Motorcycle minigame was entertaining............. Vincent was hard to get, that stupid Lost Number boss kept killing me and the minigame was so dang hard. Yes, I got Vincent on my first visit. Gah! Stupid Yuffie, I wanna tear her to shreads after she stole my materia, I had to walk to Wutai without magic! I couldn't get there even with materia! Jenova-Life kept killing me, I got it on the third try. I had to watch Aerith's death scene 3 times. :o
I LOVE the Motorcycle game!! I also love the Snowboarding game!! The Lost Number...I killed that thing....twords the end of the game. I NEVER finished it though,because I accidentally overwrote the game!!! *Get's mauled by Sephiroth* I got past the Materia thing....after A LOT of struggling..ugh. Meh,I beat Jenova-Life on my first try....
Ahaha!! FF7...oh, FF7, how I love you! Brings back old memories. Like how I accidently got Vincent at disc 3 by looming around and leveling up before the big showdown. >_> Shuush, it was my first play! I didn't even know secret chara's existed...
That's okay. I NEVER got Vincent untill....about the 4th or 5th time I played through (which sadly,I have yet to beat the game). I'm a lamer...Got It Memorized?
No offense to Aerith's fans but, I laughed when she died...really loud...:D So then the 3rd time I decided to play, i did something stupid and got to watch the scene twice...rofl
He is, isn't he? I found the Lost Number Boss easy as...maybe because I just spammed Cloud and Tifa's LV 3 Limit Break.
.......................... My party members had level 2 Limit Breaks, Cloud Lv 32, Tifa Lv 31, Aerith Lv 30.
How the hell did you guys remember what levels and Limit Breaks you had??? Anyways, on Aeris's Death scene, I sat there, swearing at the screen in my mind, and otherwise speechless. I couldn't believe it, considering I went through hell to get her semi strong. I don't like Aeris that much, but I felt bad for her anyways.
I can't exactly remember what I did the first time I saw Aeris die...scratch that, I don't remember ****! I was kinda young and insensitive. *played that game when she was 12 or something* I must've blinked and whined for a bit, but that's probably it. Though in my most recent game, the scene actually broke my heart, even though I knew it was coming T__T And it wasn't helping that I kept having to see the scene over again since I kept on dying in the Jenova battle! #@&!%ç* BLOODY JENOVA!! (who else totally digged the infamous crossdressing scene with our faaaavorite pervert Don Corneo? =D)
That lost number boss was annoying but i managed to beat him on my first try. But I'm stuck I found Yuffie once and she stole my money but I can't find her, do you know how I can get her?
I never found any of the bosses in FFVII hard except the Ruby & Emerald Weapons. Those guys were tough!!! That lost number boss wasn't that hard.