Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The imposter was defeated by Yuna who changed into the Songstress Dress, she left with her men, she shouted, "I won't let you off so easily next time!" "Get back here!" Rikku shouted, Kari sighed as Paine calmly said, "Rikku." The remaining party members watched as Yuna began to dance in the dress with a white machina dragon flying around her. Yuna was confused but she smiled.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "What is she doing?" Yuji's voice sounded from the suit as the left eye flashed. "I believe the term is dancing with joy?" Shugo's voiced his opinion as Yuji pulled the belt up as the green sphere vanished and the transformation broke down revealing him back in his usual clothes as he noticed the Gullwings Airship come down to collect them.
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi nodded his thanks to Haruka for her assistance after everyone was defeated. He then walked back to the others who pondered about Yuna's sudden outburst of dance.
    The airship started it's approach.

    Haruka watched the airship in awe. "Woah... Hey! wait!" she called after the group.
    She didn't really know why she had called out to them, but she hadn't been able to stop herself.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    My body just started dancing by itself. I didn't know what was going on. I was...frightened. Then, while I was dancing, something happened... Yuna thought as the airship appeared. Once everyone was on the airship, Yuna was back in her regular grab and smiled, Rikku smiled and said, "You sure looked like you were enjoying yourself." "I was!" Yuna said. "It felt like some other person's excitement just took over." Lukya smiled and sighed, Aqua smiled, holding the machina dragon that flew around Yuna.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    ~Before Airship leaves~

    Yuji had hands in his pockets as he was about to step into the airship, hearing Haruka's voice and turned his head at her. "We're the Gullwings, a Sphere Hunting group." he said as he entered isnide and it took off.


    "That can happen when you use the Garment Grid." A boy's voice spoke as he typed on a computer as Shugo was holding an open book on a page, looking at Shinra. "Isn't that strange?" He asked as Shinra spoke. "Who knows, the grid can have the aspects of the person who used it, so another's person's personailty appearing is possible."

    Yuji leant against a wall. "Isn't that dangerous?" He voiced and Shinra looked at everyone. "I'm just a kid." he said as Shugo closed his book. "Well, that's one mission complete." He said
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    A muscular man with just a mohawk of hair and wearing a pair of overalls cleared his throat, like with Yuna, Kari, Rikku, Lukya, and Daichi, he wore a yellow ribbon on his left arm. "Dancing Yuna? I want to see." He said, Rikku and Kari sweatdropped, Yuna nervously laughed and said, "It'll cost you." "One moment........" Brother searched his pants, but Paine said, "She's kidding......" "What? No dance?" Brother sounded disappointed when the alarm sounded, he spoke in Al Bhed, "Ehlusehk tydy! Gullwings, du ouin cdydeuhc!"

    Yuna went and talked to Brother, he asked, "Yuna...has my talking... gotten better?" 'He really has improved quite a bit. He told me that he practiced just so that he could talk with me more.' Yuna smiled and nodded, then went to Paine. 'This is Paine. I look up to her as a sphere hunter...and also as a friend. I still don't know her very well. She's not exactly the talkative type. I heard she joined the Gullwings shortly before I did... Rikku doesn't know much about her either.'

    "What now?" Paine asked, Yuna said, "Nothing!" Then she walked over to Rikku, she asked, "Having fun?" "You bet!" she answered, and thought, 'It all began when I saw this sphere of you. At least, it looked like you. I couldn't say for sure. I thought I might find more spheres like it if I joined the Gullwings. So I did. Oh, in case you're wondering, the Gullwings are sphere hunters, and sphere hunters are, well... This! We fly all over Spira. I'm really enjoying myself.'

    "Glad to hear it. For a while there, I was starting to feel like a kidnapper." Rikku said, Yuna giggled and said, "Don't be silly!"
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi looked at the others wondering what the alarm was.
    He still couldn't understand Al-Bhed... so whatever Brother had just said went completely over his head.
    He leaned against a wall nearby with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. "It's never a dull moment huh? After two years of paper work, the protecting aside... something about travelling again feels refreshing."
    His hair had grown longer over the past two years. A strand fell in front of his eyes, so he flicked his head to make the strand move.
    He looked down at the yellow Ribbon on his left arm and thought things through in his mind.
    I did say back then that I would drag back whoever went missing. You're no exception to the rules... Star Player of the Abes.

    Haruka sighed after the airship took off, Sphere hunting?
    It sounded fun... much better than the little bit of life she was clinging to here... she didn't have much in Luca other than her work at the Blitz stadium.
    She started walking to the Mi'hien Highroad in a relaxed manner.
    After that... she needed to take a stroll.
    She walked away from the mounds of unconscious guards in the area.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "What's going on now?" Yuji asked, it was adventure after adventure, ti was surprsing anyone got some breaks from this.

    Shugo looked over Buddy's shoulder. "Interesting, seems like the airship is catching a signal but it'll take some time to pinpoint it's location..." He said as Yuji sighed. "Geez..." Yuji rubbed his hair.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Duu cmuf!" Brother shouted in Al Bhed, but Buddy said in Al Bhed, "Crid ib!" Yuna smiled and walked up to the roof of the airship where Lukya was. The two felt the breeze for awhile then headed inside when Brother shouted into the intercom, "Cbrana fyja yhymocec lusbmada! Gullwings, report to the bridge!" They headed for the Bridge, Buddy said, "Treasure sphere waves! They're coming from those ruins they found at Gagazet." "All right!" Rikku said, Kari sighed, Brother shouted, "Haqd cdub: Gagazet!"

    The airship flew to the ruins at Gagazet, Yuna thought, 'Sacred Mt. Gagazet. Silent guardian of Zanarkand, city of the dead. When the fayth disappeared, the clouds enshrouding the mountain began to thin and disperse... ...revealing long-forgotten ruins among its peaks.' "Hey, the rocks are floating!" Yuna shouted, looking at the ruins, Rikku said, "Don't tell me we gotta climb up that thing!" "No worries. I'll take you to the top." Buddy said. Lukya looked at Daichi and nodded.
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Daichi walked over to Lukya and stood close.
    "Gagazet... it isn't the safest place for you..."

    He thought back, he wondered how Yuna's statue would be... and Luna's.

    OOC: I'm at Uni right now and have to go... won't be able to post for a bit.
    Can we try to sorta go slow-ish till then? I have a character to introduce on Gagazet.
    Sorry for the inconvenience guys :P
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji rubbed his forehead. "Gagazet huh..." he said, he didn't understand Al Bhed but Shugo's eyes gleamed. "I looked that in Spira's library, on the mountains are ruins that are long forgotten by the people of Spira but the Fayth covered that up perhaps by accident or purposefully, i'm curious as to what there could be there."

    "You'd do anything to know about something that strikes your interest won't you?" Yuji asked and Shugo gave a smile. "Of course, knowledge about where we're going and hwo to solve it is important Yuji." He said


    On the Mi'hien highroad stood a young man having blue hair a an and white coat with a blue scarf which seemed too long as he wore some cowboy shoes while there wa s a monowheel parked nearby as he watched the airship fly overhead.
    [​IMG] (Top right pic)
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Buddy dropped the team off and when Yuna landed, she felt dizzy, Paine and Rikku shouted, "Yuna!" as she fell. They grabbed her hands, Brother shouted, "What's your status?" "Disasterrific!" Rikku shouted, Brother said, ""Disasterrific" is not a word! Say "disastrous" like the rest of Spira!" "I'm not listening..." Rikku said, Brother shouted, "Rikku! Come in!" "You want me to hurt him?" Paine asked, Rikku said, "That'd be great." "Come in!" Brother shouted, Paine and Rikku said, "Heave ho!", pulling Yuna to safety, she said, "Thanks. That was a little close." "A little?" Paine asked.

    "Come in!!" Brother shouted again, Yuna said, "We're here. Everything's fine now." "Yuna, keep an eye on Rikku!" Brother said, Yuna nodded, "You got it!"
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji watched the scene unfold before him, he couldn't reatc in time but luckily, Paine and Rikku got there quickly enough and he heard Rikku's choice of words as he heard Shugo over the comm "Disasterrific? How interesting... I should look that up..." as Yuji spoke into it. "Look it up later, I'd rather not have my partner dive into that obession just yet." Yuji complained, he honestly didn't knwo what to do when SHugo goes on a rampage of learning things as he looked at Yuna.

    "Focus ahead of you Yuna, not below." Yuji said and proceeded onwards with balance.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yuna sighed and nodded, following the others. They came to a stairway, Rikku said, "We're not getting across this way." "Let's find another route." Paine said, and they found an elevator, Paine said, "A dead end." "Just great." Kari said, Yuna walked up and saw a button, she asked, "Think this machina still works?" Lukya pushed the button and activated the elevator, it started off quick, but moved slow.

    "I wonder how safe this is..." Lockon said, pushing up his glasses as he noticed Aqua holding onto Yuna's hand tightly, then the elevator went down quickly, some of the girls screamed in panic, Lukya hold onto Daichi before it stopped. "It stopped..." Yuna said, Rikku rubbed her butt, "Owwie." "What happened? Is Yuna okay?" Brother shouted, Yuna said, "Things are...disasterrific." "Disasterrific? I am on my way!" Brother said, Lukya tried not to facepalm, Brother scolded Rikku for saying that, but he was okay with Yuna saying, Rikku whined as she said, "What about me?"
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    A blonde haired woman and a man following behind were ahead of Yuna and her group as they climbed Mt. Gagazet. "My lady is it necessary to move so quickly? I don't think whatever's up there is going to disappear." he called up to her and she replied with a scowl, "It could stay there for all of eternity, I just want to get up there! C'mon, are you really going to spoil my fun like this?" He sighed, letting it drop and climbed up next to her. "C'mon, I hear voices. We move faster." Following the slight woman up the steep climbs and winding path up the mountain, he could barely remember what she'd been like before he'd met her. Had she been the same as now? He briefly wondered if Sphere Hunters were the people following behind.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: I've decided I'll include Maylene later, when they return to Gagazet and meet Kimahri.


    Daichi stood strong, bending his legs slightly for good balance as the elevator fell and Lukya held onto him. He didn't budge an inch as it came to a stop.
    He sighed as Lukya facepalmed after Brothers little disasterrific outburst... "Great... you know what brother is like... I wouldn't be surprised if he tried leaping from the airship now."

    Haruka walked along the Mi'hien Highroad slowly. Her hand in her pocket while the other swung freely by her side.
    She had headphones on and was listening to music through an I-sphere. She had one ear covered and the other ear free.
    She saw a young man up ahead, with blue hair, a white coat, blue scarf and these awesome cowboy boots.
    "Oh wow! Nice Monowheel." she commented to him, when she noticed the vehicle parked nearby.

    OOC: Yes... I did just invent Spira's version of the I-pod. XD
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "...Don't encourage him." Yuji said as he regained his footing.


    The man turned aroudn to notice the red haired girl and just gave a smile. "It's just something I dug up from a machina site, it's nothing that special honestly." He said, hands on his sides, looking at her.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Nothing that special? Are you kidding? There aren't many around, there are recreations of it, but those models are nothing like these old ones. I mean... this one here is quite old, but of course it would be if you dug it up from a site.." she said to him and partially to herself as she removed the other headpiece of headphones.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The young man laughed lightly. "Well, if you say so, I just use it for transport but msot of the time, I just walk, get me exercrise, well, then again, I walked from Besaid to Zanarkand so I got plenty of that." He said, waving his hand as he went to check upon the engine, looking at it. "Heh, last time I used one of these, it got destoryed when trying to save the world." he thought with a silent chuckle.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Besaid to Zanarkand? That's a long wa-..."
    She suddenly stopped herself. And looked the man directly in the face.
    "I just saw them and then-... but did she have a blue haired Guardian? ... I mean..." she studied his face more.
    None of them has blue hair though...
    she thought to herself as she went through the names of the male human guardians . But wait... wasn't there a blue haired Guardian at Yuna's speech 2 years ago? she thought harder.
    "Did you dye your hair or something?" she asked.
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