FanFiction story help..

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, Feb 24, 2010.


    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    : c

    why do i always like things no one else likes?
  2. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    A Mary Sue is a another meaning for 'little miss perfect' that means, they normally have the following listed​

    1) Have a emo past usually...
    2) More then one man is in love with them... Via have perfect looks and are 'hot' as people would say.
    3) They are unbeatable making them over powered and unfair = bad story because you know how everything will turn out!
    4) Mostly everyone hates them!!! >_<

    I didn't read your first post because I am skimming in boredom, as a fan-fic person myself I hope you are ready to understand you will have people crit. you, and admire you <3... I had a account (2 accounts) on fanfic net but lost them both like a fool =_=; I could help you, but I really, really am not sure with my knowledge on FF7 completely the only thing I thought was epic from it was Professor Hojo because if I was his age I'd date him... =X

    Okay, that was not need to be said and please act like I said nothing about Hojo... Any who private mail me and I can help you there because I am not comfortable speaking here when it comes down to it. =/ Thank you for reading everything if you have done so.


    This should have been in the Literacy Forums I believe, but since no one looks there much... I understand why you posted it here. :xp: and no I am not trying to hurt your feelings if that is how you look at it =< I just wanted a say because this looked better then other forums I skimmed through. Also some people don't know about what you call a AU Story... I hope you've hear of it becuase from what I see on your comments that is what seems to be what your story is (Alt. Univewrse meaning it doesn't FULLY go by the true story of a book/game. But has the same characters and such...) You always wanna tell people that otherwise you get angry FF7 fans would will gut you Zexion's Wife lady. So be careful were you post and what you say ^_^; )

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    or just search up Disneyfan01 or Bianca on Encyclopedia Drammatica
  4. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    This thread is giving me an erection but im a girl so I didnt get one you sicko.
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I'm sure I speak for everyone when I sat wut.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    We started to kiss everywhere and my pale body became all warm. And then….


    It was…………………………………………………….Dumbledore!
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I liked Turtles Forever, but it could be that some people haven't seen it yet.
  9. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    A fanfiction
    by Styx

    There once was a story about a party of three great heroes. One of them was a mighty wizard with mastery over the four elements: Earth, Fire, Wind and Beer. The second one was a fierce warrior who was strong as an ant (Well that doesn't sound too impressive but did you know that they can lift 10-50 times their body weight? That would be comparable to a human lifting a small elephant! Not that the warrior in this story ever had to lift an elephant mind you but you get the idea). The third one was a rock.

    These guys set out to destroy evil where it lurks. Probably because some bishounen a-hole with awesome swordsmanship skills destroyed their hometown but who knows?
    They kick villainy's foul rear end on the way and even manage to recruit a few party members along the way: the useless comic relief fucktard, the mysterious silent one and of course the obligatory D- or DD-cup with a woman attached to it (side not: said tramp and the fierce warrior eventually make babies and their offspring is hinted to be the sequel's protagonist but he's actually already accessible via downloadable content).

    So the antagonist, being the cunt that he is has to hide in a huge-ass stronghold on top of a mountain (or better yet: another dimension) so the party has to go through some major shit to get to him. This is the boring part that I will skip since it's all page filling anyway.

    The party confront the bad guy.
    "I'm going to destroy the world and everyone in it.", he says.
    "Oh yeah? You and what army you daughterfucker?", the fierce warrior guy says.
    "I don't need an army!", the bad egg replies and he fires an ultra powerful laser and the wizard guy is about to get hit but the rock! The fucking rock throws himself in front of his best friends (lol yeah they're best friends, didn't I mention?) as a last self-sacrificial deed. And with his final breath, lol breath and it's a rock, he gives the party a vital hint to defeat the bad guy. I could tell you which one but those are details.

    The villain gets defeated and nothing but dust remains of him. Maybe I should think of an epic battle to go with this...but those are details also come to think of it.
    But wait! The party still has to escape from the alternate dimension which is about to collapse! That's right; the villain's final form was a load-bearing one!
    Upon running the comic relief ****** suddenly realises:
    "Wait we can use a Phoenix Down on Rock the rock!"
    But he's a comic relief character so nobody pays any attention to what he's saying regardless of how much sense he makes. Besides I'm pretty sure the name Phoenix Down is copyrighted by Square-Enix.

    Where was I? Oh right. They escape the alternate dimension and they are renowned as heroes. Now you gotta know that these heroes were very lonely during their adventure so they kinda have a thing for each other now (plus some of them already made sweet unprotected love to eachother anywy) so they all get married. And that's basically it really.

    ~The end~
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I will now print this off and disappear to my room for a while~
  11. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 20, 2010
    Vocaloid ♥
    Thx for the tips

    thx for the tips guys Xd your really helpful ( NOT BUSHIDO IN THE BEDROOM HORRIBLE ADVICE!!) no then im gonna fix it mai this time falls for zexion I GOT IT!! XD now for a story!!! *zooms off* oh zane that was harshly funny XD still harsh..
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Just you wait until someone buys the movie rights.