All my Naruto games are the JP ones (i.e. imports) because I can't stand the dub <.<;; Only two at the moment: - Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 (GCN) (This would be the equivalent of Clash of the Ninja 4, but only 2 are released in NA at the moment). - Naruto Shippuuden: Narultimate Accel (PS2) My Wii is a US model and as much as I'd like to play the Shippuuden EX Naruto game for the Wii, it's only out in Japan right now and the Wii doesn't look stable for any type of modication at the moment, so I passed on that one.
i have one for ps2 its ok but everytime in the beginning of the battle if ur naruto he says BELIVE IT! in every damn phrase -.-'''''
I only have Narutimett Hero 3.. and damn, it rocks! For anyone reading who doesn't have the Narutimate/Nurutimett (whatever) hero series, forget 1 & 2 and buy 3! D: ..That is, if you don't already have Accel. I plan on getting that pretty soon :D
I haven't played any of the games yet, my ps2 is misssing. But I hear they're great. I want to try and get my friend to buy one so 'we' can play. XD The subbed aren't good?? ... >.>... Maybe I should import... ... yeah, right after I get FM+... :D
I only played a few Naruto games, so I'll have to say my favorite is Clash of Ninja 2. I kick butt with Kakashi. >=D