So, any of you remember FF8 right? And after you finish fighting Ultemecia and win, you see what happens to the world and watch the credits. But, do any of you remember Squall and Rinoa kissed at the end? You can only achieve this IF you have the normal version (not greates hits) me and my sis one day watched it and thought we saw them kissing, so then we decided "What the hell, might as well try!" So we defeated Ultemecia again, and then put in disc 4 around that sequence time. And, to our surprise, THEY DID KISS ;o Anyone else knew about that? I've known, I just wanted to tell everybody xD
Must've been something special for anyone actually wanting to buy it first and not wait for greatest hits xD
i have not seen that,and i have not beat the game yet(no joke).i'm stuck on this one boss on the final disc and i can't remember where i'm at,it's been years since i've played it.
Its probably like one of a special surprise (like an easter egg)... I remember seeing them kiss, but only the 1st time I completed the game... T-T