I personally like Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull equally... If I had to choose, I'd choose for Raiders. Which is your favourite?
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was actually pretty good, up until the alien part at the end. It ruioned the series for me, thank god it was the last movie. Indiana Jones is (in my opinion) supposed to be about ancient historic things (not exactly the facts, tho) and not about alien tech. It would've been a much better production if the so-called "aliens" didn't fly off in their space ship. Not my favourite movie. Infact, no where near it. Temple of Doom & Raiders of the Lost Ark were actually alright films. Last Crusade was pretty good aswell. But hey, they're all directed by Steven Speilberg, so they are always going to be great films. The Last Crusade will probably have to be my favourite. And who could forget The Young Indiana Jones Cronicles in the 1990's? They should be in the poll aswell >;D
Well the only one that I truly remember watching is Temple of Doom and I thought that one was pretty good. I recently saw Crystal Skull when it came out and I was all "wtf" with the alien part because it got too scifi and ruined the entire thing for me. Besides, Harrison Ford as an old guy just doesn't do it for me as Indiana Jones.
Agreed. Good film, introduction of aliens was stupid. Also, it might not be the last xD I was reading up on it.
Well, the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is set in the 50's and aliens were a big thing in that time. So it was pretty logical that the movie was about aliens :)
I just bought Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade :D I watched it, and it was really good, but not as good as Raiders or Crystal Skull if you ask me. EDIT: oh btw, I have all four of the films now! AWESOME.
Temple of Doom. though it was a bit trippy... Lol, the whole ripping hearts out thing was killer. Edit: Oh ya, I was looking up movie times for Transformers 2 and I heard something about another movie... I can't seem to find it though.