Brainstorming methods in which to troll the site, I thought of resorting to my old tactics, poorly written Sonic the Hedgehog fanfics. Grew quickly bored with that. Thought of dabbling in something new, namely crossover fanfics. Thought of Sonic still. Thought of Twilight. Thought of how I could possibly screw those two together... then I thought, very suddenly, that "Bella" sounded like the name of a mangy old mutt. Then, this happened... A universe in which Bella is a mutt, Sonic's romantic interest is of the canine variety, and Edward is some mentally handicapped kid (incapable of taking care of Bella, who is handed over to Sonic) who thinks he's a vampire. Oh, and he's romantically interested into beasts. Bestiality. Yup. Dear There are currently 4 users browsing this thread., please stop reading this. I have far too much time on my hands.
I do that too :=D: Occasionally you find actually good stories. Especially if the pairing is borderline crack 8D