I think I annoyed you guys enough for now so here's my final attempt. TTT_TTT Sorry if I was bugging you guys about my attempts but I just can't help it! TTT_TTT So here's the link. http://player49.deviantart.com/art/Cap-Final-Attempt-100002547 I'm gonna start on the new drawing and stop this one. I promise!
Second one was my favorite even though I see many improvements here. I think I've said everything I have to already so I'll stop nattering at you.
Same problems? Wow. I think I really suck at looking at art pics then. XPPPP Btw, I didn't recognize you! O_O I thought you were someone else until you mentioned about that you already told me my problems. XDDDDD
Oh, not really, just there are no new ones. You've done away with some of the ones mentioned before but the rest I believe is up to how much you practice, but that's just me.
I.... I actually moved onto the next level? O_O.... ;_; Thank you! *huggles* TTT_TTT Thanks for all the help you gave to me.
So much better. The head isn't disfigured this time! And I see you added flames on the pants. Very nice!