Someone had pointed out something interesting at a different forum i visit A dvent C hildren B efore C risis C risis C ore D irge of C irberus and now E ndless crisis tis kinda funny :p I hope it's a remake....or a remake of the story but with a Crisis Core/KH type battle system
yeah... but why PS3? <.< i hope they are going to do remake and i'm suprised that sony is funding for it.
why not ps3? It makes sense that they would put a high profile game's remake (ALLLEEGDLEEEH) on their new overpriced heavy and non-rumble when wireless friggin system Nomura says a lot of morning...and...No I wanted the ranch dressing fool!
Actually there will be rumble, it's called Dualshock 3 and I don't understand how the whole world think Square Enix is centered around Nomura, I'm pretty sure he wasn't the director for Final Fantasy VII.
Well I read this interview about him and says so . I still remember what he said . The future for the FF7 remake looks ugly .
Nomura's doing a strategic thing actually. Right now, no one gives two ****s about the PS3. He knows (and several of us as well) that when Home, MGS, etc. get out, it'll be a blowout sale. By the time passing, people will have adapted to the PS making it more common than it is now.
I thought Nomura was a Sony Fanboy. But this title better be good as they say it is, I'm hoping for something Final Fantasyish or Dragon Quest X.