Famitsu: Interview with Nomura (Unannounced Title)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 9, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. The latest issue of Famitsu featured an interview with Kingdom Hearts director (Tetsuya Nomura) in regards to a new title from the Kingdom Hearts series. Still not completely clear if the title will be Kingdom Hearts III he explained "I'll leave that to you."

    He briefly mentioned that the new title is something unexpected and akin to a "fast ball."

    Nomura also implied that the new title is lightweight, but refrained from giving any other information.

    Congratulations Nomura on once again another interesting interview that was VERY confusing. I remain speechless in this update. No comment.
    Update: A summary was posted by a Gematsu member, which SQEX was kind enough to translate. It has some discussion of KH3D, I've hidden the ending spoilers but still, beware!
    Source: Gematsu, SQEX.info
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 9, 2012.

    1. Krowley
      Whatever is decided, I hope it moves wither past KH2 or before KH1.
      I have seen enough information between both Console games.
    2. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      I have a feeling it's gonna be a spinoff. i very much doubt it's KH III, too soon.

      anyway thanks for the update Mike
    3. Blader
      Ahh....Gotta love more news.... Thanks for the update Mike!
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Agreed, although his comment about it being unexpected might hint towards it actually being KHIII (though that's probably just me getting my hopes up again).

      Regardless, I hope that we get an entry like KH3D (after KHII and moves the story along instead of backtracking).
    5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      lol Kingdom Carts I can see this happen after BBS :P
    6. Misty
      I updated the OP with some more details that popped up. c:

      I doubt it's KH3 though, that would be a major title. I'm a little disappointed...
    7. jafar
      oh god, not another spin-off.
    8. Zer0-Vestige
      Could be important. Just because is not numbered, doesn't mean is a spin-off. If is important (very), than must be a main game. Plus, there is still Terra, Aqua and Ven's that needs to be be saved
    9. greater_bloo
      Fastball? Lightweight? Sounds like Sports terminology. Kingdom Hearts Homerun for Wii and Playstation Move! :D

      Nah but seriously, that comment was confusing. Fastball could mean an announcement or release is coming sooner than expected. Lightweight could mean portable? Or maybe he means that it is not as "heavy" as a main title meaning a spin-off. Or both comments could mean something for gameplay.
      Maybe it's another game for 3DS? The handheld is still pretty new, the team is already experienced in developing with it, and it is just about the only console left that isn't HD. I don't know, it's too soon to tell but hope something comes soon!

      Thanks for the news Miktus!
    10. Clawtooth
      I thought it was confirmed that the next tile would be KH3 ;~;.

      I suppose we'll just have to wait, but his comments to make it seem like it's gonna be something unexpected, which could mean it is KH3 considering how little we're expecting it to be it ... or am I overthinking?
    11. Misty
      ... Am I the only one who took 'lightweight' to mean 'handheld'?
    12. greater_bloo
      Nope I thought so too. But would the next game being on a handheld be a bad thing?
    13. Misty
      For someone with no handheld consoles? Yes. :'c

      But no, I mean, in a serious manner, it's been so long since there was a true console Kingdom Hearts. Factoring in that a major, numbered title would probably be on a console, I'm pretty persuaded that this is just another spin-off game. I have no problems with the spin-off games (except that I'm too poor to play them), they are doing some major plot build up and that's important, but a lot of people are about at their wits' end with titles that create more loose ends than they solve.
    14. libregkd
    15. Vanitasfetus
      I think it could possibly be an HD version of Kh 1 and 2... because Nomura previously talked about having interest in the idea of doing that... but idk, just a thought. But I really hope it's KH3, I doubt it though.
    16. Skygazelily
      Lol, yes xDD
    17. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      My immediate thought is that it could be Birth By Sleep Volume Two.
    18. Blader
      Maybe the game has a "lightweight" plot? Between Days, BBS, and or 3-D, there's been some rather depressing endings. Maybe we'll see Kairi for more than 3 seconds.....
    19. chessplayerjames
      Or maybe we'll see a Kingdom Hearts version of blitzball?

      And I too am quite disappointed that KH3 isn't coming out (even though I dont' have a PS3, and probably won't until they get as cheap as a PS2 or PSP...although that may never happen), and I'm sure many people are getting sick of spin-offs. I, personally, am weary of all of the handheld games (the games themselves are great, but it would've been nice to see some of these games on the PS2 before it quit production :( )