's the path you must follow, but even if the scientists are now passed away since it was 100 years, their records might be still remain, I neve rpersonally bothered cause I never wanted to remain in Bevelle, Yevon always had secrets. he said to her.
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka nodded before turning her back to him and moving her hair to the side, revealing the back of her neck, and a small tattoo on it.
    It read in black ink:
    "I've never really shown or told anyone this...
    it was found by accident shortly after I woke up...
    I had no name and it was the closest thing I had... so... that's how I ended up with my name Haruka...
    but... it leaves the question... what about the numbers?
    ...After hearing all this...
    I think this is also proof of what you were saying.
    This tattoo... it's... my number... my experiment code..."

    she felt a sense of dread as she said it...
    273 though...
    does that mean I was the 273rd in a line of experiments?
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "The girl from the Songstress sphere is Lenne." Aqua said, suddenly. Everyone looked at her, she looked at them, "I don't know why Yuna takes on her dress, but I know that Lenne once wore that dress a thousand years ago." She sounded kinda sad for some reason, Rikku said, "Okay, okay. So, the reason Shuyin keeps calling Yuna "Lenne" is--" "Because of that dressphere?" Paine said, looking at the youngest member, Aqua said, "It's hard to say." "Forget Lenne! Shuyin's the one who's wanting to vaporize Spira!" Brother shouted, Buddy said, "Yeah, but what can we do? Nooj and Gippal are already planning something. Let them deal with it for now."
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "That won't be enough...
    We have to do something...
    but... we've got our own things to do too..."
    he said, remembering his promise to Salina.
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yunie, Yunie!" Rikku looked toward Yuna, she turned to her, "Yeah?" "You met Shuyin, right? Was he anything like you-know-who?" Rikku asked, Yuna shook her head, "Not really. Just his face."


    [​IMG] Kari was at the bar, staring at the Crests and Sigils the former members of Team Besaid used to wield with their celestial weapons. They had been left behind by the aeons defeated in the temples, however one set was given as a reward in Macalania. She gripped her chest.
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Blade against blade

    Claw against claw

    Yojimbo and Ryo both slashed at each with their blades. The strength of an aeon was fierce, but Ryo's new strength was able to hold on. While the two swordsmen fought in a battle of blades the two beasts fought savagely. Enkidu and Daigoro wildly clawed at each other trying to take each other down

    Raising Arondight Ryo blocked an incomming attack from Yojimbo and slid back. Preparing his sword, Ryo noticed as a sheathed sword rose up from the ground in front of Yojimbo. Grabbing the sheath sword Yojimbo unsheathed the sword. "Zanmato" Ryo said nervously realizing the strength of the attack. Without hesitation Ryo ran forward towards Yojimbo with his sword prepared. Throwing away the sheath, Yojimbo grabbed his sword with both hands and ran forward at the incoming Ryo

    Both warriors charged forwards and slashed at each other once they got close to each other. Standing still as they stood behind each other Yojimbo began to fade into pyreflies "I will avenge you and the others" Ryo said as Yojimbo faded away

    Looking over at Enkidu Ryo noticed that Daigoro was also defeated as well "thanks for the help" Ryo said as the two walked out. Once they got out they were greeted by those he saved in the cave "serves you all right. You all lucky I was feeling generous, otherwise I would have made you all suffer for defiling this place" Ryo said and walked away. In his hands were the mars sigil and crest he found after defeated Yojimbo
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Asking Buddy to stop by the Calm Lands, Kari looked at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. 'Yojimbo........ You've been beaten............. Why are you and the others acting this way?' She thought to herself, lightly crying.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "I will behead the one who did this to that will be too merciful " Ryo calmly and coldly said near Kari. Suddenly he threw the Mars Sigil and Crest straight at Kari "A gift" Ryo said
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Kari cradled the crest and sigil closely, feeling more of her aeon powers returning. "Thanks.............." She looked at him and sighed, walking away.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] As kari walked away, Daichi went over to Ryo.
    I went to Salina... and I know the truth about you.
    I'm telling you now. I will save you from yourself and from that cursed swords power, and I'll stop your degradation."
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Closing his eyes Ryo sighed "Salina is such a blabber mouth" Ryo said and opened his eyes as he looked at Daichi "I don't need to worry about myself, Spira is in danger from the ******* that did this to the aeons. I have to stop him" Ryo said "don't worry about me" Ryo said
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna remained on the airship, sitting in the bar with a drink, thinking about what happened in the Farplane. She looked at Aqua, who was sitting next to her. The usual hyper girl had become strangely quiet. There was a connection between her, Lenne, and Shuyin. Yuna could feel it, remembering how she knew Shuyin by his name. She sighed and petted Starlight.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi put a hand on Ryo's shoulder and stared him in the eye before him punched him right in the face as he had done in Zanarkand two years ago.
    "Look at yourself!" he growled.
    "The old you would never speak about your sister in such a way.
    You tell us not to worry... but that's tough.
    Like it or not, even after what that sword has done to you... People here do care for you.
    And I won't let them be hurt by the you now..."
    he said lowly, also being one of the ones who cared for his friend.
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo fell to the ground and immediately jumped up to his feet and rose his fist ready to punch back, letting out a roar. With his fist near to Daichi's face Ryo suddenly stopped and stared at Daichi. His eyes were slit like. Slowly he lowered his fist and turned away "and what are you going to do to stop me from hurting anybody?" Ryo said
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi didn't flinch for even a second. "Salina... your own sister told me... that I should be the one to kill you. Can you see what you're driving people to do...
    she's already dead... but... when she asked that of me... it's like she was dying again... I could feel the way she felt... it was killing her inside.
    She asked me to kill you.
    But... I can't do that, not while I regard you my friend."
    He turned away too.
    "Mark my words... I will save you.
    I promised her.
    I'll do it for her and for Kari.
    And for the old you, the one I consider my friend."
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