Famitsu Article on Days [May 25th]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 25, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, the Famitsu website posted a new article on Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, which contains details on the panel system. There are also images from last week's scans that contain cutscenes and multi-player gameplay from the title. The images are posted below. Translations will be done and added a little later today from me.

    Panel System
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    » Setting the rule of mission mode

    In mission mode there is a rule that freely changes. Apparently the use of magic is prohibited. If the setting is changed the damage to the enemy is then lowered. (Mike's Note: That was my first rough translation in the post. xD)


    Limit Hit (Multi-player mode)​
    The Organization members can use "Limit Hit". The power that's involved in this attack can be very different for each character. All members except Xion can use Limit Hit in the beginning?





    Twilight Town: The Forest
    King Mickey and Riku meet in the forest that's located in Twilight Town. Riku mentions to King Mickey that the power of darkness is very uneasy.



    Beasts' Castle
    There is a duty that needs to be done with Roxas. Xaldin notices that the Beast values the rose.


Tags: this article has not been tagged


Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 25, 2009.

    1. Shizzy
      Hurm. Interesting photos. The panel system still confuses me. Oh well. Thanks, Mike.
    2. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Looks cool.

      I dunno what the heck is going on with the panel thing, though. Oh well.
    3. kngdmhrts2
      5 days left!! this is only thing keeping me going through a hectic week of exams...thanks for the updates Mike...

      ...lol feels weird when i say that, since my name is Mike too xD
    4. Arch
      Wow. Great update. It seems like there are more things packed into this game that I thought. @-@ Just wow....
    5. Missingheart
      when will this cme out in England??? i can't wait. Looks a great game.
    6. The Twin
      The Twin
      That panel system is going to confuse the crap out of me. I can just see it.
    7. Krowley
      Gr8 update :P
      Every day is like a week inching towards the games release >_<
    8. EvilMan_89
      i'm wondering what the deal is with Limit Hit.
    9. Xeitr The False Image
      Xeitr The False Image
      it looks like you can only use the limit hit when your hp get below the thin white line in your hp bar
    10. XienZo
      The limit attack can be used when your HP goes into the yellow range. Then, you can use your limit while a white line acts as the timer by going across the empty portion of your HP bar, so the more HP you lost, the longer you can use the limit break. After every time you use the limit break, the yellow portion decreases so it becomes harder and harder to use it.
    11. Ultimecia
      same here. I hope it's useful xD.

      Nice update mike.
    12. smartguy_05
      This game looks very promising. :P
    13. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      This game looks very awesome Thanks Mike for the update
    14. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Ya know, i coulda swore that theres a mode where u can play as any organization member and face a friend, a Vs. Mode. Can anyone tell me if its true?