Hello KH-Vids. The latest issue of Famitsu featured an interview with Kingdom Hearts director (Tetsuya Nomura) in regards to a new title from the Kingdom Hearts series. Still not completely clear if the title will be Kingdom Hearts III he explained "I'll leave that to you."
He briefly mentioned that the new title is something unexpected and akin to a "fast ball."
Nomura also implied that the new title is lightweight, but refrained from giving any other information.
Congratulations Nomura on once again another interesting interview that was VERY confusing. I remain speechless in this update. No comment.
Update: A summary was posted by a Gematsu member, which SQEX was kind enough to translate. It has some discussion of KH3D, I've hidden the ending spoilers but still, beware!
Source: Gematsu, SQEX.info
Famitsu: Interview with Nomura (Unannounced Title)
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 9, 2012.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 9, 2012.
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