Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji prepared hismelf and looked at the creature. "What'd you reckon partner?" Yuji asked as the left eye flashed. "...Heat seems most ideal in this situation, wouldn't you argee?" Shugo's voice suggested and Yuji's voice sound confident. "Yeah, let's see it try a bit of flame." he said as the yellow arm removed the yellow sphere and switched it with a red one as the left side became a ruby color and Yuji rna at it, punching it as the red fist was engulfed in flames.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "so this is it?" Ryo said walking up to the alter in the cave as he looked at the sphere ahead of them

    "This place looks fancy. It should have something useful" The cloaked man said as he walked along side Ryo

    "Maybe, but there is only one way to find out if its useful or not" Ryo said as they reach the alter that held the sphere and looked down at it. Ryo was about reach and grab it but stopped as he heard something outside A battle? Outside? not worry about it Ryo thought to himself
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi pulled out 'Twin LionHeart', his two blades for the first time in ages.
    He gripped the familiar handle and felt a wave of Nostalgia hit him.
    The last thing that these weapons had struck had been Yu-Yevon. He put them away again.
    Not yet... he wanted to hold back on using the weapons unless it was necessary.
    He stepped forward and accessed his Ronso Rage Overdrive abilities. He felt power rush through him and he sent a wave of flames at the monster as he used Flame Breath.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kari used her katana to fight the creature, Yuna used a Potion on her companions who got wounded. Aqua used a spell Song of Night to raise the party's defense while Lockon tossed his sword at the creature and grabbed it. Rei jumped and slashed at the creature.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Shall we go for a Maximum? This is a fiend so no need to hold back right? the left red eye flashed as Shugo's voice suggested it and Yuji's let out a chuckle. "You're stealing my idea partner, let's do it then." Yuji's sdie said the purple sphere was removed and placed in the slot. as the voice was heard. "Joker! Maximum Drive!" as The warrior leapt in the air. "Joker Grenade!" the dual voices sounded as they spilt down the middle and side punched the fiend as it exploded and the warrior was back together again as Yuji removed the red sphere as it vanished, breaking the transformation.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kari ran into the cave and gasped at who she saw, she smiled, "Hey there, stranger. Have we met before?" Yuna followed her into the cave, Lockon ignored the bite Aqua's dragon gave him and followed them. Rikku gasped and noticed the two men in the cave.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The cloaked man turned and looked over at the newcomer but Ryo closed his eyes and smiled. With his back still faced to them he grabbed the sphere and threw it up, caught it and repeated the process. "its been two years hasn't it" Ryo said
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yeah, but I'd like it if you gave that sphere to the Gullwings, High Summoner Ryo, or should I say, Ryuzaki?" Kari smiled at him. Yuna smiled as did Rikku and Lukya. Yuna wondered about the last time she had seen the other summoner who helped her defeat Sin.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi also gave Ryo a nod of greeting.

    Ryo was still the same guy as two years ago. He still liked to tease Kari as much as she liked to tease him.
    Daichi smirked at the thought. "Some things don't change... some people don't either it seems."
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo smirked "I'd preferred it if you called me Ryo" Ryo said as the red cloaked man looked at the group. His eyes were pure white and his face gray. His face was also wrapped with red cloth "you know these guys" the man said. "yeah so lets give that introduction we practiced" Ryo said. The cloaked man nodded as he stood next to Ryo. Both of the two men had their back faced to the Gullwings and Ryo's left side was covered on by his cape and the man stood on Ryo's left
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji came ina nd lsitened the conversation, he was oen fo the people who attended the day of Yuna's speech as he thought to himself.

    "Guess he's Kari's boyfriend." he thoguht to hismelf, guessing at that, no-one spoke of their personal lives outside the Gullwings.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Ryo, come on. We worked our butts off to get to this point, so will you hand over the sphere?" Kari said, sighing. Yuna wondered who Ryo's companion was. Lukya sighed and shook her head.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "I'm afraid not" Ryo said as he turned sideways and looked over at the party "we are the greatest warriors who travel threw Spira" Ryo said raising his hand high into the air

    "we seek the legendary blades and the spheres that will lead us to the ultimate treasure" the man said turning sideways also and stood back to back of Ryo raising his arm as he did

    "Ryo" Ryo yelled out his name

    "Gilgamesh" the man yelled out his name

    "we are the greatest swordsman of all Spira. Surrender you spheres now or meet your end here" the both of them yelled as they lowered their arm and pointed at the party. After an awkward silence the two of them broke out of their pose and slumped "that was lame" Ryo said

    "totally" Gilgamesh replied
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Completely." Daichi said while stepping forwards.
    "Now... will you give us the sphere for putting us through that lame performance, or will I have to nail you in the jaw for old times sake." Daichi smirked while cracking his knuckles as he continued to step forwards.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Lame? It was...funny if you look at it a different way...but...let me be honest, you two doing that makes people think you're crazy and I've become one of those people." Yuji stated and looked at the others for their own input.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Claire shoved Devln toward Yuna's group. They'd gotten ahead of them. "Go, do your job." Devln sighed, hefting his sword over his shoulder. "If anyone's taking that sphere, I think we should get to have a look at it first. After all, it's not like i suspect it'll be of any use to me." he tired to sound nonchalant and Claire groaned from behind him.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo put the sphere in his pocket and placed his palm over his face "It was Gilgamesh's idea" Ryo said

    "hey it sounded like a good idea..we just need to work on it really hard" Gilgamesh said

    Ryo just sighed as he shook his head and lowered his palm and looked at the group "my this cave is getting overcrowded" Ryo said as he raised his arm"the sphere belongs to us" Ryo said as suddenly a broadsword appeared in his right hand "so lets duel" Ryo said pointing his sword at them. His left side still covered by his cape

    Gilgamesh laughed as a deck of cards appeared in his hands "yes a duel it shall be. Quake before the master of Tetra Master" Gilgamesh yell as an awkward silence filled the room "what? you said lets duel" Gilgamesh said as he looked over at Ryo who was signaling his broadsword to Gilgamesh " foolish mortals you fell for my ruse for this is no card game but a battle of blades, and fists, and guns and whatever you wield" Gilgamesh yelled out as his cards disappeared and a katana appeared in his hand
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi had been wanting to save the Twin LionHearts next blow for only if it was truly necessary.
    But he supposed smacking around a former High Summoner would be good too..
    Then again... he had a feeling that this fight would be better left to someone else. He turned his head to Kari and said;
    "Okay then, you're up. I think it's time to teach your boyfriend how to share." Daichi said.
    He thought of Dean and Tidus as he said the line... It was something they might have come up with if they had been here too.
    Daichi then looked at Gilgamesh and sighed.
    "No disrespect whoever you are. But I can't be bothered with a clown like you." He turned away, walked to a wall and leaned against it with his arms crossed. He looked at the other two newcomers who were also interested in the sphere. "...and who?" he asked them.
    He also still wondered who this new girl wearing the Ronso styled clothing was... 'Rei' was it?
    He guessed that Lukya knew her... but he decided there would be time for that much later.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji rubbed his forehead, now another sphere hunting group came along and Gilgamesh seemed to be one fo the two choices, annoying or plain dumb. "I signed up for a adventure, not a comedy..." Yuji complained in his head and brought out his purple sphere. "I'll handle the clown, just make sure you guys occupy the other two who are here, Shugo?" He said as the green sphere formed in the right slot and the purple one was slotted in the right as he opened the belt, changing to the green purple clad warrior.

    "I thought you would have obtained the sphere by now." Shugo's voice stated as the right eye flashed and Yuji gave a sigh. "Well, someone's not sharing so Kari's probably gonna have a little heart to heart with her boyfriend, oh and we got a clown-like guy who is way too dramatic." He said as Shugo's voice sounded. "Interesting, I never knew Kari had a boyfriend, which one? The clown or the ex-summoner?" He asked as Yuji let out a laugh. "What, Kari and that clown? I hate to see that scenario ever happening partner but it's the other choice." Yuji spoke.

    "Hmm, seems more like a better choice with the ex-summoner then, I must look up this term of relationships." Shugo's voice said as the right eye flashed as the green arm looked like he cupped his chin on thought and Yuji's spoke. "Oi oi, look it up when we're finished, we got a job to do." He replied and Shugo's voice sounded again. "Indeed, so..." as the warrior flicked his purple wrist and pointed at Gilgamesh. "Are you ready?" he asked Gilgamesh.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kari smiled and cracked her knuckles, taking out her katana. "Hey, Ryo, thanks for all the weird gifts you'd been sending me, and let me take a look at your left arm for old times' sake." Yuna sighed and smiled, Lukya sweatdropped and shook her head. Kari placed her katana on her shoulder, getting into the same position as Auron, one of her former teammates. Rikku began to shout for Kari and Yuji to win.
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