Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "I'm up for all those games!" David said excitedly. "Let's do them all at once!"
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Is Bobble's color okay? He won't be coming back much at all, so you won't have to read it a lot.

    BIC: "Then it's a challenge!" Peter exclaimed. "You all have to search for the treasure that I hid, and the first to find it will get a prize!" He grinned wildly. "You'll never find it!"

    "Alright, let's go!" Harry and Terry jumped up and down.

    "Any rules, Peter?" Nibs asked.

    "For this game, no teams!" Peter decided.
  3. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: it shall be fine! i will just have to kill him if his color annoys me! hahaha!!

    BIC: "Aw, no teams?" David frowned, his smile fading for a moment. "What if we get lost? I'm afraid of being alone..."
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Alright then... teams of two," Peter changed his mind. He'd already forgotten that David and Rebecca were new to Neverland. "I'll judge; no cheating!"

    "We're a team!" Harry and Terry linked arms and scuttled out of the Home Under the Ground.

    "Come on, Tootles," Curly picked up the little skunk and they left as well.

    Cubby looked to Slightly and Nibs. Chances were that they'd be a team and then Rebecca and David would form a team. Cubby didn't have a team mate.

    "I'll go on my own," Nibs volunteered. He knew that Cubby didn't like being left out, and he had enough confidence to win this game on his own anyway. He ruffled Cubby's hair and scurried outside. The others were already getting started and Nibs didn't want to lose.


    "Tinker Bell!" All of the Tinkers around looked towards the owner of the strong, proud voice. It was Fawn, a very talented Animal Fairy. She was one of Tinker Bell's closet friends. She'd been on her way back from helping baby birds learn how to fly when she saw Tinker Bell as she passed over Tinker's Nook.

    Tinker Bell gave a small smile to her long missed friend. When Fawn had landed next to her, she lifted Tinker Bell off her twig-seat and wrapped her in a big bear hug. Tinker Bell returned the hug, but with was less than enthusiastic about it.

    "What's the matter?" Fawn asked, releasing Tinker Bell. While Tinker Bell explained the situation, Fawn played with her exceedingly long braid. "Oh, I get it... You know, Tink, you could always just stay here with us."

    "But I don't want to stay here," Tinker Bell protested. "I don't want to just be a Tinker the rest of my life. I want to be with Peter and the boys and go on adventures with them. But those stupid girls always get in the way!"

    "Aye, but you're quite the Tinker," Bobble tried to cheer her up. "Does Pe'er appreciate that?"

    "Tinker Bell, dear, you know we all do miss you," Fairy Mary spoke up again. "And there are new Tinkers that would benefit from your knowledge. Some of us even miss your antics."

    "Like Terence!" Fawn grinned, her see through wings fluttering. "Terence really misses you."

    "Thanks, but I really do want to stay with Peter," Tinker Bell felt badly for denying Terence any acknowledgement. "I just need a way to have him pay attention to me."

    "And you haven't talked to him about how you feel?" the smooth toned voice came from one of Pixie Hollow's Dust Keepers. It was Terence, the pixie that helped Tinker Bell through so many troubles and was probably her closest and dearest friends.

    "Terence..." Tinker Bell stood up at his coming. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed him until he was back here in front of her. "Well, no... I-I kinda yelled at him."

    Terence chuckled. He knew first hand what it was like to have Tinker Bell blow up at you. He remembered perfectly how red she'd gotten.

    "It's not funny!" Tinker Bell snapped.

    "Tink, it is a little funny," Fawn admitted, giggling herself. "You never learned how to control that temper of yours. I wouldn't be surprised if you kicked his nose!"

    "Well I didn't!" Tinker Bell folded her arms across her chest. Frustrated as she was, she was very happy to be back with her friends. It was a little strange to be looking at people the same size as her, give or take a couple centimeters. She was so used to looking at Peter and the boys.
  5. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: dammit woman stop making such giant posts!! grrr!!

    BIC: David looked to Rebecca, his eager smile back in place. "Guess we should get moving before we get left behind and lose the game!"

    OOC: god ****ing damn it i lost the ****ing game now... haha
  6. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Fine... *sniff* I'll just stop posting. .......... Poop. Stupid game.
  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: awww you two are so cuuUUuute (that was high pitched okey? :P )

    BIC: Rebbeca returned David's smile with a grin. "No way do we lose to anyone!" she announced already running out to find the hidden treasure. "Come on David, let's show them how good at being Lost Boys we are." she saw the other boys running off in random directions so she directed David and her own path in the opposite way. Her long night gown flipped around her ankles as she ran, reminding her to make something else to wear later.

    Slightly waved to Cubby to follow him. "We gotta find it first." he said, lightly. Being second in command, he knew Peter very well and had a feeling of the direction, if not exactly the place, the treasure was hidden.
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Ha! They'll have to search forever to find it this time," Peter floated outside and to the high skies so he could watch all the boys (and girl) look for treasure he'd hidden. But Peter was a clever boy. He hadn't even told them what the treasure was, or given them any hints. He laughed and spun in the air like a seal under water. Luckily for the hunters, it was something easy to spot once found: Hook's treasure chest, brimming with brightly shining gold and jewles.

    "What do you suppose it is that Peter's hidden?" Cubby asked Slightly. He knew how close Slightly and Peter were and was glad that he got to be on a team with Slightly.

    OOC: I wonder if MRSBAGGINS over there even read my awesome pixie post...
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: i'm sure she did *hint hint read it now hint hint* :)

    BIC: "Knowing Peter, probably something that's going to make the pirates mad." Slightly laughed, "I think he must have hid it this way, let's walk quietly so the Indians don't find us." he whispered the last part with a sly grin. The Indians were fun to be with, execpt when they were hunting\being hunted; then they were fun to hide from. "I wonder if David and Rebecca will get lost..." he wondered aloud, not even very worried.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Naw," Cubby waved his hand in the air. "They'll probably end up finding it first."

    Peter laughed joyfully. Slightly was his second in command and knew him the best, besides Tinker Bell, but he was headed away from the treasure! His plan was working.
    "Oh, the cleverness of me," Peter smiled. "It's not in Dead Man's Cave this time or in the bend of Crocidile Creek. No way will they find it!"

    "Terry, this is hard," Harry complained. He and his twin had gone to search the creek, but hadn't found anything.
    "It's more fun if it's a challenge," Terry answered. "Let's check near Cannible Cove."

    Nibs sat by a tree and thought, If I was Peter where would I hide this treasure? Not somewhere I'd hidden it before. That's the first place the twins would look. Maybe...

    "Come on, Tootles!" Curly encouraged the smallest Lost Boy to hurry along. Curly had never won a game of Treasure Hunt yet and he wanted to this time. There was a prize!

    OOC: I'm so smart. I hide treasure well. =D
  11. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: the treasure iz in mah PANTS, baby! yeah!! XD oh, and yes i read your pixiness, woman gosh lol

    BIC: David suddenly realized he was confused. "Hey," he began suddenly. "What exactly are we looking for and how are we supposed to find it when Neverland is so big and we don't know our way around?"
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: oh yummy ;)

    BIC: Rebecca throught about it as they ran around looking for anything. "I don't know. I guess we just do it." she answered simply. "If nothing else we can explore. Maybe we'll find the mermaids and indians!" she took hold of his hand and pulled him along because he was going too slow for her tastes, she wanted to fly (practicly)!
  13. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: I wonder how long this will take... >> Or one of the Lost Boys could just find it. lolz

    BIC: "That's it!" Nibs exclaimed, jumping to his feet. He was quite sure he knew where the treasure was now: with the Indians, of course! Peter had never given the treasure to someone to keep safe before, so it would be something new. Plus, the Indians loved Peter and would do practically anything for him.
  14. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC:, god, be politically correct, woman, and say Native Americans!! Or at least capitalize Indians haha...

    BIC: David ran to keep up with Rebecca, looking all around him. Suddenly the game wasn't so fun to him; it seemed there was no way he could win, and that made him sad.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Peter errupted into laughter, flipping over in the air. He saw the twins combing Cannible Cove, saw Nibs heading towards the Indians, saw Curly and Tootles going to where Harry and Terry just were. But no one was going to Mermaid Lagoon -- not that the treasure was there.

    OOC: Want a hint??
  16. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: gosh, yes lol or i could just make up my own treasure and find it myself *evil-mustang-giving-ed-a-naked-hug-from-behind-laugh*
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC:......... I'm just gonna ignore that laugh... Okay, the hint: Everyone was just there. Right... that's not really a hint, more of a giveaway.
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: ooh yay! so lets just wait for angelynypoo cause she'll cry if we do it without her :D
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: that was a sexy laugh! haha. so mrsbaggins, shall we make a break for the treasure or where shall we go?

    BIC: Rebecca, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. She didn't have a doubt about finding the treasure, even though it was very unlikely they would win. She continued running and chattering to David without paying attention to her words.

    Slightly hunted around with Cubby for awhile in the woods but never found a thing. "maybe we should ask the faries?" he suggested to cubby.
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: oh... wow... look... an angelyn... haha

    BIC: "Hey, Rebecca," David began suddenly. "I don't think we can do this; we don't know the place well enough, so let's just go back and let the Lost Boys find all the treasure this time."
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