FF and KH Villians United

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ukali_rules, May 9, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    OOC:That was a very short storm,but had lots of rain and thunder.Also,the cards explode when you hit the wrong ones.Seph just hit 51 wrong cards.Sephiroth should be in pain,at least.
    Luxord got lucky *cough* and the card only cut his cheek.He had a short,bleeding scar on the right side of his face.''Damn.'',he said with his hand over the scar.He looked around the room to see what he could do.He made more cards appear around him and the moved him to another section of the castle.
  2. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Muttering crossly, Sephiroth quickly used an Elixir on himself, and warped away to a safer place.

    Appearing in the crisped area that was originally Marluxia's flower garden, Sephiroth landed, and examined his wounds.

    OOC: Not all the cards explode. Some just die, while others explode. The ones with the red on them explode. There is only like... 2 out of 7 red cards. So.. that's like... 15 red cards or something.


    "Burns and cuts, nothing more," Sephiroth muttered, and un-summoned his sword. "Organization XIII shall be hard to defeat, but I shall succeed. Perhaps, a little help from Strife wouldn't hurt..."

    "Hey, Cloud. HEY! CLOUD! Aw, c'mon, STOP ZONING OUT ON ME! HELLO! CLOUD!"
    Riku shook Cloud. The blond was staring off into the distance, somewhere toward the
    edge of Radiant Gardens.

    "CLOUD!" Riku shouted, thoroughly exasperated. He slapped Cloud over the head. "Wake up!"

    Cloud suddenly unsheathed his sword, and started to walk away. A black portal appeared, and Cloud entered it.

    "Wait for me!" Riku shouted, not wanting to stay ANYWHERE near Rinoa or Namine. He raced after Cloud, and into the dark portal.
  3. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Well I am going into my room" Marluxia said and go in his room.

    Inside Marluxia´s room "Aww well, luckily I discovered how to do this after Axel burn my flower garden the 100º time" He said while putting his hand on the ground, then some pink energy comes out of his hand, and his flowers starting regenerating magically "Wha- What´s that" He mumbled, he spotted something silver "Wait, the silver flowers aren´t there... That means... HOLY ****, THAT´S SEPHIROTH" He again mumbled, then he teleported to the room where Xemnas is "Sephiroth is in my room, get him out of here" He said.
  4. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "You called, Sephiroth?" Cloud asked, lifting his eyebrows. Riku hung onto the back of his shirt, shivering with fear.

    I'm not going crazy. I'm not going crazy. Cloud isn't asking if Sephiroth called him...

    "Yes, I did."

    Crap. He is.

    "What is it you need."

    Don't ask him what he needs, Cloud! KILL HIM!

    "Organization XIII has been... a nuisance to me."

    No duh. They're a nuisance ot everyone.

    "You promise you will leave me alone for three years if I help you destroy them."

    Cloud, you stupid-head. Sephiroth will NEVER leave you alone. He will be dissing and bad-mouthing you behind your back!


    Don't take his lies, Cloud. Don't take them!

    "All right. I shall help you."


    Riku leapt at Sephiroth, shouting a battle cry. Sephiroth easily dodged, making Riku land into a bush of roses.

    "You brought a guest."

    "Riku decided to come along."

    "I suppose he shall be helpful. Drawing the other Keyblade Masters here with him as bait will make my plans easier."

    "Are you going to destroy them?"

    "To tell the truth, Cloud, I am not sure what I shall do to them. Most likely make them my mindless slaves."

    Cloud snorted, and rolled his eyes.

    "You never had any good ideas, Sephiroth."

    OOC: Just a bit of friendly chat, with Riku thinking.
  5. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    OOC: I'm starting to discover character dicrimination here Ukali and its...YOU!!!
    Rinoa and Namine are on their side and being friendly (Not flirty) yet you are bullying them on purpose which is not the character of Riku or Cloud (Who has nothing to do with Rinoa's evil fangirls stare which was a JOKE) so please stop discrimnating them on me I'm trying to have fun in a story but both of my characters keep getting s.l.a.g.g.e.d off by Riku for uncalled for reasons I'm trying to be a good person and ask nicely so stop it please.

    BIC: Rinoa was angry at Riku and she gave chase and followed them through the portal and saw the events unfold "Whatever" Rinoa stated and pinned Riku on the flor while stealing the Elixir he had on him "Thanks this is what I do to peop[le who reject me on a good day" Rinoa stated walking over to Sephiroth "You still want Meteor and guess who else knows how yto cast it excluding Malficent of course" Rinoa told him in a business woman like tone.

    Namine was now getting bored and went inside the giant refridgerator to find an ice cream.
  6. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "Pete?" Sephiroth asked in a cold and mocking tone. "I thank you for your generosity, but I don't need help." He turned his back on Rinoa, and added a comment.

    "And shouldn't you be getting to Squall by now? I'm sure he will be VERY happy to see you. Come, Strife, we have Nobodies to destroy."

    Sephiroth and Cloud walked out of the room. Riku glanced at Rinoa, and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

    "Uh, sorry for stealing your Elixir?" Riku asked.

    OOC: Sephiroth is mean like that, so don't blame me. DX
    That last rant was uncalled for, but I see your point. I'm not sure it's mean who is being a jerk, or just mis-understanding your post.
  7. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Luxord got up and was trying to think of a plan.''What do I do?I can't beat Sephiroth by myself.He's too powerful for that.''
    He was walking in circles,trying to formulate some kind of plan to use against Sephiroth.
  8. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "AHA!! There you are, you clone of Ansem the Wise!"
    The door flew open, and in marched both Cloud AND Sephiroth. Both of them unsheathed their swords, and pointed it at Luxord.
    "Time for your death," Sephiroth said, more calm then the excited looking Cloud.
  9. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aerith came up behind Rinoa. (Yes, she and Kairi had come through the portal despite their better judgement.) "Rinoa... I know you're really worked up and all... but did it ever occur to you that Riku might not be interested in you and Naminé's affections?" she asked gently. "Honestly, I think he's a bit too old/young to be responding to friendly flirtation. Whatever."

    Kairi was wandering through the extremely repetitive halls of Castle Oblivion. It felt familiar, but it also gave her a headache when she walked through a white room and an identical hallway and opened a door to an equally identical room. In one room, she found a very white table and a couple of crayons scattered over the ground- broken. (Stupid Larxene... she broke Naminé's crayons for no reason!) So she stole one, to help her mark her path.

    Sora ran, following the sounds of shouting, glass breaking, burning, and calls of "PERISH NOW." But he was still lost. He ran past a scribble on the wall saying KAIRI WUZ HERE and a couple of arrows scratched in crayon. He paused to take the time to write SORA WUZ HERE under Kairi's chickenscratch, then continued. Then he yanked open a white door... and crashed into a cloud of silver hair.
  10. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Sephiroth whipped around, and a sword was suddenly pointed to Sora's throat.

    "You!" Sephiroth snarled, and Cloud glanced behind him. Frowning, Cloud grabbed Sora, and dragged him out of the room.

    "Just a second, Sephiroth," Cloud called, and shut the door. Turning to Sora, he glared at him, and asked, "What the heck are you doing here?! I have to fight this battle ALONE!"
    Riku wandered after Kairi and Sora. He saw the messages written in crayon.

    "Kairi wuz here! Sora wuz here!"

    Sighing, he grabbed a crayon, and scribbled on the wall his message.

    "Riku too!"
  11. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sora squeaked, "Cloud-! Hey, why are you talking to him nicer than you're talking to me?!" Dangit... I really should start looking where I'm going... one day I'm not going to be so lucky and he's going to behead me with that oversized toadsticker. "And what's with all this mud about ALONE? Last time I checked, you made ME do all the work back in the Radiant Garden!"
  12. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "I was busy fighitng Sephiroth," Cloud muttered, but then roughly shook Sora. "That is beside the point! I have to defeat Sephiroth alone, AFTER I help him destroy all those black-coated men. I am sure you will be glad once I destroy them for you!"
  13. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Luxord was wandering the castle,hoping Sephiroth was far away.''Damn,this sucks.How am I supposed to do this by myself?He has Cloud's help now.''
    He sat down and thought for a minute.''That's it!''
    He opened a dark portal and dissapeared.
  14. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    OOC: Thank you people I just felt like the characters were being too mean but you know I'm ok now Plus Namine will still give light flirts to Riku to play around with him.

    BIC: "Aerith Riku is 16 and I'm 17 the age isn't the problem its he just don't like me and I'm ok now I'm over it I was over it when I pelted him with all the rings in the accessory shop. But thank you for talking to me kindly I mean after Vincent helped burn me I've felt a little scared of people from your world"Rinoa said calmly and hugged Aerith in a friendly way "Still want to get Sephiroth? Your light and my meteors just might harm him enough for your revenge... and I don't like Squall he was a bad dancer plus he hardly ever became nice to me when I wanted to go shopping. I had to with Irvine Kineas and trust me thats bad (I mean its hinted he has adult magazines in his room for gods sake!!!)" Rinoa now exited the hug and was waiting for Aerith to make her choice.

    Namine found no decent Flavours and stormed off and as weirdness would have she got hit by her metal clip (Someone threw it) and she went flying from the force of the impact and she summoned and went through a portal and landed in front of Kairi unconcious.
  15. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Sephiroth growled angrily, and stabbed the walls with his Masamune.
    "Heh, the coward. He ran," he chuckled nastily, and grabbed his Masamune. Hurling it at the wall, he snorted, then his eyes narrowed. A plan suddenly sprang into his head.
    Maniacal laughter could be heard everywhere in the universe.
  16. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Dammit, what we can do?" Marluxia said.

    "I hope Luxord come back soon, he´s planning something" Xemnas said.

    "All the fault was from Naminé, instead of being a witch, I think he´s a b****" Marluxia said.

    "I must think of something" Xemnas said.

    OOC: Can I be Xaldin.
  17. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Luxord teleported to Xemnas and Marluxia.''I have a plan.A rather good one.''
  18. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "So what´s the plan" Xemnas asked gentily.
  19. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Luxord closed his eyes and smirked.''There's on thing that Sephiroth finds precious to him:his mother,Jenova.If we could find some way to get to Midgar,we can still her head and use it to our advantage.As for Cloud,he cares about Aerith alot.I can turn her into a card and use her as a bargaining chip.''
  20. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Very well Luxord" Xemnas said.

    "Don´t worry about the flower girl, I have a better plan" Marluxia said and grinned.
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