Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "I don't know...
    it looks like him, but..."

    Daichi sighed. "There's one thing for sure... we keep looking for spheres, we'll find the answers.
    Even if it isn't him... there must be a link of some sort."

    [​IMG]"Yeah! Think positive!" Maylene cheered, jumping into the air with one arm held high in a fist like motion.

    [​IMG] A familiar feeling, then Aqua fainted... just what is going on?
    Haruka walked to the elevator.
    "I'm gonna go see Barkeep for a drink guys.." Haruka told them before heading down the lift.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "hey leave them alone" Ryo said calmly walking over to the mob. "Don't go blaming others for something they never did" Ryo said and closed his eyes with a smirk "after all I was the one who was not only going to steal the sphere but also the one who allowed the Gullwings with the chance to take it" Ryo said opening his eyes and grinned "if you want to take out your anger then take it out on me...I welcome the challenge" Ryo said
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Devln rolled his eyes as the mob timidly broke apart. "Yeah, like we needed your support." Claire nudged him and smiled shyly, "Pardon him. He doesn't know how to act with humans." Devln snorted, "Yes I do...I just don't like them very much."
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "I never thought that they would go off and just blame somebody else for a theft" Ryo said scratching the back of his head "anyways my name is Ryo. Sorry about all that" Ryo said
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Claire smiled, "Claire and this is Devln." she elbowed him when he folded his arms and looked away. "Oh, it's no problem. The people of Kilika have always been our friends, them doing odd but not uncommon." Devln growled, "Claire, the people of Kilika have never treated us like this before." he glowered at Ryo, "So you're Ryo....why is that name familiar?"
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "huh? well I'm a sphere hunter so I guess that is where you have heard my name from" Ryo said crossing his arms trying his best to hide his fame as high summoner. With a sigh Ryo closed his eyes "The Youth's League and New Yevon are at each others throats. Its really affected the people of Spira" Ryo said
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Devln snorted, giving up trying to figure out who he was, "Ya think?" he mumbled something in Al Bhed and Claire frowned, "New Yevon thinks I'm on their side and the Youth League believes Devln's on their side. It's so confusing really. It almost makes you miss Sin....almost.... At least everyone was working more or less together." she rambled on before pulling a small deck of cards out of her pocket and nervously shuffling them, "Not that having Sin back would be any good. I mean....Sin destroyed Kilika and killed my parents." she fell silent and Devln patted her shoulder, "Is there something we can do for you, sphere hunter boy?"
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ryo sighed "I always assumed that the defeat of Sin would lead to the end of conflict but of course humans cannot agree with one another and conflict starts once more" Ryo said turning away and scratched the back of his head "I need nothing just came to apologies. It was nice to meet you two" Ryo said as he suddenly began to walk away "No matter how tough you must persevere. Never forget your losses, don't deny them but accept them. Use what you have lost as your strength" Ryo said as he walked away raising his hand to say goodbye
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Devln stared after him, blinking as if someone had slapped him, "I don't believe it.... It makes sense now! Claire, that man, uh, Ryo, he's a summoner! The High Summoner Ryo. I can't believe you didn't recognize him. Aren't you always going on about how much you love your High Summoners?" Claire frowned, "Hey, it's not my fault. I don't know everything about everyone. Mr. I'm Al Bhed So I Know Everything!" They quarrelled like an old couple and moved on. Catching a boat out from Kilika.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    SHinra spoke. "Well it certainly seems dangerous." He answered and Yuji nodded. "So what do we do? just walk up to New Yevon or the Youth League and say 'Hi, we claimed this sphere that's got a dangerous element in it so could you guys hold onto it for us even though you and the other party is clearly at each other's throats?" He asked them as SHugo cupped his chin in thought.

    "Question is, which one should we give it to? New Yevon is obivous for the word 'Yevon' in it's title and what happened after the Maesters disbanded, the Youth League, I'm not so sure of but nonetheless, we pick one since the Machine Faction isn't going to be likely in one place too long." Shugo respodned.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] "No matter what group we give it to, we will certainly be hated by the opposing side." Kari said, rubbing her hair. Rikku whined, "But Ryo really wanted us to have that sphere!"

    [​IMG] Lukya rubbed her hair and sighed, "Rikku, Kari's right. And seeing as how I'm the only person who lived after the Maesters were disbanded, I don't think we'd get much trust." "Well, I still don't want it! We're giving it back! Now!" Brother shouted, Yuna nodded in agreement with him, Lukya asked her, "You don't mind?" "I've seen it." "It's still pretty shameless to saunter up and give back the sphere we just stole." Buddy told them.

    "Oui pi xiead!" Brother told him, Kari sighed and said, hands in her pockets, "Our reputation is all but worthless if we do that. Our leader's, too, no less." "Crid ib!" Brother said, Yuna sighed, holding Aqua and said, "Well, now, this isn't any fun at all." "I really gotta let off some steam." Rikku whined, Buddy asked, "Whaddaya got in mind?" "Why don't we ask Yuna to dance?" Lockon said, Yuna was confused, "Dance?"

    "Oh? That's it! Yuna, you must dance! Our sanity depends on it!" Brother shouted at her, grabbing her shoulders, Lukya smiled as Paine said, "That sounds like an order, Yuna." "The exercise will do us good." Yuna said, Brother shouted happily, "Whoopeeee!" "Hang tight while I get ready." Yuna smiled and made her way to the Cabin. Then, a sound could be heard. "What's that sound?" Yuna asked, Brother said, "Ah, just some hitchhikers I picked up. They're a colorful bunch." Yuna proceeded to the Cabin and talked to Daraya, he said, "Mr. Brother welcomed us aboard at Kilika Port. Let us play ya a song o' thanks!"

    "Actually, I'm singing tonight..."
    Yuna told them, Daraya said, Well then, let us accompany ye! Tha's right up our alley! Joost help us get ower tae the exit. Ay, we're lookin' forrit tae bein' part o' the show!" With Aqua on her shoulders, Yuna pushed Tobli and the three musicians into the elevator. Daraya said, "Right! Now we're ready tae go!" "Tonight your dance will make you one with the stars above!" Borra said, Pukara said, "It's time to go, time for the show!" "Splendid, simply splendid!" Tobli said, Yuna went to the bar to change, lay Aqua on one of the bed and tell Haruka. That night, Yuna, Rikku, and Kari performed for the team, Lukya smiled, sitting next to Daichi, Paine paid no mind.

    After the performance and Kari and Lukya began to perform, Yuna sat by herself, talking to herself, "Who's Lenne......?" Suddenly Yuna began to get mad, "Why...why am I so mad?" She stood up and shouted, "Who the heck is Lenne!" It didn't take long for Yuna to realize she shouted out loud, she looked at everyone who was staring at her. She said, "I'm going to go to bed." Yuna went to the Cabin and slept with Aqua. Yuna began to have a strange dream, unaware of the fact she fell asleep in the Songstress Dress.

    She was in her summoner clothes and was running with him and Aqua. They were running from a group of soldiers, holding guns. Aqua tripped and shouted at them to help her, calling them Papa and Mama. He performed a spell and suddenly, Aqua fell asleep. He and Yuna began to run again, stopping in front of the machina. The soldiers cornered them, Yuna looked into his eyes one last time as a tear escaped her eye while he simply held her in his arms and looked into her eyes sadly. The soldiers fired at them, then they fell to the ground. Yuna cried at seeing his body motionless, then she died herself.
  12. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi watched as Lukya performed with Kari.
    [​IMG][​IMG] Maylene cheered for them and danced and then it was hers and Haruka's turn.
    Daichi had to turn down Maylene's constant requests of performing with them however.
    Suddenly, everyone heard Yuna give a small outburst before she went off to bed.

    "...Don't worry about her.. we'll tease her for bed-hair in the morning..." Daichi said to distract everyone from the situation.
    In the end, they all went back to what they had been doing.. perhaps a little half-heartedly though.

    Lenne? ...The one HE mentioned in the sphere?
    ... I wonder, if it's finally starting to get to her..
    He looked at Lukya for a second with an almost sad expression on his face.
    It must be hard being separated from someone like that... I don't know how I'd cope anyway... but Yuna was always tough.. I've walked the same path with her and the others long enough for us all to see that.
    Daichi looked up at the starry sky, as the ship continued to fly and the others continued to perform... trying to make it look like they had forgotten about Yuna's little outburst.
    You're there somewhere... and you best be watching over her.
    'Cause if you aren't... once we drag you back here, I'll kick your ass okay?
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya was worried about Yuna and went to the Cabin after her performance with Kari. She watched Yuna and Aqua, the two of them looked as though they were having a nightmare. Yuna was holding Aqua protectively in her arms. She sighed, thinking of Seymour and when she was scared. 'Who is Lenne?' She thought to herself, remembering Aqua fainted after watching the sphere.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji held back a chuckle as they wtached Yuna's dance and Daichi's comment. "If she has bed hair." he muttered quietly as he and SHugo returned their usual thing as Shugo was looking up in Spira's Libaray for perhaps a reference to this Lenne.

    "Anything?" He asked and Shugo opened his eyes. "Not a single thing, it seems as if Spira isn't giving me full access, how interesting..." He said, puzzled.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "If only it were that easy...
    then we could simply ask you to look up in that library of yours where... Never mind.
    Perhaps Spira itself wants us to do the hard work... We might find something else along the way. Something important.
    That's how these things usually work."
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya sighed and laid on the couch, falling asleep. Kari and the others entered the cabin and fell asleep around them until morning. Yuna woke up with a start, "What-" "What "what"?" Paine said, Aqua woke up as Yuna noticed them, she sighed, "It must've been a dream." "A dream's a dream." Kari said, Rikku smiled and said, "Blame it on your new jammies." Yuna blushed and smiled, changing into Gunner.

    The group went to the Bridge, Yuna asked, "What's up?" "Returning the sphere is all well and good, but who do we return it to?" Buddy asked, Lukya looked at Daichi, Maylene, or Haruka for any suggestion.
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "Well, I'm against New Yevon for obvious reasons... but the Youth League... is just loud.
    However it is the lesser of two evil's if we HAVE to return it."
    Daichi said, as he folded his arms and scowled at the floor.
    Yevon was bad news... it always had been.

    [​IMG] "New Yevon... well... Yevon in general just gives me bad vibes, so I'm against them too." She shivered, and seemed slightly pale for a second. "But! I'm with you guys no matter what."

    [​IMG]Maylene jumped up, hugging Yuna. "Yuna does have bed hair!" she cheered, before dropping down and smiling at her.
    "I don't really mind about the sphere... Whatever you guys choose, I'm happy with.
    Although... I can see why Daichi made his choice..."

    She looked thoughtful. "I'm not sure what Haru meant... but... she seems pretty certain too."
    She looked around at the others to see what they would say, ...or vote as it seemed to be.

    OOC: Yes.. Maylene will be giving people nicknames/shortenings of names. 'Haru' is just one of the many she'll come up with.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] "Either way, the reputation of the Gullwings will spread far and wide! When they will talk about the team's leader, a person who with a burning desire to find her beloved, they will talk about Yuna!" Kari said, Brother nodded in agreement, expect for the team's leader part, he said, "What do you think, Yuna?" "I'll follow your orders, Leader!" Yuna said, smiling. Brother blushed and said, "Uh... Aha! As leader, I order Yuna to decide!" "Hey, that's cheating!" Yuna shouted, but began to think about it, Brother asked, "Where to?"

    "I've decided." She said, Rikku said, "New Yevon...well it's got "Yevon" in its name. Enough said." "But the Youth League is reckless. They're the ones picking the fights." Paine said, Brother seemed desperate, "Well? WELL?" "Ummm... The Youth League." Yuna said.

    OOC: Behold the return of Kari's Kamina Side.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shugo spoke. "Not exactly Daichi, all things have a restricted section and requre passwords and such, the sphere's origins is one of them, I may be synchronized with Spira's Library well but not at 100%, it does intrigue me..."

    Yuji heard Yuna's choice. "Well, it's better than nothing, I just hope they don't hand out register slips as well. One group is more than enough for me."
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Works for me! Let's go with it! Gullwings, move out!" Brother shouted, the airship flew to Mushroom Rock. On the Mushroom Rock Road, Yuna's group and the Gullwings arrived. The Youth League members looked at them, Rikku said, "Wow! They're pulling out all the stops!" "I wonder why..." Yuna asked, Paine said, "You're the high summoner, remember?" "Who throws a welcome party for the people who ripped them off?" Buddy asked, Lukya sighed and shrugged her shoulders, Brother said, "Tadyemc, tadyemc. Cruf cusa lmycc, syh." He walked to the leader of the Youth League, Nooj.
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