Fast Food Madness: The Epic Return

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by P E A N U T, Feb 9, 2010.

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  1. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Namine returned Kairi's smile with a small one of her own. "I'll make it," she said, determination evident in her voice. She was probably going to collapse once they were there, but at that point, it wouldn't matter. Just a little longer, she told herself, gathering what remained of her strength.

    Dark Sora suddenly pulled his Keyblade back and swung it down vertically, going in to knock him out. After all, he couldn't "kill" Sora's body. He only had to conquer his spirit so he could take over the real deal's body.

    Sora saw the blade coming down and rolled out of the way, the blade coming in contact with only the floor. The brunette pulled up his Keyblade and aimed it at Dark Sora, sending a beam of light at his darkness. It impacted him in seconds, sending him back a few steps, disoriented.
  2. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Kairi nodded. "Okay." She stood there for another moment before turning and starting down the hallway, making sure she took her time so Namine could keep up. After what she just saw, Kairi knew that was very important at this point.

    Roxas finally reached the doorway, slowing down at the sight of guards all around the room, knocked out cold. And the smell of smoke was a little stronger, though it seemed to be fading. He peeked his head in, only to see someone get hit by a beam of light. "Sora?!" he called in shock, taking a few quick steps forward. But he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and what he saw made him pause just inside the room. Another...Sora?
  3. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora stabbed his Keyblade into the ground, turning toward the door. "Roxas!" he cried out in relief. Even through the smoke, though, he could see his friend's confused expression. He remembered back to how he felt when he met the Dark Kairi, and how he was confused as to why the girls looked the same. But he was extremely thankful he and his Dark self looked different in the real world. "I"ll explain what's going on later--help me!"

    Dark Sora smirked. "Heh, like he'll listen to you!" he exclaimed. "You and I both know he won't make a move if he's confused."

    Sora gritted his teeth together in anger. "That's not true!" he cried out in his friend's defense. Roxas always defended his friends, no matter what the circumstances were.

    Namine kept a hand on the wall, moving at Kairi's pace. She could make it--she knew she could. After all, she had no other choice.
  4. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Through the smoke it had been hard to identify the first "Sora" Roxas had seen, but now he recognized who was the real one. Sora, his Somebody and best friend, was the one near the wall, while the other was back a few feet. This "Sora" was different, in both resemblance and attitude. The dark hair really stood out from Sora's, but it was the personality that really did it--this "Sora" was much more evil, darker. And with his comment, well, Roxas was surely going to prove him wrong.

    Kairi glanced back at her best friend when they were a few feet from the door to the stairs. They could finally get out of here.
  5. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora saw the look in Roxas's eyes and grew anger--his intimidation wasn't going to work now; Roxas was far too good for that. He always had been the better part of Sora. He growled and charged at Sora, who was just rising to his feet.

    Sora gasped and slipped out of the way, just as the Keyblade was hitting the wall behind him. Sora hit his Dark self in the back before doing a back-flip to get out of the way, the teen now standing between Dark Sora and Roxas. He didn't want to get his friend involved in this fight anymore than he had too--it was his responsibility to defeat this fake.

    Namine saw the door past Kairi and quickly realized that this was where the stairs were. She exhaled a breath in relief, nerves finally coming down. A new energy flowed through her veins, giving her the strength to continue.

    Suddenly, the stairway door burst open and three guards burst out. "Hey!" the one cried, setting his sight on the two girls a few feet in front of him. They were trying to escape!
  6. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas's eyes widened at the fight before him, but when Sora came between him and Dark Sora, he gripped his Keyblades tighter, eyes narrowing. His adrenaline was beginning to kick in.

    Kairi gasped, eyes widening. She took a step back, surprised and fearful of the three guards' appearances. She didn't know if Namine could do it, but they only had one option. "Run!" Kairi cried, turning around and grabbing Namine's hand.
  7. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora smirked, turning around and chuckling. "Roxas," he started. "Your somebody is losing this fight. You know why?"

    Sora stayed where he was, lifting his Keyblades in defense. What's he doing? he wondered. But he didn't say anything--he had to save what energy he had left for the fight.

    Namine returned Kairi's grip and spun around, running with her best friend. This is bad, she thought desperately. We have to lose them somehow! There's no way we can fight them...

    "Catch them!" the one guard shouted, starting pursuit. "But don't shoot--we need the witch unharmed."
  8. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas didn't like the fact that Dark Sora was talking down about his best friend, but he replied anyway. "...Why?" he asked carefully, eyebrows furrowing, grip on Keyblades tightening.

    Kairi ran with Namine beside her, not looking back in fear she would trip. They had to get away from these men. Now.
  9. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora grinned--the Nobody had taken the bait. "Because," he started, "while you were with your girlfriend, he was here, being tortured until--ta-da! I appeared." The evil boy turned his gaze to his real self. "Now he's weak. Spent. Even more worthless than usual."

    Sora gripped his Keyblades more tightly, staring down his Darkness. He wished he could kill him right then and there, but he was somehow stunned by Dark Sora's words.

    Namine kept up with Kairi very well, knowing now wasn't the time to focus on how tired she was. The only thing she was worried about was getting away. Up ahead, she saw a door leading to the outside world. Maybe they could get out there and lock the door behind them...
  10. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas gritted his teeth. "Shut up!" he cried. The talk of his Somebody that way struck a nerve, one Dark Sora never wanted to touch. But the fate of his friend upset him, also causing his outburst. While Roxas was with Namine, Sora had been...tortured... The news caused Roxas's expression to falter, his eyes losing their fierceness as he looked over at Sora.

    Kairi continued to run, her heart racing. There were only a few things she was thinking about. One, they had to get away from these men. Immediately. Two, Namine's condition; she hoped she would be okay after this fast-paced movement. And three, Sora...and Roxas, and how she wished they were there.
  11. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora gritted his teeth together, Roxas's words snapping him out of his frozen position. "The only worthless one you!" he cried, charging forward.

    Dark Sora grinned. Finally, one of them was coming to attack him. The moment before Sora would have hit him, he jumped over the teen, knocking him on the back with his Keyblades. Sora stumbled forward, only staying upright because the wall he was leaning against supported him.

    Sora, however, wasn't upright for long. Dark Sora took a swing at his head, forcing the teen to the ground. He grunted in frustration and pain, down to one knee and his back to his darkness.

    Namine kept up with Kairi, panting as they ran. They were almost to the door,and at that moment, that looked like their one opportunity to lose the guards that were breathing down their necks.
  12. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas let his adrenaline take over once more, his anger returning. The nerve struck not only with Dark Sora's comment, but when he hit the real Sora, Roxas couldn't stop himself. He brought Oblivion back and threw it hard at Dark Sora, a grunt leaving him.

    Kairi risked a glance behind her, seeing that the guards were practically right behind them. She was going as fast as she could, and she hoped that was enough.
  13. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora cried out in pain, stumbling back a few steps. But he quickly regained his composure and threw both Keyblades, one at Roxas, the other at Sora.

    Sora turned his head just in time to see the Keyblade coming at him. Instinct took over as he brought up his blade, deflecting the one sent flying at him. And then he suddenly jumped to his feet and charged at Dark Sora.

    "Through the door!" Namine cried, being one step ahead of her friend. She tugged at the handle and it burst open, revealing a cool outside place where the stars were shining above them.
  14. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas used Oathkeeper to deflect the Keyblade thrown at him, holding it in front of his form. As soon as it was blocked, he ran forward, charging at Dark Sora.

    Kairi didn't answer, but simply followed her friend's suggestion. She ran through the door, never letting go of Namine's hand. They were staying together; she was not going to lose her best friend again.
  15. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora got to Dark Sora first, right before his dark entity could summon his Keyblades again. Sora grunted and hit him several times, knocking him in Roxas's direction. If they just worked together and never let Dark Sora have a break, things were sure to end in their favor.

    Once outside, Namine slid her hand out of Kairi's, seeing something useful. A pole, standing right by the outside of the door. She quickly took it and worked it through the handle, knowing that now the thugs wouldn't be able to pull the door open on their side with the pole getting stuck on the door frame. .
  16. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas took his chance, glad Sora pulled that move and sent his darkness his way. The boy summoned Oblivion back a second before he and Dark Sora met, the Nobody attacking him with all his strength. Battle cries left him as he released a ground combo on Dark Sora, the boy then hitting him back toward Sora. Teamwork was an essential part of this battle.

    Kairi watched Namine before switching her sight to their path before them. It was a wide, open area full of turns, but it was enough to get away.
  17. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora cried out, unable to defend himself. He fell to the ground in front of Sora, only to be smacked and sent toward the fire on the other side of the room. He looked down at his hands, seeing that he was evaporating. "!" he cried, jumping out of the fire. He through his flaming Keyblade at Sora as he tried to save himself from burning alive.

    Sora saw the Keyblade coming at him, but he couldn't bring up a weapon in time to stop it. He tried to cast a shield to protect himself, but he was too late. The fiery blade impacted his stomach, forcing a cry to escape his lips. He stumbled back a few steps, one of his Keyblades disappearing as he held onto his side in pain.

    Namine slowly backed away, a breath of relief escaping her lips. They were free. But then she heard a loud thudding noise, seeing the thugs trying to open the door. And it looked like...oh no! In a matter of time, they'd be able to force it open. She and Kairi had to get away while they had a chance.
  18. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas watched the action unfold, but had enough when he saw Sora experience more pain. He used his speed to dash over to his best friend, the blond boy standing a few feet in front of him. He placed himself between Sora and his darkness purposely, his hands tightening around his blades as he glared at Dark Sora. He wasn't here to help Sora before, but he was here now, and he wasn't backing down.

    Kairi whirled around at the noise, her eyes widening. "C'mon!" she cried, aware that they had to get a head start before the men got through the door.
  19. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Dark Sora chuckled, having wiped the fire off his body before they could damage him an further. "Heh, you really think you can protect him?" he sneered, looking directly at Roxas. "You can't stop me from taking his life." Honestly, Dark Sora wasn't sure if that was true or not. But he had to catch the Nobody off guard if he had any hope of winning.

    Sora grunted softly, gripping his side. He didn't like standing by and dealing with all this smack. The teen looked down at his blade, seeing the tip glowing faintly. He exhaled a breath, focusing his strength. Buy me some time, Roxas, he thought. Then I can finish it for good.

    Namine didn't hesitate and started running, heart racing. I can't keep running, she thought tiredly. No matter how determined I am...I can't keep running forever.
  20. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Roxas smirked. "I believe I can," he said, confidence in his tone. He twirled his blades and got in his stance, eyes on Dark Sora. "You may be part of Sora, but so am I. Prove you're stronger than me, and then maybe I'll believe you," he taunted. Roxas's determination was too strong to let the dark entity defeat him. He had dealt with some of the toughest guys in the bunch--from Organization XIII to Smith. He wasn't about to lose to Dark Sora, not a chance.

    Kairi was two steps behind Namine, also doing this purposely in case Namine's condition overcame her. She wasn't going to leave her behind.
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