ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. FALLOUT 4 IS COMING Hoo boy. I better mentally (and physically) prepare myself once this game comes out. I'm gonna be playing the heck out of this once it hits stores
This is really awesome! I loved Fallout 3, but didn't have the chance to play New Vegas. Bethesda better bring their A game.
well I guess that's one thing not happening at bethesda e3 bingo cards are already going bad my brother and I have been excited about this since we heard even the whisper it was going to be set in Boston. not that something being in Boston is automatically gonna win me over but it definitely wins points. I have no words to describe my hype.
I have never played any of the Fallout games yet, but I know the basic lore of it. Gonna plan to get Fallout 3 though. I need to prepare myself for what I hope will be one of Bethesda's greatest games ever.
So, apparently we get to customize power armor. I wasn't sure if Fallout 4 would be exciting...but it's looking better than I expect so far. Especially the faces. Bethesda is usually really terrible at faces. And worse at animations (lol Skyrim). But damn. Fallout 4 isn't half bad.
You can't do this to me Bethesda. YOU CAN'T. With everything they showed, I simply cannot wait for the game. I expected more of the same, but I'm glad I was wrong. Not to mention I really thought it was gonna be released in 2016. No doubt this will be a game I simply must buy. Did I forget to mention YOU CAN SHOOT TEDDY BEARS.