What was your favorite "Tales of" game? Mine was Tales of Symphonia. I just got so into the story. I also liked Tales of the Abyss, but not as much.
The first Symphonia has been the only game that i've been able to play through and beat over the course of 5 years. I enjoyed the story and the ability to use different scenarios to either be seen in a good or bad light by your team mates.
Tales of Symphonia, with Tales of Vesperia as a close second. My reasons being basically what Shades said.
Tales of Symphonia is actually the only one I've played, but I loved it. If the others are even half as good as ToS, I'm sure they're great
Tales of Symphonia, but mostly because it's the only one I've got and the only one I've been able to beat.
my absolute favorite one is Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut. it's fast paced and very awesome. after that it would be Tales of the Abyss.
Symphonia 2. The 1st Symphonia was great but I liked the 2nd one better. I'd say Abyss comes after simply cuz these are all the Tales games I've played.
the best Tales of Game that is favorited by The brotherhood of Gaming as well as started the brotherhood itself is always gonna be TALES OF DESTINY II/ETERNIA best damn tales game ever
I have yet to play Tales of Destiny 1 & 2, Eternia, and all the ds tales games. Also, I've never tried the tales of the World series.
I liked symphonia 1, but symphonia 2 seemed better and easier to manage. The battle system became better and simple(the controls were really easy to relate to) The style of the story became much more actual and so did the characters. The graphically it was improved. To me Abyss was always "we have to hurry up, stop talking!" and that was the main premise of it. And the skits were almost always like that also.
Symphonia only because it's the only I've played. I really want to play the second one, but I don't ahve a Wii.
My favorite would have to be Tales of the Abyss. Luke is hilarious, red-head video game characters are amazing :3 Vesperia is also good.
that's a pretty good game too. play the Tales of Destiny games, they're the best ones in my opinion. i don't know about the Tales games on the handhelds though.