Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo watched as she boarded the airship and crossed his arms. Suddenly he began to sweat "I have a bad feeling about this" Ryo said realizing that giving her a favor was not the greatest thing but suddenly began to laugh "oh well it was reward enough to see her like that" Ryo said
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Kari sighed and spoke to Haruka's commsphere, "Hey, Haruka, found your uniform yet? We're picking up Yuna and Aqua next, then heading for Rikku. No word from Paine or Maylene yet."
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi nodded, "Trust me... There are no words that are more true than that."


    [​IMG] Maylene blushed a deep red, although it would still be hard to tell thanks to her pink fur.
    She ran up to him and started pounding his legs with the bottom of her fists rapidly.
    Urosai! Urosai! Urosai! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup!" she squealed.
    She finally stopped herself from hitting him and looked up, panting slightly from her little Tsundere style fit.
    "...Yes. I was talking about..." she blushed harder, and started hitting him again.
    "Shutup! shutup! shutup!"
    she stopped herself again, panting harder this time. "I mean... I wasn't talking about it at first... I was talking about... skills, and then I imagined her and..."
    This time, her face went the same colour as her fur pretty much. The hitting resumed, "Shutup! shutup! shutup!"


    [​IMG] Haruka flipped through the air, headphones on her head, listening to music as she was in a fight against her enemy goon.
    She felt her commsphere go off in her pocket, and flicked her headphones down onto her neck, the loud music blaring out to become barely heard over the commsphere. She spoke out "Yeah! Just finishing up on my end." as she flipped over the goons head and planted her feet into the back of her head, flipping through the air and landing on the floor, cleanly.

    OOC: Yes. Maylene has a Tsundere side. lol
    Also.. yay for my two Haruka avy's. Headphone version and no headphone version for the right situation.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The airship flew to the Highroad, Yuna stepped out and waved at Haruka. "Hey, Haruka!"
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Haruka had just finished stripping down and then hiding her goons unconscious corps in a bush at a side road.
    "Thank god that Maylene can help with size adjustments on these things.
    I mean, I'm not exactly busty, but jeez! I would never fit in this!"
    she exclaimed comparing the chest on the outfit to her own chest.

    BTW, in case you don't know, the thing I striked out in my last post: 'Urosai' is the japanese word for: 'shut up' XD
    You might have guessed but I thought I'd just clarify anyway. lol
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna nodded and the airship headed for the Calm Lands for Paine, who called that she obtained her uniform.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean was hit by maylene's constant talking, she didn't hit hard at least as he was a bit red on the face but managed to get rid of it as he placed hands on her shoulders. "Calm down and take some deep breathes first, I apologize for asking you about your... body." he held back his faint blush again. "I won't tell anyone about this of course, but if you like, I can give you an honest opinion as a apology." He said, letting go of her shoulders.
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene crossed her arms and pouted, his hands still on her shoulders.
    "Go ahead... but... if I don't like what I hear... I'm continuing the pounding." she said somewhat timidly and Tsundere'ly again.
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Scary pounding I imagine." Dean thought to himself a bit nervously, he never had anyone act this way before, then again, back home he was focused on helping people so much and here in Spira, the same then saving Spira.

    "Well, let's see..." He paused a few moments to gather his thoughts, he did take a brief glance at her assets as it was natural tolook before giving a natural answer. "Do you like them as they are or not?" He had to ask before giving his answer, he didn't want to mess up or he may have a tragic ending...literally.
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Maylene, have you found your uniform? Brother is getting antsy." Lukya's voice sounded from Maylene's commsphere. "Can you please hurry before Brother decides to go insane?"
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene raised an eyebrow at him, she'd not thought about it properly before.
    "Well... uh... I don't hate them I guess... I just... well... I mean, I'm only 14... they have time to grow... although... I remember Luna before she and Daichi ran away... she was only 7 and yet she was starting to show then! I mean talk about early development! I'm twice that age and look! Nothing!..." she pouted.
    Admittedly, it was 12 years ago she had seen Luna... so she would have only been 2 at the time, but for some reason her mind had hung onto that strange fact for some reason.
    "I just... I dunno!" she pouted some more before her comm-sphere went off.
    "Lukya, kindly tell Brother to wait. I'm having an adult discussion here." Maylene said calmly.
    She looked at Dean expectantly. "You were saying?" she stuck her chest out somewhat more so he could get a clear look.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean heard her and rubbed his head as she was sticking out her chest more, he was a bit happy she turned off the comm-sphere after responding. "Thank god Rikku isn't here, she'd kill me for even talking with Maylene about this...remember the scary factor Dean, Rikku pissed is a 10." he thought to himself and looked at her.

    "Well... Not everyone grows at the same pace so there's nothing to be ashamed about." he said thoughtfully and thought it out some more. "Some people just develop at different rates, that's all, Daichi's sister was just an early start while you are perhaps begining to grow, personally, the older you are, the more calm you become about what's happening to you since your mind is more open than at 7."

    Dean heard lighting striking the rods, he was naturally used to it since he wasn't afraid of it, Rikku did have a phobia until by some miracle, she got over it, how he never knew. "I'll just go straight ahead and say it rather than avoid the subject, you are a lovely young woman and your chest does make you look cute and I'm sure perhaps when you are older and they develop, you'll just become more beautiful." Dean said with a faint blush, he never usually spoke about this kind of conversation so it's a new area for him.

    "Of course, that's just my personal and honest answer." He said to her, he wasn't being witty either, he knew when something was serious that he shouldn't joke around unless it was needed.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    A loud whistle was heard around the area and Yuna came running up to them, "Maylene? Oh, hello, Dean. I've gotten pretty good at that, huh? I wonder if he would be glad to hear that."
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    After paying Kimahri a vist on Gazazet Ryo walked up the mountain once more and walked up to his sister's statue once more. "so you and Kari seem to be in a little feud" Salina said appearing before Ryo. Crossing his arms Ryo just sighed "yeah you could say that" Ryo said. "so...what did you do?" Salina said. "huh? what makes you think I did something?" Ryo said but immediately noticed the stern look on her face and looked away embarrassed "I-I saw her taking a bath" Ryo said quietly

    This really surprised Salina as it was shown on her face but suddenly a sly grin spread across her face. She just closed her eyes and shook her head "Ryo Ryo Ryo..naughty naughty Ryo" Salina said. "sh-shut up It was an accident. I fell off a cliff and landed in the spring and in front of her" Ryo explained nervously and annoyed. Upon listening to his explanation another sly grin spread across Salina's face "not another word...besides its not what you think...she was half naked not fully" Ryo yelled before Salina could say anything.

    Letting out a laugh Salina smiled "alright alright I will stop. You two should make up" Salina said. "I already said I owe her but I really have no idea what she has in store" Ryo said shuttering at the thought of what she will make him do. "Thats good. I like Kari, she is a pretty and she is respectful to me despite the fact that I tell her she doesn't have to be so formal with me" Salina said as she crossed her arms. Once again her sly grin appeared "you should marry her and have lots of kids" Salina said suddenly. Catching Ryo off guard, Ryo was stunned "Sh-Shut up...your so meddlesome" Ryo said as Salina laughed "I can't help it after all I am your sister" Salina said with a soft smile
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "heYou did practice lots to get that good Yuna." Dean said as he didn't hear Maylene's answer thanks to her and knew he was going to be asked why he's here of all places. "There's some fiends troubling the Agency and I have been kind enough to get rid of them, of course Guadosalam is practically... newly occupied since the Guado fled to the forest across these plains." Thunder struck again, if Lighting was so constant here, you could power an entire city or anything since it's a limitless supply, but that's for scientic purposes

    OOC: as logn as no-one uses Lighting to send people travellign through time... oh wait, wrong reference.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yeah, but you know that Lukya is trying hard to fulfill her promises to her people. She's their leader, after all. I'm sure Seymour is proud of her from the Farplane. Oh! I didn't mean to bring any unpleasant memories about Gagazet, Maylene." Yuna said, looking away embarrassed.
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene looked as Yuna came over and ran to her happily, giving her a hug, her head only reaching Yuna's middle torso.
    She wasn't sure how she should feel about the whole Seymour and Gagazet thing, so she wrote it off and decided not to think about it.
    "Sorry Yuna, I got distracted talking to Dean about things. So I haven't found a goon for the uniform yet..." She looked up at Yuna with her sparkling pink eyes that were reflecting the flashes of light from the lightning.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna smiled. "Lets go look together, than. Maybe we'll meet again, Sir Dean."
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Maybe..." He said then materialized one of his guns, shooting a Lighting Elemetnal approaching them as he listened to Maylene's answer. "See you two later." he said before turning on his heel and summoned his other gun, leaping over some huge rocks, disappearing from sight.

    Yuji waited patiently in the bar, sipping a drink.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene shyly moved up to Dean and looked up to him.
    She was trying to hide her Tsundere side... so her expression seemed somewhat... odd.
    "Um... thank you. For what you said..." she blushed slightly.
    Her arms were crossed in front of her chest shyly, and she timidly swayed as she said this.
    Her chest had always been an issue to talk about.
    She'd even once taken on a Ronso three times her size when he had made a comment about her being a filthy flat chested half-breed (and she won..).
    Kimahri had to step in before other Ronso joined and things got out of hand. But he had never scolded Maylene for retaliating, he did however insist that she shouldn't take it to heart..
    Maylene realised that she missed Kimahri a lot now. He was like a father figure to her.
    she looked up at Yuna, her usual expression returning. "Yeah! Let's go!" she said cheerfully.
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