So it's a reboot of the series. Not much is known yet save for cast and crew. Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic Kate Mara as Invisible Woman Michael B. Jordan as Human Torch Jamie Bell as Thing Toby Kebbell as Doctor Doom Reg E. Cathey as Dr. Franklin Storm So far, the movie has gotten some slack for the racially different casting of Human Torch and Invisible Woman, but the studio has yet to confirm if they're from a biracial family, step-siblings, or if one of them is adopted. Besides that reaction, there hasn't been much news on the film. I'm glad it's getting rebooted~ Human Torch. That's amusing. I'd be okay with it if Invisible woman wasn't white. You're right though, they could be step-siblings or something like that. Still, it's strange. Oh well, at least it's unlikely for this to be worse than the last two movies.
I think it's funny, though, that everyone assumed that Johnny would be the adopted one until they cast a black actor as their dad. I will give this to the original movies: I really liked the casting. I'm glad they're younger, but now they seem...a little too young.
Am I the only one that liked the 2 films? And I wonder if they're also doing a different cast for Human Torch because the guy who played him before is now Captain America and if they did a crossover it'd be hard to do like that. Just a little thought, but I doubt they were even thinking about that
It's possible for a biracial child to look more white-passing than his/her other siblings. It's kinda weird though that they didn't actually get a mixed actress to play Sue, so eh, most likely the writers will make them adopted or something. Won't officially know until the release of the film obviously, so I'll be on the fence about that for now. But anyway, I actually found the first Fantastic Four to be one of my guilty pleasures, so I'll definitely miss the old cast. But yeah, what with Chris Evans being the face of Captain America, they were bound to reboot it anyway. I hope the acting will be better tho lolol
Fantastic Four and Avengers do not exist in the same universe so that has nothing to do with it. Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool in Origins: Wolverine and Hannibal King in Blade Trinity, both Marvel comics characters because those versions don't exist in each other's universe. Nor does Jon Favreau's Foggy Nelson from Daredevil exist in the same universe as Jon's Happy Hogan in Iron Man.
I don't know any of these actors. But they look cool! :D Also anyone who complains about the multiracial family probably slept through biology so just ignore them :v v: :v v:
Yeah, there's quite a few possibilities they could pull with how they're related; adoption, children of a divorce, half siblings, etc. Personally it doesn't really matter to me, it's pretty neat they actually made them diverse in itself. xD Anyway, I don't feel strongly one way or the other with the original Fantastic Four movies, hopefully this one will catch my interest.
...Okay, this has me interested now. (and let's be honest about the whole doom thing what dudebro hacker who just got superpowers wouldn't name himself something like doctor doom)
Something I didn't notice at first, the scene where they obviously start the experiment and get their powers shows six people wearing the containment suits and going into the chambers. So...the Four, Doom, and who else? The theories I've seen going around are that it's a set-up for another villain to be used in the future, or simply a "red shirt" to kill off to show the dangers of the experiment...or the Stan Lee cameo of the film.
Whoa, I didn't even notice that. My bet would be on either a red shirt or a future villain, but I don't know enough about the Fantastic Four to know who's in their rogues gallery. The only one I can think of is the Silver Surfer, but I doubt the reboot would tread the same steps as the originals.
Trailer looks good. I don't get (okay I get it, but it's still dumb) all the hate. I am now more interested in F4 than I have ever been before. How awesome would it be if this comes out and just rocks the comicbook movie world by being an amazing film in spite of all the reservations people have had during it's production? I'm not an F4 fan but if this is good it could give me a reason to look into it more.
Spoiler I don't know about everywhere else but at least in this location of the United States, everyone was like why are they making the Flame black? He's Sue's sister, is he going to be adopted? Are they going to be biracial? Heaven forbid. It was the greatest thing that they've turned it around so Sue is the adopted one and Johnny works with his dad. I'm really hoping that this makes up for the first two movies. The first trailer intrigued me because of how dark it was, and the second one has only furthered the interest in my mind. Plus I adore Kate Mara. Did anyone else notice that Frank is Zoe's dad? ;)