Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna smiled and nodded, "Yes, lets go." She ran across the plains, feeling a lot better.


    Rikku waited with Aqua and Lukya at the entrance of Guadosalam. Lukya was visiting a grave she made for Seymour.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo sighed as he looked up at Salina "so why are you always appearing like this every time I see your statue. You know I always come visit both you and Jinn at the farplane" Ryo said. Salina sighed as well and looked over at the path that led to the village "You could say I have become a heroic spirit or something. The Ronso have been going threw some tough times and I have done as much as I can to help their situation. There is not much a dead person can do but they seem to be grateful and it warms my heart to see them happy" Salina said sadly as she thought back to the Ronso.

    Ryo looked over at the statue of Salina and clenched his fists "the Ronso...they made that statue after your death...they were so kind to me and they believed in me when everybody thought that couldn't even reach Zanarkand" Ryo said as he suddenly dropped to his knees much to Salina's surprise "Ryo whats wrong?" Salina said worried. "they are all dead...he killed them all...that ******* Seymour" Ryo said as memories of Seymour filled his memories. He suddenly began to hold his head and cringed in pain as a black aura surrounded him "Ryo control yourself" Salina yelled. Upon hearing his sister's voice the aura suddenly disappeared and Ryo suddenly began to pant "tsk damn lost control its getting bad" Ryo said as Salina looked down at Ryo sadly "its all my fault it I didn't-" Salina started to say "not another word. I chose my path and if it is my punishment then so be it" Ryo said as he stood up. Salina closed her eyes "please fight this" Salina said as she disappeared into pyreflies

    Closing his eyes Ryo calmly walked away from his sister's statue and continued along the path. "there you are" Gilgamesh suddenly yelled as he ran towards Ryo with Enkidu "you know how hard it was to find you. I was beginning to think you ditched me" Gilgamesh said "sorry Gilgamesh" Ryo said scratching the back of his head but noticed Gilgamesh staring at him weirdly "ummm something wrong?" Ryo said "its your eyes" Gilgamesh said
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    While Yuna and Maylene were walking through the plains, a fem Goon ran past Yuna. She gasped when she saw the goon was holding the replica necklace. "Hey, give that back!!!!" Yuna shouted, and ran after the goon.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "Yunie! Wait!" Maylene shouted after her.
    She started sprinting after Luna, even resorting to moving on all fours at stages.
    One thing Maylene had as well as her genius brain, great aim, and small stature... was speed.
    She was light on her feet and pretty darn fast, which was useful with her small size and long distance style of fighting as it meant she was difficult to hit.
    Coupled with her natural fighting instincts like that of Daichi's, she was always a force to be reckoned with.
    She had closed the gap in no time, and leapt into the air. She flipped and pointed her legs towards Yuna, bending them at the knees so her legs where tucked in to her tummy, and leaving her feet flat footed to absorb the impact of what she had planned.
    "Yunie, give me a boost!" she called out.

    OOC: Think like Advent children when Cloud was fighting the Bahumut, and try to make sure the boost is aimed purely at her feet.


    [​IMG] Daichi had chosen to remain on the airship. He would have gone with Lukya to give her support, but he knew she would be safe with the others.
    No matter what... he swore he would never go to Seymour's grave.
    He just couldn't forgive the man, and going to his grave would feel like betraying the Ronso... the Ronso who had a change of heart after so long only to be torn away from him.
    He and Lukya sort of had a non-verbal agreement that he didn't have to go if he didn't want to.. Daichi was sure that it probably did upset Lukya a little... and he hated himself for that, but it was just something he couldn't do.
    Daichi walked to the elevator and rode it up to the top deck and the fresh air outside.
    He took out his two blades, Twin LionHeart and started to whirl them around.. not practising anything in particular, just refining his own style, making the moves flow neatly and beautifully from one to the other.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    A monowheel came flying up as Dean was sat in it, he already finished his job and saw Yuna and Maylene running after a Goon as he revved the engine, following them, bypassing Yuna and Maylene rather quickly and in frotn fo the goon as he turne dteh Monowheel around, stopping said Goon while holding one of Twin Fenrir as he got off the seat. "You know, I hate people stealing stuff that doesn't belong to them."

    Teh goon tried an attempt to lunge at him but he suddenly moved fast as a bolt of lighting struck him and he jumped aroudn before charging into the Goon, twirling his gun. "Not as powerful when teaming up with Greg..." He muttered and bent down tot he knocked out the goon, getting the necklace as he saw Yuna and Maylene approach him. "Just normal fiends I had to fight." He said before throwing the necklace back at Yuna and getting back into the seat of the monowheel, twisting the throttle slightly. "Catch you all later." He drove off, the red abck lights of the monowheel trailing behidn him.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna nodded, "Go get 'em, Maylene!" She pushed Maylene forward. She caught the necklace and smiled, waving as Dean left the scene.


    Lukya stood up and nodded at the grave, staring at the single flower she placed on it. She left Barkeep with a garland of flowers she had made in the Moonflow to keep safe.
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene sort of stuttered in mid air, she had kicked off of Luna's boost perfectly, stretching out her legs up to the toes to get a full benefit of the boost.
    But... it seems Dean had stolen the spot light. "...Well... that kinda ruins the finish I had in mind.." she said as she landed.
    She sighed and looked at the unconcious goon. "Well, it's another uniform at least."
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna nodded and looked at the necklace. She sighed in relief, "It's still in one piece, thanks goodness." Yuna put the necklace back on and smiled at the pendant. She took the uniform from the goon and led Maylene back to the airship with the others. All the girls gave the uniforms to Maylene and she got to work. Yuna sighed and went to the bar for a drink. She stared at the pendant of the necklace, thinking about the young man who changed her life.
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji sipped another drink at the bar when Yuna arrived, happily, they didn't have much gil for it, besides there was no alcoholic stuff anyway. (OOOC if Spira does have anything like that O.o)

    "Looks to me like you got all you need." He said, gently moving the glass aroudn as the liquid swirled, he always found a drink to be calming, if he wore a black suit, he would have to resist an urge to say something cool like...shakened but not stirred?
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna smiled and took a sip of her drink. "Yes, I do. Kari made this necklace, or did you know that already?" She smiled at Yuji. Pushing some hair behind her ear, she revealed a earring in the same shape.
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Nope, me and Shugo don't exactly look up on possesions, that's a matter of privacy, sure we have access to just about anything but we only use it to confirm our questions with the right keywords, Shugo may of looked up how to make such things if he got interested at one point but beyond that, nothing." He said, sipping a little of the drink.

    "We just don't want to abuse the knowlegde we have right at our fingertips, anyone will want that kind of information be it good intentions or evil.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Right. You probably don't know how worried I was, seeing you lying motionless like that when Shugo went berserk." Yuna said, recalling the dream she had when she fell asleep in the Songstress Dress. She had a feeling the area the dream took place in was familiar, but she was more concerned about what happened to Aqua after the dream.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "That's part of the transformation process, in oreder to maintain it, one must become the body structure whiel the other forms the mind by transfering his sphere to the other along his own mind." he sipped again.

    "That's what when one of us do the transfer and speak together in the form, usually, it's me formign the body and SHugo, the mind since I control the spheres required to form the Body while Shugo has the ones that host the mind. Joker is an unique one as it's both Body and Mind sphere but Fang is perhaps Shugo's personal sphere to protect himself." Yuji took a breather.

    "We only used Fang twice before Shugo managed to control it, both times he was berserk, you saw for yourself when Eternal showed up for the first time, it somehow made him lose what there was of his humanity and fear of his knowledge burning away, but since Shugo's body is weaker, we can't keep that transformation for a long period of time, not to mention as we fight, we have to synchronize our movements,, when you see us use the Maximum Drives, that's when it's important, a fully synch Drive can dealt the most damage while an out fo synch one could with the right timimg, cancel the transformation."
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna listened to him, she knew there must have been a reason why Yuji was the one who joined them on the mission. She seemed surprised as she listened, for the first time it seemed, Yuna was speechless.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "That's why I always go out to fight while Shugo's always here, looking up infomation we can use, sure, he can fight with Fang now, but we're more used to having me, the fighter do his job, if SHugo needs to fiht, then he can since Fang would protect him and use the transfomation required, however... Only Joker's sohere can be used in combination with Fang, we never tried it the other spheres because Joker's the only sphere." he said thoughtfully.

    "Any other questions?" He asked her,
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "No more. Thank you for telling me, Yuji." Yuna turned back to her drink and took a sip. She sighed and thought about the first time she met Daichi on the Thunder Plains.
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka had been lying on one of the beds the whole time, she had heard Yuna and Yuji's conversation. Not that she had meant to be eaves dropping.
    She dropped down from her bunk."Yuji? I'm curious, how do you and Shugo know each other?"
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji thought back as he heard Haruka's question. "About a year ago, me and my boss decided to infiltrate Bevelle and discover what secrets there are that Yevon hid from us, the machina wasn't the biggest surprise sicne everyone knew that already, so we dug a little deeper and discovered that Yevon was attempting to recreate Gaia Sphere's, symbols of powers of the Earth itself, Shugo was one of the workers trying to develop it, we were given a case that contained the DoubleGrid, or rather, my boss was so I didn't know what was inside, I accidently trapped Shugo within a small prison by some machina after losing a bit fo my temper of what he said.

    Yuji sipped again. "My boss freed him but Bevelle's guard came and killed my boss as we tried to escape and Shugo knew they were trying to kill him to so, he asks me if I'm willing to ride into hell with him, we put on the DoubleGrid and used the Cyclone and Joker spheres to escape, Fang did appear as our transformation was canceled out after falling a few levels below and so Shugo voluneetered to switch places with me by becoming that berserk warrior, we did escape but the both of us call that night, Begin's Night, a event we never wish began but did, plus, it wasn't me who gave Shugo his name but my boss and we decided he'd keep that name." he finished, sipping again.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna listened and noticed a garland of flowers on the counter. She gently picked it up and figured who made it. Smiling, she smelled one of the flowers and trying to imagine the explanation Lukya would give. Lukya stepped into the bar and smiled at Yuna.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "Wow..."

    Haruka suddenly felt her head thump. Almost like a heart beat.
    Bevelle's secrets...

    She touched her hand to her fore-head, and shook herself back to sense.
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