Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca looked from Tink to David. "Okey, she offically likes you. I guess one out of two isn't bad." she smiled up at the fairy, assuming things were fine now. "Glad to see you Tink! Why were we shot at?" she asked without giving a thought to not being able to understand the fairy.

    Slightly looked back at Nibs and shrugged. "She said to shoot at the one she's over. Maybe it's a disguise, maybe Hook thinks if the monster looks like a girl we won't hurt it." he suggested, raising his bow with confidence after this explanation. "One, two, three!" he whispered just loud enough for the other boys to hear. Arrows, stones, and various things flew through the air.

    Rebecca heard something move in the bushes and whizz through the air past her. She felt something hit her shoulder that stung and knocked her over, causing her to hit her head on the ground with sickly thud.
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Stop!" David yelled without thinking. Subconsciously, he knew that it was the Lost Boys firing the projectiles, but he didn't think to call out to them directly. He stood in front of Rebecca. "Tinker Bell, help us out."

    Tinker Bell frowned and folded her arms. She liked David, that much was true, but she still did not like Rebecca at all. Grumpily, she flew back to the Lost Boy's in their hiding places and flopped onto Slightly's shoulder. She told him to call off the Lost Boys, grudgingly.
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oy, cease fire!" Slightly yelled at the others as he stood up out of the bushes. He looked from David to Tink in confusion. "Hey there. You must be the boy Peter brought here. I'm Slightly, second in command." he approched David, scowling at his night clothes and his clean apperance, but then grinning at him in greeting "Why are you protecting the flying creature?" he asked, peeking past David at Rebecca. "Tink said...." his voice trailed off. Something in Rebecca's unconcious face made Wendy's face flash in his face. "Tink said it'd chased you here..." he sounded a lot less sure all of a sudden. "Tink, that's true right?" the look he gave the fairy was the worried and confused expression of a boy who knows he has done something wrong.
  4. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Captain Hook farted on Peter Pan, giggled, hopped in three circles, stripped naked, and went swimming with fifty five fat, ugly homosexual pirates in penguin suits.
  5. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Doh! >< You kept that post up?! If you don't post that old man soon, Peter's just gonna leave. =D

    BIC: Tinker Bell stamped her foot on air. She'd been so close! Two short jingles from her said, "Not true." Her stuck-up attitude shone through to everyone, even though practically no one could understand her. She waved off Slightly before he could even start to scold her; she didn't want to hear it from him.

    All of the Lost Boys came scurrying out from their hiding places. There was a great deal of commotion as each hurried to introduce themself to David. Curly was quietly observing the boy's reaction to this.

    Nibs stood next to Slightly. "So she tricked us again...?" He was very disappointed in himself, and the others for that matter. Peter had gotten so angry with them the last time they'd let Tinker Bell get the better of them. That last time it had been... a mother for them! Perhaps this new girl, if she indeed wasn't Captain Hook's monster, was to be their new mother!

    "It's really nice to meet you all," David began warrily. It took a moment, but the Lost Boys got the message and shut their traps. "But she's not a 'flying creature.' She's my friend. We came here with Peter. Captain Hook was giving us trouble, so Peter stayed behind to distract Hook while Tinker Bell led us here -- or was supposed to anyway."

    "Then you are the new boy," Cubby exclaimed, slamming his fist onto his palm. It was pointing out the obvious, but that was just what Cubby did.

    Tootles frowned. He didn't like the new boy so far. He sounded like a... grow up. Tootles stuck his tongue out at that thought.

    "My name is David," the boy replied. "Is there somewhere we can go where she'll be able to lay down?"

    "The hideout!" Harry and Terry said, bouncing once again. Terry continued, "We can take them, right Slightly? Peter was the one that brought them here, so they must be allowed there." Harry took over saying, "But we'd have to blind fold them. Can't risk Hook finding out where we are."

    "I think that'd be okay," Curly spoke up. "Peter will be able to meet up with us there."
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Slightly nodded solemly. "Sure, someone get something to blind fold them with, just in case. Or at least him anyways," he added, looking down at Rebecca. "She's asleep anyways." he used the word 'asleep' since he was afraid she'd been actually hurt. This fear was shoved off and he took charge easily. Putting a hand on Tootles head casually, as he'd seen the expression on his friend's face, he went on ordering. "Tootles and the twins, you guys carry her. Just put your hand on someone's shoulders, David." someone had produced a blind fold and Slightly threw it roughly around David's head, tying it tightly so he couldn't see a thing.
  7. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: *sigh* oh fine if you didnt like my last fantastic post, I guess ill do this one now...

    BIC: Captain Hook drew his sword and pointed its tip downward at the boy. "You want to die, then, Pan? I hate having to stoop to your level, child!"
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Have at thee!" Peter cried, swinging his dagger into Hook's sabre. He was aware of the pirates gathering around -- their sneers and shining blades were hard to miss. Metal clanged and sparked as Peter's and Hook's swords connected and chanced. Peter's feet hadn't left the deck thus far. He remembered the last time he'd given his word not to fly and he was hoping for something like that to happen again. But the boy and pirates were on deck this time, not in the rigging. Peter could always jump overboard, but he knew not how to swim. Was he afraid of the crocodile? Of course not! The crocodile had no taste for an overzealous boy, not to mention that it loved Peter for giving it the treat of Hook's hand in the first place.


    Tinker Bell sat on David's head, getting comfortable in his golden-yellow hair. She was still very sour about things not going her way. But she'd think of something else, sooner or later.

    Tootles took his order seriously. He picked up Rebecca's feet and walked proudly behind the twins, who were each carrying one of her arms. But being so small, Tootles could only hold the girl's lower half barely an inch off the ground. To help him out, Curly picked him up. The chain of boys carrying the "sleeping" girl was quite a sight to see.

    David reached out, landing his hand on Cubby's shoulder. "Alright, I'm ready."

    Nibs had to contain a laugh. If they'd know what it was, or had one, the Lost Boys would have taken a picture with a camera. Harry, Terry, Rebecca, Tootles, and Curly would probably never be in the same position again. The Lost Boy's third in command looked to Slightly. There were many entrances to the Home Under the Ground, so Nibs asked, "Which way shall we go?" He thought it best to use the main entrance, but one never knew if the Indians were about -- and they knew where how to get into the Home Under the Ground. It would be terrible if the Indians captured them whilst they had Rebecca and David with them.

    Before Slightly could answer, Cubby interjected, "The underground tunnel near Crocodile Creek." He had also thought about the Indians, and they didn't know about that entrance.
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Slightly, unlike his fellow lost boy Nibs, laughed aloud at the silly sight. But, when the discussion turned to where to go he was serious again. "I agree, no need for indians to attack us. Let's go!" he punched his fist into the air and took to the head of the crowd, leading the way.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Oh Captian Hoook! :D
  11. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Captain Hook lunged at Peter Pan, blocking his blow and countering with a swish of his wrist. He overstepped his next strike however, and when the boy dodged it, he stabbed the pirate behind Pan right in the gut.

    "Oops," the captain shrugged, kicking the man off of his blade and onto the deck. "Don't get in the way next time!"
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Wrong man, Captain!" Peter started to advance on Hook again when he felt cold steel against his throat and back. The other pirates had cornered him whilst he was joyfully evading Hook's swing. If he moved, the blades of the pirates would cut him open. And yet, he wasn't afraid or feeling defeated. He knew Hook wanted to beat him alone, without help, and so Peter locked eyes with the captain of the Jolly Roger. His playful smile came back, as if taunting Hook to try to finish him now. Just as it seemed Hook was about to take the bait, the faintest sound of ticking was heard on the starboard side of the ship. Peter's crooked smile grew wider.


    As they all walked, David thought of what fun was to come now that he was in Neverland. He thought of getting his chance to cross blades with a real buccaneer, capturing indians, seeing the mermaids, and never growing up. It all seemed like so much fun.
  13. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Captain Hook froze, his head tilted toward the sound. "Smee!" he suddenly cried. "Get this boat turned around and out of here as fast as possible! The rest of you get Pan!"

    The captain then turned and ran into his quarters, diving under the bed.
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Better luck next time!" Peter crowed victoriously as he flew away. He'd ducked just as the pirates thrusted their swords at him. He stopped just above the shore of the island and looked back to see the pirates scrambling to follow Smee's orders to get the Jolly Roger moving. Peter laughed, delighted with yet another win over the old captain.

    OOC: Does Hannah want a Lost Boy?
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Slightly and the other lost boys hurried along the path, taking twists and turns just in case David was peeking. Soon enough they reached the entrance to their home and more choas ensued as they got their blind and unconcious companions inside.

    Rebecca groaned slightly from the bumps and bruises of getting inside. Her eyes opened alittle to be greeted with a bright light, making her shut them again before she caught a look at her suroundings.

    After everybody, eventually was inside and Rebecca has been dropped, eh, put, on the bed, Slightly grabbed David's blindfold to rip it off. "Welcome to our home home!" he announced proudly.

    OOC; heehee, captian hook is cute :P
  16. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: umm idk if i know them well enough to play one... :(
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: But then you won't have much to do! D: Does j00 want David or William? (Pssst! Take David!)
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: hmm... who's david? XD
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Have you not been paying attention AT ALL?! D: Go look. ><
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: haha, by the time we get this straightened out even Peter Pan will have grown up
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