Final Fantasy X-2: Resolved Dreams

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean sighed. "...I give up." He slumped his arms. "AT least Haruka stopped you." He said to her and held his hands out, showing hsi palms. "Of course I can wield them, these guns are actually built suited for me by a friend I knew..." Dean trailed off and remembered before as a flash took place and the scenery changed, showing Dean in amuch different outfit but brown coat and orange scarf and some five others were there, a red hair twin braided girl wearing pink, a older man with a hat and a huge gun on his back, a blonde male wearing a fleece-like jacket and a huge piledriver while there was a small girl wearing a backpack and finally a white haired girl in green robes.

    "What are you talking about Avril!? You can't just go in there by yourself!" He said and a white haired girl wearing green clothing almost like royalty spoke. "It's for the best Dean, the tower is about to explode and the corridors are rips in time and space, only I would remember how to shut off the TF system and save Filgaia, that's what I remembered when you awoke my sleeping memories... besides, you are the people's hope now and carry on my title, Johnny Appleseed, make the world a better place."

    Dean's younger self nodded. "Fine but I'll go as far as the entrance with you." he said as the two proceeded and the images vanished as Dean was abit surprised.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    The memory fight ended and Young Lukya hugged Young Kari, shouting, "Don't ever worry us like that again, Kari!!!!!!" Young Kari hugged her back, saying, "I'm sorry to have you worried." They vanished along with the younger selves of the others, Lockon asked, "What was that?"

    "The reason why this place has a deeper meaning to Lukya. Though I received the power, I nearly left everyone I cared for to become the one thing could beat Sin. The Final Aeon." Kari looked at everyone, lowering her shirt, revealing a symbol on her chest. "Before Team Besaid beat Yu Yevon, he gave me this to remind me that I was the last one in a long line of people who sacrificed themselves and survived."
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "We all lost and gained something here.. probably Lukya, Yuna and Kari most of all."


    [​IMG] "Wow... that really happened? ...Unbelievable..."


    [​IMG] Maylene took hold of Lukya's hand and smiled up at her.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Lukya felt Maylene grab her hand and she smiled, hugging her. "Yes, Haruka, that really happened." She said, lightly crying. "Kari was nearly sacrificed in this place. If Ryo hadn't slapped her, the girl who gave us a fighting spirit to beat Sin wouldn't be here right now." Kari smiled at her, rubbing her hair in embarrassment, then looked at her hands again and sighed. Yuna smiled at them and took a step forward.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuji blinked "WHo were they, that person seemed to be you Dean." he said and Dean nodded. "Yeah, that was me... in my country of Filgaia, what you saw was after I saved the world from the emotion of Despair, back then, there was a higher race who were higher than humans." He said

    "WHat's a TF system?" Yuji asked, noticing the others haven't spoken about the memory appearance. "Something that uses the planet's inner energy and can destory perhaps an entire country if need be, the man I faced, Volsung, used this to wipe out his people and tried to destory Filgaia but myself and the others you saw stopped him but a price was paid." He explained and Yuji blinked. "The girl?" He asked

    Dean nodded. "She enetered the Tower and stopped the explosion but when she returned, she was the same girl with all but her memories gone when I started my journey with her, I cannot see them now." Dean walked forward to continue. "Because, I don't belong here." he said lowly to Yuji and pressed on

    "What does he mean?"
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] "Oh, please, Dean." Kari said, crossing her arms. "Don't say that, you don't want to make Rikku cry, do you?" She smiled, the Zanarkand Abes symbol briefly appeared on her back than vanished.
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi looked at Kari, his skill at reading people hadn't deteriorated over the years and it was just as strong now... she was hiding something.
    He'd been here with her before... it was the exact same place as last time too in fact.
    He was thinking about what it could be this time when suddenly his memories triggered a change in the pyreflies and his memories played on show for everyone to see.
    It showed how he had tried to hint to Kari that he knew she was hiding something. How he had tried to cover it up by making a weight comment and then how he had been slapped by Kari for it.
    He hadn't even meant to trigger the thing, his thoughts about that past event and what could be happening now had just made it happen by accident.


    [​IMG] "What was that?" Haruka asked. "I mean... who's memory? and why?"


    [​IMG] "Wow... Kari owned Daichi.." Maylene said quietly, staring at Kari in awe slightly.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean agve a look that shown he heard her and somewhere within his eyes was regret but hidden easily. "Trust me, if you dealt with what I been though, you'd say the same." he said and Yuji spoke. "Who's Johnny Appleseed?" he asked and dean turned and placed his ahnds in the pockets of his oversized coat..

    "A title given to the saviors of Filgaia, originally, me and my friends searched for this man and discovered it was but a title given to those who did that deed and the girl in green was the previous Johnny Appleseed, I was given the title by her before she entered that tower like you saw before, I was also a well known man's successor and finally, my name on that day became simailr to those titles as I was the one to create a bridge never thought possible between species. I lived ina small village in the mountains so peace and quiet was easy to obtain, but on one of my travels around Filgaia to check on everyone, a incident happened."

    "Incident?" he asked, curious and Dean nodded a little. "People from a foregin country came and I was the unfortunate target and it wasn't until I arrived in Spira that things changed." He said and Yuji blinked. "You make it sound like you came from a very different place, why didn't you go back home?" he asked.

    "I couldn't, not back then and not in the future either, I have... my reasons, that and Rikku would throttle me for going a very long distance, besides, there's probably nothing to do there except maybe drink Johnny Appleseed." He said with a shrug and Yuji blinked. "It's also a wine as well, Sadly, I only had one drink with one of my friend's father since I promised him, I was...15-16 back then."
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Kari smiled in embarrassment, and said, "After that weight comment, how could I not do that? It was after I received the power of the Final Aeon, Haruka." Lukya nodded and wiped her tears.
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] "Oh no. I would have slapped him too.
    I just mean.. why did that memory show now."


    [​IMG] Daichi caught Kari's eye and gave her a look which told her, he knew something was up, and he wasn't about to let her hide it after what happened last time.


    [​IMG] "Lukya? Daichi's never made a comment about your weight has he?" Maylene asked innocently.

    "No I haven't! At the time... it was a cover up for what I was trying to tell her...
    I could tell she didn't want to worry anyone... so.. I..."
    he coughed. "I took one for the team and made a slap worthy comment to distract from the actual tension."

    "Oh... so that's how it was..
    So... Lukya? Would you slap Daichi too if he made such a comment?"
    again, she asked innocently.

    Daichi sighed... "I told you... I wouldn't..." he said weakly.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] "The pyreflies seemed to have reacted of Daichi's thoughts of the past and created the memory to show." Kari said. "Like a old friend once told us, this place is like a big sphere, showing us memories of past High Summoners and their Guardians."

    [​IMG] Lukya smiled and looked at Maylene. "Yes, only if he really deserved it, Maylene."
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    AS the two swordsmen stood on a boat Ryo calmly raised his machina arm and looked up at it.

    I won't let you...I will end the tears

    Thats right...I said those words as I faced him. I renounced my faith...I defeated Yunalesca and fought my greatest challenge. I lost my arm and I swore to defeat Sin. but... RYo thought to himself as suddenly Gilgamesh walked up to him "something wrong?" Gilgamesh asked. Lowering his arm Ryo looked over at Gilgamesh "nah nothings wrong. Its just remembering an important moment in my life" Ryo said
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Muahahahaha!" A voice echoed throughout the room, Lukya held Maylene close and Aqua held onto Yuna's leg while Kari and Paine got ready to fight, Rikku shouted, "Who's there?" "You have done well to make it this far, sphere hunters. But you will not have the treasure you seek so easily." The voice said, Paine shouted, "So we fight." "If you want the treasure, you must speak the password!" The voice said, Kari asked, confused, "Password?" "The clues?" Yuna asked, Rikku said happily, "Oh, I know! The password is "monkey"!"

    "Uh...yes, good. Uh, okay! So now tell me: What is the meaning of life?" The voice said and everyone was confused, Lukya said, "Guys, is it me or is that voice very familiar?" "What? Is that you, Isaaru? Isaaru?" Yuna asked, Rikku gasped and nodded, "Hey. That sort of does sound like Isaaru." "Is that your final answer?" The voice said nervously, Rikku smiled and said, "The jig is up! Show yourself, Isaaru!" "Uh...fine."

    Isaaru appeared behind them, Yuna asked, "Um, what are you doing?" "My job. I bring excitement to those who've come to see this sacred place. I, too, once travelled with the hope of seeing this place someday. Working here somehow fulfills that wish." He said to them, Yuna sighed, "I see..." "I must apologize for the quiz. Here's something for your trouble." He gave a new garment grid and a sphere, he said, "'Kay! Thanks for coming! And remember, the ruins of Zanarkand will be waiting!" Then Isaaru left the scene, Paine said, "Ex-summoners come in all flavors." "Apparently so." Yuna said, trying not to imagine what would appear if Ryo saw this place, Rikku asked, "We done here?" "The sphere oscillo-finder picked up a signal. There should still be a sphere nearby." Kari said

    "Oh." Yuna said, nodding in agreement, Rikku nodded, "Right." "Okay, let's try this again." Paine said. Lukya was thinking how ridiculous the quiz was to Rikku's 'punishment' toward Kari for worrying the team about becoming the Final Aeon and the pyreflies showed the memory, she blushed deeper than she did two years ago.

    OOC: -bows repeatedly- Sorry for not being on yesterday! Had a long play practice, went through the whole thing! I'm ready for a punishment!
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dean and Yuji blinked as they watched the memory.

    OOC: Short is short.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] "Seriously, Rikku, you weren't going to let that slide, huh?" Kari asked, Rikku smiled, "Nope, you nearly worried us and I wasn't going to let you get away with it." Yuna sweatdropped and laughed, Aqua smiled. Lukya smiled and sighed, looking at Daichi.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Daichi simply smirked. "You deserved it.. besides, you enjoyed it for a punishment anyway."
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] [​IMG] Kari stared at him and groaned, starting to walk away. Lukya smiled, holding Maylene's hand and followed her. "That memory will forever be in my heart, though, Kari." "How many times I have say to sorry?" Kari said, looking at her.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [​IMG] Maylene let herself be lead by Lukya as they walked.
    She thought of an answer to Kari's question and voiced it.
    "Maybe it's one of those things where you have to keep going and everyone will then tell you when it's enough?"
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] Kari sighed and put her hands in her pockets. "Guess you're right, pink furball." "That's Maylene." Yuna said, correcting her, Kari smiled. Lukya smiled and sighed, thinking about Seymour and the memory she witnessed with the others about him.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "You'd be surprised what happened between me and Daichi." Dean said and Yuji blinked. "What's that? Can't be more shocking than a kiss." he said and Dean turned his head, still walking. "I punched him. Twice." He said and Yuji gave out a gasp.

    "You punched a Ronso who are known for their brute strength? and if it's a half-Ronso thet strength might be limitless?" he asked and Dean put hands behind his head.

    "Pretty much, it was a good idea at the time, second time was here in Zanarkand when he practically asked him to punch him again, he teased me about the first one so I punched him again." He said.
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