Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The young man felt the stare upon him and she asked him a question he got alot. "Dye it? I'll have you know it's my natural hair colour, geez, people sound like blue hair is like a Ronso being completely pink." he said as he turned his head at her. "Besides miss, I could ask you the same thing about your fiery hair but then again, Rebecca was a redhead as well so I won't go into that." He said as he mumbled the last few words.
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "So... you're the witty type..." she acknowledged, brushing through her red hair proudly with one hand as he had taken notice of it.
    "That means... You're either Tidus or Dean... but... I mean... Tidus was blonde and Dean had white hair..." she said.
    "Then again... you're no Tidus, I watched him play for the Aurochs two years ago. So... you must be Dean.. still...
    I swear he.. well, you had white hair. I saw him.. uh... you. Kick the ball back into play."
    she commented.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Things happened on the road to beating Sin." Dean answered her question about himself. "And yes, I did have white hair until an event occured that it became my natural color once again." He said, crossing his arms, he was kind of glad this girl wasn't those recruiting people from New Yevon or the Youth league,, luckily, they couldn't exactly track him down since he drifts from town to town, even heading into towns he and the others never travelled before.

    "So, now that you know who I am, I pray you aren't gonna be those people who treat me as someone important and want to shake my hand or among other things, I swear I get enough complaints with everyone else's new roles, Lukya being in charge of Guadoslam, Daichi practically guarding her and Rikku telling me Yuna's in the Gullwings, I think Wakka and Lulu were the only ones to live quietly." He stated, thinkign back to the last times he visited them, well the Gullwings were hard to find since they went from place to plac eby airship so Dean never saw Rikku once, he heard her by CommSphere but never set eyes upon her and the same for her not seeing him.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "That's cool. You're really Dean Stark." Haruka said in amazement.
    "You look good with blue hair." She added.

    She listened to him as he spoke about the other Guardians and such.
    She thought and then spoke simply, just stating the honest truth; "Well, I'm not being funny... but of course people are gonna treat all of you as important. You were one of the ones responsible for defeating Sin after all, you're considered a legend, so are all the others."
    She just acted normally with him. Like she was talking to anyone else.
    "Anyway, the name's Haruka. Nice to meet'cha!" she told him with a smile.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Hey hey, I'm taken Haruka, my girlfriend is someone I don't want to tick off." Dean protested, putting his hands up. "Sure, we defeated Sin for good and treated as legends but that doesn't mean we chose to be seen as royalty, all we ask is to be treated like any other normal Spiran." Dena said, rubbing his blue hair, Rikku's guardianship did help bring the AL Bhed back to Spiran society as well as the airship blasting Sin's fins off.

    "Glad no-one in this era doesn't Johnny Appleseed..." he thought to himself and looked at haruka. "Anyway, what brings you here apart from seeing the concert 'Yuna' held and seeing one the 'egends' talking to you right now?" Dean asked her.
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Woah! Slow down there." Haruka said raising her hands too. "I wasn't flirting or anything." she laughed. "Can't a girl make a comment about hair colour any more?" she asked rhetorically while grinning.
    "Anyway, I'm treating you like a normal Spiran aren't I?" she asked rhetorically again.

    "As for why I'm here, I work at the Blitz Arena. I saw the concert and how it took a sudden turn. Then there were two Yuna's and the one at the concert was a fake... Then I fought back to back alongside Daichi..." she counted each thing off, finger by finger as she continued.
    "Then the rest of the Gullwings took off in their airship.." she sighed a little.
    "and so... the one exciting thing to happen in my life that might allow me to start searching for answers just flew away..." she told him.
    "So I came here for a walk... just to clear my head. Walking along the Highroad always makes me feel better.
    And then... well, I came across this blue haired guy with a Monocycle, but you know the rest."
    she shrugged.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Oh, well, don't give up just yet, you might have more chances to grasp that dream more than you realize, besides, they're the Gullwings, I'm sure they'll openly invite anyone into their group...unless of course, Brother has a criteria for members." Dean said as he rubbed his forehead, from wha Rikku said about him trough the commsphere that Shinra developed, Brother is practically trying to become lovey-dovey with Yuna and failing quite miserbly, hell, earler he wnated to see Yuna dancing from Rikku's last call.

    "I swear that someone is gonna keep Brother on a leash" Dean groaned in his thoughts, Brother almost broke into a fit knowing Rikku's dating and demanded that he'd see this man, luckily, he survived and was warned with the words in Al Bhed, you make her cry, I'll hunt you down to the ends of Spira or something among those lines, oh and Brother's scare abd threat is on a rating of 4 in Dean's book, Rikku being ticked off at him was a 10.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna carried Aqua on her back as the group continued up the mountain, Yuna turned and said, "Who's there?" The woman who was posed as Yuna during the concert appeared, and blew a kiss, she said, "Er, Leblanc. Remember that name well, loves!" "Ah, the thief." Yuna said, remembering her, Leblanc said, "Whatever do you mean? That's what I hate about amateurs..." "Maybe she'll go away if we ignore her." Rikku said, Leblanc shouted, "You! I heard that! Just as I was saying: amateurs! They have no concept of what it takes to be a true sphere hunter."

    "Amateurs? Weren't you following us?"
    Kari asked, Lukya nodded, Leblanc said, "Following? A mere coincidence." Her men appeared behind her, the round man named Omri said, "You was right, Boss, as always." "Indeed, following them has paid off splendidly." The tall man whose was called Logos said, Yuna and the others sweatdropped when someone shot at Leblanc and her men. A young woman with light brown hair appeared, she wore the same outfit as Lukya only the jacket was dark blue with a dark red lining and her guns had three barrels.

    "Your 'men' are going to confess, then why lie, LeBlanc?" The woman said, standing up. LeBlanc smiled, "Rei, long time no see. But why are you wearing that awful outfit? The Maester look is so two years ago. And besides, the Maesters were nothing but a bunch of unsent old men who wanted to control Spira. Shouldn't you be wearing the dress your Ronso father gave you?" "Fine, but try saying that again with the person who is standing right behind me." Rei jumped into the air as a light surrounded her to reveal Lukya gripping her machine gun tightly, and pointed it at LeBlanc. Yuna smiled.
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji blinked at Leblanc's men..dumbness. "Why did she recruit those guys in the first place?" He asked to no-one in paticular, rubbing his hair as he watched the scene unfold. "ANd hwo does she stand being around them in that outfit?" Yuji thought and took a moment to glance at Rikku's choice of dress. "I stand corrected."
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna watched the strange woman named Rei land after she changed into something different, she wore light blue armor with Ronso designs and patterns on it, in her hands were a spear. She took out her guns and gripped them, Rikku grinned and held her daggers, Paine gripped her swords, Kari gripped her hand claws, while Lukya gripped her machine gun tightly. Aqua and Lockon took out their weapons.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Again, Daichi didn't bother taking out his two swords.
    He just stood battle ready, wondering who the new arrival was..

    Haruka looked at Dean as he spoke, "Yeah, I guess so." she paused,
    "Anyway... I should get back. Something tells me they'll want an explanation back at the stadium."
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna shot her guns with Lukya as Aqua tossed her boomerang, Lockon slashed with Paine while Kari and Rikku slashed together. Rei jumped the ability Jump and attacked. As LeBlanc was about to attack Yuna, Rei protected her. Aqua performed a spell in her Dream Giver dress called Night's Call, and cast Darkness on Logos.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji breathed and held out the purple sphere a sthe belt magically appeared around his waist. "Shugo." he said


    Within a room of the airship, Shugo was sat down, reading a book as he heard Yuji through the comm and stood up. "Let's go." he said asn held the green sphere as the same belt appeared on Shugo's waist and he slid the sphere in the left slot as it vanished and he fell back into the chair, eyes closed.


    The green sphere materialized in the left slot of Yuji's belt and he slid the purple sphere in the right and pushed the sides like a W as a small cyclone breezed as the transformation was complete and the purple side flicked his wrist. "You ready to lose Leblanc?" Yuji's voice sounded.


    Dean nodded. "See ya next time then." he said to her.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi charged forwards and engaged the rather round man, Omri.
    He threw him to the floor and jumped back a step.
    "Is that it?" Daichi asked him. "You guys are a joke."
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Leblanc and her men seemed confused at Yuji's sudden change, Yuna smiled as Lukya performed Bullet Rain on them. Kari grinned as the confusion of Leblanc and her men caught them off guard. Aqua sent her dragon to attack them, Lockon twirled his sword and attacked with Aqua's dragon.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji ran at Logos as the thin man tried to shoot at him. "If it doesn't work the first time...try another plan!" A fist conencted with his stomach, tkaing the breath out of the guy. "These gusy really are a joke like Daichi said...I'm Surprised they even lasted this long at their 'job'. Shugo's voice soudned as the left eye flashed.

    "Oi oi, don't critcize them that much partner, one comment was bad enough." Yuji's voice sounded.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Hmph! And this is the thanks I get for going easy on you." Leblanc said once she and her men were defeated by Yuna's group, she tossed a smoke bomb and escaped Ormi and Logos, Yuna and the group coughed from the smoke, Yuna shouted, "Hey!" "Who does she think she is?" Rikku said, Kari crackled her knuckles, "She is so going to get it." "She's getting hurt." Paine said, Lukya said, sounding very calm, "No kidding!"

    Yuna and Rei led the group as to follow Leblanc and her men, Logos appeared and said, "You look a tad flushed. Why not stop to catch your breath!" He summoned some goons to stop Yuna and the group.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi sighed looking over at Lukya, who was clearly annoyed.
    He picked up Ormi and threw him into a wall.
    "You guys just had to do it... didn't you?"
    He picked him up again and lobbed him into Logos, both men landing in a heap on the floor.
    "One of my biggest fears... A pissed off Lukya." he said referring to his girlfriend.
    He stood over them and gave a low growl.
    "Of course... you idiots pissing her off... well, it isn't the best thing to do in front of an easily angered and protective Ronso is it?"

    OOC: This would have been before they were defeated...
    as usual I posted the same time as Aerith but mine came through after, so just count this as before :P
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "No need to be a party pooper but should we like..catch Leblanc before she gets that treasure?" Yuji suggested as the goon came for him. "...Luna Sphere, Shugo?" Yujia sked as Shogo's side complied as he switched the green sphere with yellow, forming the yellow purple warrior as the yellow arm strenched and flung the goons back.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Lukya smiled, remembering the other times Daichi protected and nodded at Yuji. Yuna smiled and led the group to the top with Rei, following Leblanc and her men. At one point, they found them hanging for their lives from a ledge, Leblanc said, "Would-Would you, would you stop staring!" Lukya stuck out her tounge at them and followed her companions to the top where a creature waited for them. "Figures we'd run into something like this," Rikku said, a little scared, Paine shouted, "It comes!" The creature jumped down in front of them and roared, the group took out their weapons and fought against the creature.

    Lukya changed from her default dress to Warrior, she gripped one of the swords that held by the person she was helping Yuna find and slashed at the creature. Yuna performed Trigger Happy and defeated the creature. She led the group into the area.
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