What do you think about this game? I like it a lot! The story is great (althyough most of the characters don't get a second look in if they're not Squall or Rinoa), the Junction system was fully custermisable. Just a great game all round.
I think it was a great game, I've been replaying it on the psp, and its sadly not as good as I remember, but its around there.....
when i 1st played it, it confused the mess out of me with the whole go into the future and kill the evil sorceress then she will somehow warp to the past and take over your party member when you randomly learn she is a sorceress also ultimecia's GF name was A*SHOLE (im being 100% serious) in my game my friend said it was because i did something to name it that but when i play it now, i love it. squall was a cool character and seifer was a awesome rival i loved that odin is killed and replaced with gilgamesh (added a WTF part in that battle for me) the airship and world was cool and i love the card game
Played it again on my psp for the, let's see *counts fingers* 4th time? Anyways, awesome game. My only complaints is that the Junction and the level up system made this game quite easy *if ya know whar yer doin xD*.
I didn't really like it when I played it some years ago, it was to complicated and the drawing just killed it. Maybe I would enjoy it now...
I own the original and greatest hits version for my psone...they still work too xp i really liked how it was a lot of fantasy stuff, I was young and fantasy things got to me. I am an artist too so I draw off of a storyline like the game. I just really wished a few characters had more of the limelight instead of just squall and rinoa getting all the attention all the time. But for the most part it was awesome. The junction system was very complex but it was still easy and fluid. All I have to say is WOW for the cg considering the system it was released for. And krayzie, I think it was made down loadable like many other games.
oh ok thanks i need to download it ;) i have the game and its the best PS1 game i have ever played its really good and it has a good story line my favorite GF was Eden and Ultimecia's final form looks awesome
My only quibble with it is the sudden personality change of Squall half-way through. He's all like "Ew, Rinoa sucks" and his friends force him to save her... then two seconds later he's all "Rinoa! Rinoa! Rinoa!" I just didn't really buy it. :p I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't for the fact that the theme of the entire game is suppose to be their so-called love, which I didn't really get. I thought other FF couples were waaay cuter (Zidane and Dagger, for one) yet the game didn't focus on them. But other than that... I love all the other characters and the opening FMV is one of my all time favourties! Although the story does get a little screwy at the end (why exactly was Ultimecia trying to compress time?) it's still a good game. :)
Well, there is a theory that Rinoa is Ultemecia >>; It's VERY plausible to my mind.... But you see, I don't wanna post it nor do I wanna link it soo..... Go to Gamefaqs.com and look under psone and then find ff8....you just need to look for it and BOOM...you get that thoery...xD
Yeah, I've actually heard that before. And I'll say, I do like it. ;) It makes a lot of sense to me. But, seeing as though it is only a theory and all... it's not necessarily true, which then brings us back to square one. :)