Featuring the Crisis Core Family and other special guests. Cloud Strife-------------Haseo Sephiroth--------Repliku Zack Fair---------Finalform Tifa Lockheart--------sora n roxas rock Aerith-----------------sora is cute Yuffie Kisagari--------~Amber~ Reno--------------Destiny's Force Angeal-----------------What? Dajak(Kadaj's revenant)-------DPWolf Negesis(Genesis' revenant)---------Me =D Cid------------------------ICSP Vincent---------------------Roxas 13(Mail Jeevas) Well, we have all of the main characters of this story down, let's get started with Chapter 1: Renewing the ruins of Midgar. Chapter 1: Renewing the ruins of Midgar Cloud was walking through the streets of Midgar, on a relaxation role, just chilling with his friends and such. " I still can't believe that epic defeat you used against Sephiroth!" Yuffie remarked. "Yes," Cid replied, " It was very great how you performed OmniSlash." Cloud turned around and had a solemn look on his face. "Well, I guess I made it look easy, but it was harder than you thought." Cloud then rubbed his hand in his hair, slightly sending it back then said, "You see, Sephiroth had always dwelled in my memories until Kadaj retrieved Jenova's Cells." "Well, you sure showed Kadaj not to mess with her cells," Yuffie then, stated. "Not exactly," Cloud said, "Kadaj actually lost the cells, but somehow strangely got them back." "Nevermind," Yuffie replied, " Why does Kadaj always have to be so annoying?" "Well, I can admit that Loz was much more annoying than Kadaj, he cried a little too much", Cloud remarked. Everyone laughed. Cloud smiled. After their long discussion, Cloud and Tifa went back home to see Mauline(forgive me if I spelled that wrong) and Denzel. "Where have you guys been?" Mauline excitedly asked. "We just went out for a walk with our friends," Tifa replied. "It only took 10 minutes dear." Denzel came running into the room where Mauline and Tifa were and told everybody what he found. Denzel lead everybody outside to where he was and showed them a mysterious piece of paper. It seemed to have remains of the GeoStigma on it. Cloud looked at seriously. "Could it be, the stigma?" Denzel asked. "This isn't good," Cloud said, "We have to inform the others." The family suddenly heard footsteps behind them. Coming their way was Reno and Rude. "Well, well, what's going on?Another crime scene?" Reno asked. "This isn't fun and games Reno!" Cloud replied in seriousness and slightly angry. "Look at this". Cloud, aggressively, showed Reno the paper, carefully not touching the stigma. Reno's eyes widened, then he gave a serious look on his face as well. "Isn't good," Rude said, "We have to tell everybody." "Only the Advent Children," Tifa replied. "We don't want to end up freaking out the whole entire city." Everyone nodded and set out to look for the Advent Children members. Cloud's memories started to get worse about Kadaj and Sephiroth. Flashes appeared in his mind as if he somehow got effected. He held his head a little, but strongly, continued to walk behind the others, not worrying about the stigma. He tried to think of something else that would calm him down. Everyone walked towards the building where the Advent Children were currently in. *** Well, that's the end of Chapter 1, what do you guys think?
It was really good, interesting. What I don't get is how the story relates to the title. *shrugs* Oh well, I'm sure there'll be a connection eventually, right?
The chapter was very well done. It all flowed well. Seeing how this is going, I'm liking it. Keep it up.
Not bad, not bad at all. Its been a while since a fan fic has managed to intrigue me this much. I'll definitely be keeping tabs on this. Oh, and about "Mauline". Not to be picky, but its Marlene. :D No need to go back and fix it in this chapter. Just for future ones. I can't help it, I sound like I'm *****ing about it. D: