Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Haruka!!!!!" Yuna shouted, she changed into Machina wielder and aimed her rifle. "Forgive me, Ixion. But...... I must do this." She shot at Ixion and it fell to the ground. Rei picked the Saturn Crest and Sigil. They ran into the Chamber of the Fayth, seeing a hole in the statue. Aqua gasped, "Just like Bevelle." Ixion appeared behind them and got ready to self-destruct. As it did, Yuna and Aqua fell into the hole. Rei tried to grab her hand, but it slipped. Yuna held Aqua close and thought, 'It's so bright.'

    When Yuna opened her eyes, she was in a flower bed and was wearing the Songstress dress. Aqua, next to her, gasped and smiled, shouting, "Mama!!!! It's you!!! I mean, Lenne". The two stood up, as they did, a light appeared on the dress and pyreflies flew out. 'What's happening?' Yuna thought to herself, while Aqua looked in the distance and said, "It's him, Lenne. He's coming." Yuna looked out with her.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean saw ixion self destruct and Yuna and Aqua fall into the hole. "...Damn!" He said and looked at haruka breifly, those lines were familar... was she... that was impossible.

    "Stay here, I'm going in." He said and stepped back a few steps and ran, leaping into the hole as he left no room for arguement as he went down and found himself within a field of flowers and he was gobsmacked. "This place..." he thought to himself before seeing Yuna and Aqua lay nearby.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Rei cursed herself to not being to save Yuna and Aqua and spoke into a spare comm-sphere. "Hey, guys. We got some bad news, Yuna and Aqua fell into these holes. Dean went after them." She ignored the shocked scream from Brother and helped Haruka to the airship. Kari gasped when she heard the news, she shouted, "I'm going after them." "Wait, Kari. Daichi and I are going with you." Lukya said. Kari looked at them and nodded.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Before she could be helped to the Airship. Haruka dived into the hole too.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Kari stared at the hole in Djose Temple Chamber of the Fayth. She took a few steps back, she said, "We won't take long." "You better find Yuna and bring her back, Kari." Brother ordered, Kari nodded. "Off we go." She ran forward and jumped into the hole. Lukya followed after her.


    Yuna felt the presence of her friends, but kept her eyes glued to the clouds in the distance. Suddenly, a figure that looked like him appeared. Yuna held her breath. He spoke with a smile, "I finally found you." "Is that really you?" Yuna asked, hoping it was, the man smiled and said, "It is me, Shuyin. I've waited so long, Lenne, Aqua." Aqua smiled as Yuna turned her back on him, "But I'm not Lenne."

    "Lenne. We all disappeared together, but when I awoke, I was alone. I looked for you two for so long. While I wandered, I realized something: Spira hasn't really changed at all. Everyone's still fighting over nothing. Still dying like they used to. A thousand years have passed, and they can't leave the hatred behind. I'm through waiting. I'll fix it. This world continues to fail us, and what's worse, I failed to protect you. I could only protect our daughter. Vegnagun will make that all go away. And we'll fade together again, together. Help me do it, Lenne." As Shuyin spoke, he stepped closer to Yuna until he was behind her, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. Yuna thought, 'Don't touch me.'

    Suddenly, Shuyin turned her around and pulled both Yuna and Aqua into a hug. Pyreflies flew out of the dress, Yuna felt confused, 'Whose feelings are these? Lenne's....? Mine's?' She hugged him again.
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi wasn't about to let Lukya leap in without him, so he naturally followed.

    [​IMG] Haruka found herself in a flower field...
    Dean, Yuna, Aqua and a familiar face weren't that far from her.
    She still had the marks on her body... she looked down at her hands and then slowly walked over to Dean where she watched the scene unfold.
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    A familiar voice shouted, "Open your eyes!" Shuyin let go of Yuna and Aqua and suddenly, Shuyin reverted to Baralai and Yuna, falling to her knees, reverted to her normal outfit. Baralai approacheed a little closer to the Farplane's ledge, he said, "The end is not far now." Baralai made a portal open and went in it. Nooj walked up to Yuna, he said, "Give this to Paine. It was all I was able to find."

    Nooj gave Yuna a sphere.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean watched the scene unfold but then Dean's eyes widened as some shapes started to take form and he took a few steps back. "No way..." He said to himself, it was his friends who each stood there. "Wha-"

    "Honestly Dean! Can't even say hello?" The redhead girl with braids asked him and Dean closed his eyes and reopened them. "Oh keep your acrobatics to yourself Rebecca." He said as the girl puffed her cheeks in irrtation. "But how is this possible? You guys shouldn't even be..." he trailed off as the white haired girl with green eyes spoke. "Maybe our Mediums allow us to commicate to you... we've watched you for a while.

    Dean blanked out. "...You're kidding me... why haven't you guys even appeared two years ago when I was in the Farplane?" He asked them as the older man wearing the hat spoke. "Got caught up, anyway Dean, keeps things under control up above with your new friends."

    "And how do you suggest we all get back up the temple? I can't exactly summon Asgard here and my former powers are all but gone." He pointed out and the small girl wearing the school backpack spoke. "There is a way out but only one person can actually make the exit and he's always been here, you wouldn't believe how much he wanted to punch the guy you saw."

    Dean thought about it as Gippal also handed YUna a sphere. "Take care of things up top, C'mon Nooj." Gippal said as they headed into the portal that was created and the Farplane was becoming dark rapidly and the group Dean seen vanished.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    'I didn't know what had happened. Everywhere I looked, I found only questions. But more than anything..' Yuna thought, she said, "I'm just...angry. One thing after another, and I'm already confused to begin with... Hey! Where am I?" After a moment, Yuna screamed loudly and knelt to the ground. Lukya sighed, when they were in the flower field, Seymour had appeared to her and Daichi and he told her to keep doing what she was doing to help the Guado. Aqua stood next to Yuna, feeling guilty.
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi found himself watching the scene with Yuna along with the others... That guy...
    it looked like him certainly... but it definitely wasn't him...

    he looked over to Lukya before walking to Yuna and helping her onto her feet, it's understandable that she was in a bit of a state.
    He put a hand on the top of her head, for comfort, he also looked down at young Aqua and gave her a smile to tell her everything would be fine.
    "Yuna... it's okay to be angry..." he thought to himself.
    "I remember a certain young Guardian... who when angry would just scream out loud." he smirked, reminding her of the story and hoping that she got his suggestion.

    [​IMG] Haruka still stood next to Dean... "...I recognised those people..." she muttered quietly. "I've never met them... I know that despite not having my memories of my first 10 years...
    They're way before my time aren't they? As are you?"
    And that other guy... the one I saw... who was like you too...
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna looked at him and smiled, screaming again. Lukya and Kari smiled, also remembering the Guardian Daichi was referring to. Aqua hugged her and smiled.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    With one slash Ryo slashed threw a fiend and looked over at the people huddled together "get out of here" Ryo coldly said at them. In fear the group nodded and ran as fast as they could. "damn tourists" Ryo said as he walked away. "you don't have to come with me, I'm fine so leave me alone" Ryo said to the green wolf walking beside him. As Enkidu refused to leave Ryo sighed as he walked up on a platform that teleported him and Enkidu away. Not surprised at what he saw Ryo drew out Arondight and pointed it forward "so you too? very well then draw your blade and die" Ryo said as he watched the dark version of Yojimbo drew out his katana
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    A whistle was heard as Dean turned around when he heard it. "Damn you Tidus, you show-off..." as the whistling continued on a few more times and a shape of Tidus took form and started walking up a formed pathway.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi smirked at the sound of the whistling. Heh... I knew it...
    "See Yuna... It may be one thing after another... but with each thing... you move closer to what your looking for.
    He is proof of that."
    Daichi told her while looking up at the shape of the guardian making the pathway before them.
    "This is the path you are meant to follow." he said, meaning it in the pyhsical and philosophical sense.

    [​IMG] Haruka looked around for the source of the whistling until she found it, the shape of a man... a familiar shape...
    she had seen him in real life as well as the visions. The first time was at the Blitz arena.
    He was the one Yuna was looking for.
    She decided that Dean was simply waiting for a better moment to talk to her, so she left things as they were and decided to see how the others were reacting to the sudden arrival.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna stared at the form and followed it, walking up the pathway until the group was in Bevelle. Yuna smiled and cried, he had helped them out of the Farplane. Buddy's voice was heard, "Come in, Yuna. Yuna!" "Yuna, reporting in!" She said, she could hear the voices of the others shout, "Yuna!"
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean was surprised where they came out from and he looked to Haruka. "I heard you in there, how you do know about them? he asked her and blinked. "And, do you hold an Aeon within yourself?"
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka looked down at the floor... the marks from her body had finally disappeared.
    "I don't know exactly...
    Lately... I've been seeing these wierd visions... of the past and... I dunno... not the future... but... its...
    but it's how I knew this one time at the mansion that... Maylene would have died from a trap... it's the only reason I was able to save her..."

    she dropped to her knees, shuddering... holding back tears. Normally, she was a strong girl who always looked on the bright side, but everything was overwhelming her now.
    "I don't know what's happening to me..."
    She looked up at Dean as tears escaped her eyes... "What's wrong with me?!" she screamed at him, almost in desperation.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean bent down to be eye level with Haruka. "I don't know, My Aeon powers never given me that sort of power, it just got stronger by my resolve to protect those I could, I could even tap into it's strength without changing form or summoning it myself, but if I had to guess, you probably underwent the same method I did, without being given a choice." Dean said.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna and the others arrived in the Bridge. The first thing Brother did was hug Yuna, he shouted in Al Bhed, "Fryd y nameav! E druikrd fa ryt mucd oui." He was punched out by Rei, Buddy told them, "He's been blubbering about how he couldn't go on living if something were to happen to you." "We hadn't heard anything in so long! We tried tossing a CommSphere into the hole, but it didn't help one bit." Rikku said.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka wiped at her eyes... but more tears came.
    "Aeons? How is it possible? Aeons in people? I... It can't..." she found herself looking at Dean wide eyed...
    "In... my visions... I saw you and this other guy... going through some... experiments..."
    she looked at the floor again, her tears falling and dampening the ground.
    "...I... how can this..." she trailed off into more tears.
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