FF and KH Villians United

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ukali_rules, May 9, 2007.

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  1. Dawn King's Apprentice

    "Vincent is going to transform into Chaos even with the Protomateria that helps him in control." Shelke explains.
  2. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Rosso was leaping rooftop to rooftop, still not finding anymore people to kill. "Oh well... I might as well head back and kill that one girl."

    "I'm right here!"

    Rosso looked down to see Tifa dragging Saix. she set him down and got into a fighting stance. "Come on, Crimson. It's you and me. Girl fight."

    "...Foolish." She leapt down and began walking towards Tifa but set her sights on Saix. "I knocked him out pretty well, if I was him, I'd be angsting over losing his homeworld to meteor... but he doesn't have a heart... strange though that he feels a connection to that place of nothingness."

    Tifa looked down at Saix then back up at Rosso. "You're cruel."

    "I try my best."
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    "Saix does become tremendously powerful in Berserk mode,but he does'nt use it for a reason."The injured Luxord said to Rosso."Saix knows that when he changes,he loses the ability to think logically and just rams into anything living.He does'nt necessarily like that.In Berserk form,he loses the only trace of humaniy left in him,and he's very vulnerable.It's that vulnerability that keeps him from using Berserk until special occasions."Luxord told her.Then he coughed out lots of blood.
  4. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    "Well that is pretty silly of him. Take me for example: I traded away my human weakness for power long ago. It is the path I've chosen and it is the path I'll tread... until I've sucked all life from these pitiful worlds..." she glanced at Saix, smirking. "Isn't that what you all did? Gave up your hearts for power? Knowledge? Sin? Hope? So many reasons..."

    She appeared beside Tifa and knelt down, putting her hand on Saix's forhead.

    "...and yet... you remain heartless... you remain emotionless... you don't even exist so there's no reason for him to hold back... I keep telling him that."

    "Well maybe he does have a reason not to go all out." Tifa said. "He said he didn't want to make the same mistake last time and he's kept true to it until now... he tried Rosso... unlike you, you have a heart and you can stop anytime you want to--"

    "Exatly!" she snapped, standing up and glaring in Tifa's face. "Anytime I want to... I want to... think about that before you start running your mouth. You are just upset that Cloud doesn't even so much as give you the time of day because all he's thinking about is that flower girl!"

    Insert glass breaking.

    Tifa stood there, shocked.
  5. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Namine Looked at Sephiroth and said "Fine I can adjust his memories but I need to be able to see him and Vayne is working on that right now."Namine said looking at the bin near them.

    Vayne spotted Cloud an got his attention by shouting "Yuffie is dead and I have the only thing that can save her follow me!"Vayne then started running to the allyway over the roof with cloud hot on his trail he then landed next to Sephiroth "What shall you want Namine to make cloud think?" Cloud was standing in front of the bi in front of namine she made him unconcious for now.

    Yuffie was slowly dieing she gave Aerith a letter to vincent just before she passed away.

    OOC:The letter says to vincent that Yuffie thought he was acool guy and she hopes he lives happily ever after. I don't like vincent-yuffie pairings.
  6. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: Pfft. I don't like ANY pairings.
    Cloud roared and ran after Vayne.
    "Turn Yuffie back!" he shouted, unsheathing his sword. He blindly ran into the alley. He didn't even feel the punch to the back of his head, before he was knocked out.

    Sephiroth glanced at Namine, withdrawing his hand.
    "Just make him forget everything," he said. "That will stop him for some time."
  7. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Namine looked at Sephiroth and asked "I've already erased his original memories. Do you want me to make him be your slave or something its only temporary though".

    Vayne approached them "Are we ready to leave because I have a new base for us to use its called the Alexander" Vayne said in a good mood.

    OOC: The Bahamut is their secondary base for when the Alexander is destroyed which it will be but you'll have to ask me when you want it to and how ok?
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Just then A huge roar came from the the distance and up in the air flew Chaos Vincent
  9. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "Looks like Vampire-boy turned into his true form," Sephiroth said with a snort of disdain. "Yes, make Cloud a slave for me. Heh, see how the boy likes that."
    OOC: NO! I don't mean anything yaoi.
  10. Dawn King's Apprentice

    OCC: Didn't Chaos die with Omega?
    'This can't be happening!' She thought.
    "Vincent." Lucrecia spoke through Shelke. A hologram of Lucrecia stood before Vincent in Chaos form. "Don't let Chaos take control, you rule Chaos!" "Remember Vincent, a part of you was born from Chaos. Use that birth to your advantage than despair." Shelke spoke her last words before she collapsed to the ground.

    "Oh please hold on stranger." She bends on her kness and folds her hands together. "Oh fayth lent thee thy strength."
  11. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Axel looked up at the sky and looked deranged."First,a giant flaming Meteor falling from the sky,now a demonic vampire?This day is just plain f***ed up!"
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    OOC: well since the bad guys came back alive so should Chaos

    BIC: Vincent just roared and went directly toward Sephiroth
  13. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Namine adjusted Clouds memories to think Sephiroth is his brother and Cloud will do anything for his brother "Cloud stop the monster,he is after your nii-san" Namine told him politely.

    Vayne is watching with surprisement seeing chaos approach them in a bad mood "I hope we can handle a monster like that or at least I hope Cloud will distract it"

    OOC:People I'm afraid Yuffie will stay dead permanently. I'm not doing cheesy disney kids movies they are fake and rubbish!
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Chaos simaply knocked Cloud a side and then with his claws he gave Sephiroth a bad wound in the chest and then Chaos just smiled at the pain Sephiroth had and then looked at Vayne and Namine
  15. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Namine was panicking her powers had no effect on it "Vayne we're teleporting to it now!"Namine then made a portal which she,vayne,sephiroth and cloud went through narrowly escaping Chaos.

    Vayne noticed sephiroth was concious now he gave him an elixir and answered the question in sephy's mind "We are in our new base the flagship the Alexander (It belongs to vayne and the bahamut is the backup ship!) that monster almost killed you we had no choice but to retreat for now"
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Chaos roared and then saw the Rosso and Tifa and decided to go after them
  17. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Luxord looked up at Chaos and threw a fit."Damn,it's even going after it's own allies!!I hate to admit it,but we need Saix right now!"Luxord yelled.
    Axel saw Chaos,but he was more concerned with Meteor and how it was slowly on it's way there."I need to do something,but everyone is too busy fighting themselves to do anything about it.Well Axel,old,boy,looks like you gotta do this one yourself."He thought to himself."HEY,CAN ANYONE WITH AT LEAST HALF AN IQ PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE 35 TONS OF DEATH THAT'S SLOWLY HURTLING TOWARDS US!!",he yelled to everyone.
  18. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Rosso looked up and saw Chaos coming at them very fast. She then looked calmly at Tifa. "Listen girl, get out of your shock of the painful truth and wake him up."

    "Lockheart... really, it was no big deal."

    Rosso looked back at Chaos and actually started to panic. She remembered her last encounter with the beast and she was nearly wiped out from the blast if she hadn't fled the scene. She knelt down and grabbed Saix by his shoulders, shaking him. "Wake up, Saix! We have a big red problem!"

    He was still knocked out.

    "Wake up, D*** YOU!!!"
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Chaos was comming at full speed claws ready aiming for Rosso
  20. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Should I still stay hidden?" asked Kairi sarcastically. "I hardly think that it will help when that demonic THING is hurtling at us at at least 100 miles per hour... or maybe you've got ideas, Aerith?"

    "Look, it's going to kill Rosso for us. Personally, I'm not complaining," replied Aerith curtly. She looked worriedly at Tifa, still standing stiff as a statue. "What's wrong with her? Even martial arts masters can't singlehandedly defeat Chaos-! Gilg, I know you want to stay and protect us and all, but let me go over there ALONE and see what's up-" Without waiting for an answer, she hurried over to Tifa.

    "Tifa! Tifa Lockheart! Tiiiiiiiffaaaaaaaa-" She hissed, shaking Cloud's little shadow. "Great, did someone lock your heart, like your name suggests? T-I-F-A L-O-C-K-H-E-A-R-T! Got it memorized?" Aerith giggled, trembling on the precipice of going into pure hysterics. She pointed at Saïx and prepared to use Thunder to shock his still heart back into working. Then she remembered he didn't have a heart to start with. Oh, holy magnolias...
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