What Star Wars movie was your favorite and why? My favorite Star Wars movie would have to be Star Wars episode six because Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader became good again.
hmmmm i'd say New Hope. All though Lucas redeemed himself a bit with Boba Fett, Ep 4 is still amazing.
The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda training Luke, Luke VS. Vader for the first time, Han and Leia kissing, and the shocking revelation (FOR THE TIME).
Revenge of the Sith, it was an alright movie. I'm not that into Star Wars after a fanboy put me off of it at school >.>
Well definitely out of the originals (episodes one thru six) Empire Strikes Back is my favorite. Love the Han Solo/Leia action, aherkherk. But for some bizarre reason I'm wildly fond of Attack of the Clones.
The original trilogy is by far my favorite (Episode IV-VI) But out of those I'm going to agree with Misy, I enjoyed The Empire Strikes Back the most. Harrison Ford as Han Solo, probably one of my favorite characters.
Well, when I saw them, I was still a sucker for happy(ish) endings, so my favorite is Return of the Jedi. Seeing Anakin's redemption, the Rebel Alliance finally (seemingly, I wasn't aware of the EU at that point) beat the Empire, and most importantly EWOKS made it my favorite movie of the original trilogy. And crazy as it may sound, my favorite in the prequels was Phantom Menace. It was the first SW-film I ever saw, when I was a mere naïve eight year old, thinking that Queen Amidala was the bad guy... I also liked it because Anakin was actually good throughout the film, and I thought Qui-Gon was awesome, especially paired up with Obi-Wan.