
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Shadow_Rocks, Feb 23, 2010.

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  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Arabeth gazed dreamily at him, she was still holding his hand, "So...where do you want to go?"
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Chrysilla walked down the the street with a soft sigh, looking up at the blue sky above her. She wondered exactly where she was planning to go. She just knew she didn't necessarily want to be in one place at the moment. She could go to a bakery? She hadn't brought any money. Or maybe to the park? She would be too giddy. With a groan, she kept walking forward. With her luck, she would end up walking in a full circle home and right back to where she started. There had to be something.

    And it didn't help that she felt utterly alone. She almost wished she had to go to school right then, just to have something to do. If boredom was quite possibly the deadliest of drugs, she was surprised she wasn't dead yet. She continued forward and rubbed her eyes gently. There were people around, walking in big crowds into shops and cafes. Maybe that's what she should do, shop. Well, of course, not actually buy anything but, wander.

    She picked up her pace, furrowing her eyebrows with a mission and weaving her way through the packs of people until she reached a large and old-fashion bookshop. Smiling, having reached a destination, she pulled the large door open and entered. Upon her entrance, she was greeted with several stares from quietly reading people in large chairs or couches or even on the floor. Her cheeks burned red and she hid herself behind a large bookshelf. Maybe, hopefully, she'd find something to read here. That thought vanished, however, when she realized she was in the horror aisle. She had a very weak tolerance for anything "frightening" and backed quickly out of the aisle, shuddering and walking down a short walkway.

    She quickly noticed the sweet fragrance of one of her favorite beverages coming from further in the shop. Oh, how she wished she had brought some money. She hesitantly walked past several bookshelves and up a spiral case of stairs, following the lovely scent until she saw the cafe in front of her. She timidly walked up to the front desk, trying to look at the menu without having the cashier notice her. That didn't go so well, however, as the strawberry blonde turned to look at her.

    "Hello, can what can we get you today?" She asked, taking out a small notepad.

    "I--Um...N-nothing." She stuttered, turning away quickly with a blush. She could still smell it. The sweet muffins, the fresh croissants, the warm vanilla... She stayed turned until she could no long feel the woman's gaze on her and frowned deeply, walking over to an empty chair and sitting down. She really should have brought money, she had even lost her motivation to simply read here.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    No...no...Nuh-uh...Wrong... Disapproval was the only thing going through Risit's mind as he flipped through the stack of papers in front of him. He had just recently accepted an offer to be a teaching assistant and had been reduced to the tedious(OOC: Sp?) task grading papers that sickened him. He leaned back in his chair, partially wishing he had not waited so long to start on his work since he had been given the papers nearly a week ago. Still...nearly every paper he looked at belonged to some idiot who had missed all but one problem. The stack on his right bleeded with red ink while the stack of papers on his left had yet to be put through his judgment.

    Risit sighed, closing his eyes for several moments as he rested his head on his right hand. He felt a headache growing as he could already take in the scent of ink coming of the papers before him. Risit's eyes opened slightly only to be stung with the burning sunlight, causing him to groan. He sat upright and shielded his eyes with his hand, wondering what had happened to his shade. Turning his head to the side, he noticed that the closed blinds of the window he had been sitting next to were not...well, someone had opened them.

    "Why'd you do that?" Risit complained, still hiding behind his hand as he searched for the culprit. He felt something smack him lightly on the back of his head causing him to rise out of his chair and spin to face the person only to see that it was the manager of the restaurant he had been staying in. The manager also happened to be a friend of Risit's who let him stick around before the place opened so he could have some alone time.

    "You should really get some fresh air." Risit's friend commented, holding up a menu which he had hit him with. "Have you even eaten yet?"

    "I'm in a restaurant, can't you serve me something?" Risit plainly replied, yawning loudly afterwards.

    "You spend nearly every day in here, I'm not letting you eat here as well. You're obviously tired so you should go get yourself something to pick you up." Risit opened his mouth in protest but his friend yanked on Risit's arm and slapped some money into his hand. "Go buy coffee or something to wake yourself up. Now shoo!"

    "But I don't drink co-"

    "Get out!" Risit sighed and mumbled quietly, grabbing his things and left the restaurant, hearing his friend shut the door behind him. Now what'll I do? Yawning once more, Risit knew that he actually did need something to keep him awake but at the same time, he was not willing to try something new. He figured a change in scenery...and scent, would be enough to keep him from keeling over. Risit spotted a local cafe and headed towards the entrance reluctantly still wanting to be alone in his usual spot.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    So...hungry... The girl thought to herself. She was resting her head in her arms, her eyes half closed as she stared at the beige wall in front of her. She didn't even know how long she had been laying there anymore. The strawberry blonde kept glancing her way, and somewhere in her mind, Chrysilla hoped she would offer her something to eat just out of the kindness of her heart...but that wouldn't happen, this was a recession. She groaned into her sleeves, closing her eyes tightly and humming very quietly to herself.

    I should probably just leave here...She thought, opening her eyes again to glance at the wall. She should just go home and find something to eat there. Or even grab her money and come back. She stretched upwards, finally sitting straight in her seat and blinking the grogginess away. It wasn't long before she saw him. She blinked rapidly, trying to distinguish if it really was him after all. There was no mistaking it. Dark eyes, dark hair, tall, quiet, slightly disgruntle. It was him. Risit. She almost felt a heart attack coming on, her face going a deep red, the world slowing down, the symphony of angels singing, her soul fluttering.

    And then she realized, she looked absolutely horrible. Laying down for so long did no good for her hair, leaving it tangled and frizzed. Her eyes half-opened, tired, fighting to stay open. And maybe worse of all, she had been drooling. She yelped, clasping her hand quickly to her mouth after and pretending to cough before striding quickly to the counter to grab a napkin. She wiped the corner of her mouth and her arm of saliva and groaned, looking around before reaching into her pocket to quickly take out a piece of bubblegum, stuffing it into her mouth before realizing she had left the wrapper on. She coughed and sputtered spitting it out in the nearby trash can, moving back and bumping into a table.

    "O-ouch." She rubbed her back and sighed deeply, frowning and going back to her seat, sitting with her back towards Risit now and glaring at someone's coffee cup in front of her. She was so embarrassed. It's not like it was this cup's fault or anything, but she needed to take her frustration out somehow. Why was she so clumsy at the worse of times? She just hoped he wouldn't recognize her, since everyone else was staring.
  5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Takashi tried to pay attetion to her as they reached the pet shop. "Here we are."

    Arashi gazed at her as well. "Anywhere you'd like."
  6. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    " Yay" Yuuki said smiling as she walked into the pet store.

    "I feel a disturbence" Miyuki said to herself slowly turning her head to the entrance of the pet shop. " Crap it's you" she said looking at Yuuki with a annoyed look on her face. Miyuki looked at the guy with her. "Who's the guy" she asked with a suspicous tone in her voice

    Yuuki ignored Miyuki's question and jumped over the desk and hugged her cousin."Hi Onee-Chan" she said smiling.

    Mitsuki stopped playing the piano after a while. The people that were once surrounding her started walking away. "Hmm...now what should I do" Mitsuki said to herself thinking as she put the piano keyboard back in the case. OOC:....what should I have Mitsuki do

    Tenshi ,after a while, had finished making lunch for him and his sister. "Onii-Chan are you going to school tomorrow" she said in a cute curious tone. "Yeah.....I know you want to come with me, but you have to go the day care...you still aren't old enough to go to school yet" Tenshi said patting his sister's head. "Aww okay" she said sighing.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth walked into the park and smiled as he watched the kids run around and having fun. Seth got ready to walk to his special tree but was suddenly on in the head by a soccer ball. Seth held the ball and looked over to see who hit him

    "oh sorry Seth I didn't expect the ball to hit you" said a kid who ran up to Seth with his other friends. These kids see Seth practically everyday at the park so they got to know who he is

    Seth looked over at the kids rubbing where he was hit lazily "well your lucky that you hit me instead of some big guy who gets angry easily. Then you would have had to run for your lives" Seth said and smiled as the kids laughed at his joke and then handed them the ball

    "so planning to go to sleep as usual?" said a kid

    "yup" Seth said lazily

    "alright then" the kid said as he turned to the other kids "lets go continue our game" the kid said as the other kids nodded and left to continue their game
  8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Takashi waved. "Hey. I'm Takashi." A grin spread across his face.

    OOC: No clue O_o
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Arabeth laughed, "Oh I don't know, I'm not very good at making descisions. What do you like? I know nothing about you" She looked at him with warmth in her eyes, she just wanted to go up to him and embrace him in her arms. She really hoped that he liked her and that he wasn't just saying it when he said he had forgiven her.
  10. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Miyuki looked at Takashi with an annoyed expression on her face. " Miyuki" she said trying to push Yuuki away. " Let go Yuuki" Miyuki said annoyed.

    "Sorry" Yuuki said letting go of Miyuki. "He helped me find the petshop" she said pointing at Takashi.

    "Really now" Miyuki said looking at Takashi with an "I'm gonna hurt you" expression on her face. Miyuki sighed and walked to the front of the desk.

    Yuuki stared at Miyuki oddly "Onee-Chan....are you wearing a skirt " she said. Yuuki pointed at the skirt that Miyuki was wearing which was also the same color as the shirt she was wearing.

    "Because the man who runs this place is a perverted old geezer thats why...I'm the only girl working here and he said I had to wear this skirt it's supposed to be part of the employee uniform..hmph yeah right" Miyuki said sighing.

    OOC: Should I just have her bump into Arashi and Arabeth .-.
  11. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    It wasn't until Erica got to the park where there was a clock that she noticed what time it was. "S***." She muttered as she began to race through the park, trying to put on her earings and necklace while sprinting.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth sighed as he closed his eyes and began to walk to his tree. To his surprise Seth suddenly bumped into a girl that looked like she was trying to put on some jewlery
  13. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Her earring flew off into the grass when she bumped into a strange man, "Oh man, I'm so sorry!" She said as she quickly got down on her hands and knees and started searching for it.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "no I should have watched where I was going" Seth said noticing her looking for something. Seth started to look around the ground and noticed an earing and picked it up "hey is this what your looking for?" Seth said showing her the earing
  15. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    "Oh! Yes! Thanks so much." She said breathing a sigh of relief as she got up. Reaching out her hand to take the earring she noticed that there was a large smudge of grease on her hand. Quickly and obviously she took her hand back and wiped it on the back of her pant leg, while she took the earring with her left hand instead of her right. "Thanks again, sorry for bumping into you." Putting the earring into her ear and starting to turn to walk away, there suddenly came darth vaders theme song. Erica wipped out her phone from her back pocket and flipped it open. Before she could even say hello there was a loud almost sqwacking on the other end. Cringing she pulled the phone away from her ear. "Mmhm......." She mumbled over and over again as the girl continued to sqwack until Erica finally just hung up. Turning back to the man she gave a sheepish smile, "Um..I guess my friends are waiting for me, nothing new. So thanks for finding my earring and sorry again for running into you.....maybe I'll see you around sometime."
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth looked at her strangely for a bit but then smile "it's no problem. I'm glad I could help you" Seth said as he turned away and began to walk to his tree "and yeah...maybe we will see each other again" Seth said as he walked. He had one hand in his pocket and the other raised up in the air to say farewell
  17. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Turning on her heal she started running through the park again towards the main shopping strip where her friends were waiting for her at the usual coffee shop they met up at.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth reached the tree and sat down and rested against it. Seth looked up at the sky and smiled "today looks like a very nice day. The weather feels great" Seth said as he slowly fell asleep
  19. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Arashi smiled at her. "Well then. Hpw about you tell me what kind of food you like then I'll tell you anything you want about myself?"

    Takashi continue to smile while staring at the girls. Hehe....Dear Dairy, JACKPOT!

    OOC: Oh sure ^^ just wait a bit
  20. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Arabeth laughed "Umm, okay fair enough. Well, I like anything really as long as it isn't spicy. Or involve sprouts or salad or berries. But I'll try anything really. That isn't helpful is it?" She looked down, slightly shaking her head, she really wasn't good at making descisions.
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