Fast Food Madness: The Epic Return V2

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Forever Love, Jun 17, 2010.

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  1. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku's eyes trailed Sora, as did his footsteps. But when he caught sight of the barrier, he gasped and charged forward, coming to a stop just outside it. His eyes wandered up from his best friend when there was movement, and that was when he spotted Behemoth's. This was bad.
  2. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora took a few steps back, his back nearly up against the barrier. He had wanted a fight, and now he was about to get one. But the stakes were very high; he couldn't afford to lose his emotions. If he made too many mistakes, he was a dead man. Simple as that. He flexed his left hand and Oathkeeper appeared in his grasp. The moment the summoning was done, he looked up and saw that both of the Behemoths were about to attack him with thunder attacks. His eyes widened when a ball of energy came flying at him, and he brought up his Keyblades in an attempt to hold it back. It pressed against him but didn't vanish, putting a nearly unbearable pressure on him.
  3. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku watched Sora's battle with worried eyes, his teeth ground together in tension, his hands also curled into tight fists. No matter how much he wanted to, there was nothing he could do. He couldn't back Sora up, not this time.
  4. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora finally pushed through the electrical orb, forcing it to vanish out of existence. He grunted and crouched slightly before he leaped over the Behemoth that charged at him, slashing at him relentlessly when he was stuck against the barrier. He had to play this out smartly, and if he attacked quickly enough and was always aware of his surroundings, he would make it out of this alive. The battle continued on for a few minutes until Sora defeated one Behemoth, sending its heart up into the sky. One down, one to go.
  5. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku instinctively took a few steps back from the barrier when the Behemoth charged, his eyes darting up to watch Sora's progress. He was handling himself well, and when he finished the first Behemoth off, Riku found a small amount of relief wash over him. His eyes darted from the heart in the sky to his best friend, watching his next move.
  6. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora grunted and rolled out of the way when the second Behemoth charged at him, nearly toppling him. However, he couldn't move quickly enough. The beast stepped on his leg, which made a hard cry of pain leave his lips. He summoned a blade away and gripped his leg as he stayed on the ground, looking up at the Heartless, which was turning around and preparing to attack again.
  7. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku's eyes widened at the action before him, a startled gasp leaving his lips. He saw the Behemoth, then looked at Sora. Potion, Sora. Potion! he internally cried, hoping his friend would make the right move.
  8. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora looked up and saw he was two steps away from being trampled, and he performed the only action he could at that moment. Shield! he mentally cried, casting the spell. It knocked the Behemoth off balance when the beast rammed it, and the Heartless fell onto its side, giving the brunet an opportunity to recover. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Hi-Potion, tossing it up in the air and over his head. The Potion did its job, taking away the intense pain and curing the injury for the most part.
  9. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku took a few steps forward to stand closer to the barrier, his eyes narrowed as he watched the battle before him. He hated feeling useless, but he knew that there was nothing he could do to help Sora right now. As much as he wanted to help, he had confidence in his friend's abilities.
  10. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora summoned Oathkeeper back into his grasp and attacked the Behemoth while it was down, dealing multiple blows during that time. Even after the beast rose to his feet, the brunet got in a lot more good attacks. But he was also taking more hits due to his desire to end the battle quickly. He leaped for the Heartless' head onto to be knocked away by the Behemoth's large paw, the teen being sent back into a fence with a loud thud.
  11. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku remembered the way Sora had reacted to not really seeing Kairi a few moments ago, and he hoped that wasn't clouding the state of mind Sora needed to have in battle. It was good to take out anger on something else, but Riku recognized that it was important to think logically as well.
  12. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora pushed himself off of his stomach, looking up at the Behemoth a few yards away. He was out of potions and out of magic, but he needed to fight. It was either fight or die, and obviously he didn't want the latter to occur. He grunted and got himself onto one knee, chucking the Kingdom Key at the monster. That was the final blow, and the Behemoth's heart floated up into the sky as the barrier disappeared, opening the area.
  13. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    As soon as the barrier vanished, Riku ran forward. The only sound he heard was the crunch his feet made when they met the snow, but he reached Sora in seconds. "You alright?" he asked, voice calm despite the worry in his heart.
  14. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora shook his head slightly. No, he wasn't alright, physically or emotionally. "You got a potion?" he managed, staying on one knee as he looked up at his best friend. He had really taken a beating with the two giant Heartless, and now that the adrenaline was fading, he could feel the pain getting worse.
  15. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku nodded once and then reached into one of his pockets, pulling out the small bottle. He tossed it over his friend's head and watched it shatter until the green liquid misted over Sora's form.
  16. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora exhaled a breath, feeling the coolness of the curing wash over him. He slowly rose to his feet, looking over the area. Unfortunately, he sensed darkness around them once again. But the Heartless weren't appearing for some reason. Still, at least he wouldn't have to fight alone this time.
  17. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku caught on to Sora's hunch, able to see it in his friend's expression. His fists tightened and he summoned Way to Dawn to his hand, tightening his grasp around the hilt. Darkness was heavy here, even if the Behemoth's were gone.
  18. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora's eyes caught onto dark shrouds forming towards the edge of the circle, at least half a dozen of them forming. When the darkness faded, he winced. It was the same type of Heartless as before, and in his eyes, they all appeared to be like Kairi. He brought up a hand and gripped his head, turning his head to look away in fear that he was going insane.
  19. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Riku moved into his stance, turning his head from the Heartless to his best friend. "Just breathe," he instructed calmly. He glanced back at the deceiving Heartless. "The illusion will fade since you've already defeated this Heartless once. Concentrate on the darkness." That was why he didn't see it as what he desired anymore; he just saw it as his enemy.
  20. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    "Why do they all still look like that?" Sora mumbled in frustration, unable to verbally say the name of the person they were imitating. They couldn't fool him anymore, considering their first attempt failed. He supposed that the spell he was under earlier hadn't completely worn off, and perhaps that was why he was seeing their illusions. But he wasn't sure; he had never experienced enemies like this before. Thankfully, Riku had, so he could talk Sora through this and he wouldn't have to learn the painful way.
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