Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "There!" Peter spotted Smee and Hook leaving the cabin. He turned to David and Rebecca, his crooked, mischevious grin back on his face, excitement in his eyes. "Let's get a closer look."

    "Wait," David started to object, but Peter was already hopping down the clouds. He followed after Peter, trying to keep up. He wasn't very good at flying.

    Peter laughed out loud, he knew what was coming. Hook would try what he always did: cannon balls. But Peter was always too fast for them. Unless he was right in front of them, they'd never hit him. "Come on!"
    Tinker Bell smiled, her trail of pixie dust sprinkling on David and Rebecca as she hurried away. She stayed near to Peter's head, whispering in his ear while he bounded down the clouds.


    Smee quickly and loudly repeated the captain's orders to the crew. Noodler hurried to get a cannon ball into the cannon nearest him. Alf Mason grabbed flint to light the cannon's fuse. And it was Starkin, with his blade fixed firmly in his teeth, who stood by, waiting for the perfect shot.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca scrambled to follow the boys, her eyes going from one pirate to the next. Their names and their stories filled her mind until she looked at Hook. "Hook." she whispered to herself, trying out the name to see how it fit the real life version of her make believe enemy. A grin crossed her face and she flew after the boys.
  3. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Captain Hook paced as swift as a hawk along all the canons, yelling into the ear of each pirate manning them.

    "Shoot! Fire! Faster, faster!" I want Pan dead now, you ridiculous dimwits!"

    He raised his hook to the sky, following the small, darting, green speck with the its sharp tip. "I'll get you," he snarled under his breath, his evil grin widening with each bang of the canons. So far he was having no such luck.

    One particular pirate caught his eye; he was taking much too long to load the canon, letting that blasted Peter Pan fly right in his range half a dozen times. With a disgruntled growl of impatience, Hook strode to the man, picked him up by his collar, and punched his in the nose with his remaining hand.

    "Too slow, deckhand," he snarled, and punched the man in the gut once more before hurling him over the side of the ship into the freezing water. The ugly splash and girlish scream he made was wonderful.

    Everyone paused for a moment, all the pirates craning their necks to look over the ship's side to see the misfortunate man. They could all hear his desperate cries.

    "I can't swim! Help, I can't swim-"

    "What are you all looking at?" Hook screamed, and every pirate jumped back to their canons, ignoring the dying cries of their comrade. "Shoot those bloody canons faster or you'll wish you'd gone as easily as him!"
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Get out of the way!" Peter warned David and Rebecca. Cannon balls flew by them one after another. "Tink, take them to the Lost Boys. I'll draw Hook's fire."
    The tiny fairy nodded at the wide grinning boy. She watched him fly away.
    "Oh Captain Hook!" Peter shouted in a sing song voice, approaching the Jolly Roger. He circled around the ship, taunting to Long Tom and Starkin: "Try 'n' keep up!"

    David stopped by Tinker Bell. "He's going by himself? That's crazy!" When Tinker Bell shook her head and motioned for the two to follow her, David looked at Rebecca with a happy smile. "He's just like the stories."

    "Cap'n, he's too fast," Smee said, pointing out the obvious. They'd only ever once been able to hit Pan with a cannon ball, and that was at close range with a netted cannon ball. Even that didn't hold him for long.
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca smiled back but she was stopped in mid air. "We can't leave him can we?" she asked, wanting so much to join Peter in taunting Hook. At the same time she did want to meet the lost boys. So after a breif internal delema she followed David and Tink. "Okey Tink! Let's go!" she said cheerfully, hoping the fairy was warming up to her. Of course she wasn't, but Rebecca hoped anyways.
  6. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Captain Hook heaved a heavy, frustrated sigh, crossing his arms over his chest and containing his fury; one dead crew member seemed to be enough for... the next couple hours as long as Pan lived.

    "Enough!" he shouted now. "Cease fire you blind bilge rats!"

    He turned to face the green dot in the sky. "I know you can hear me, Pan!" he cried furiously, his face turning a bright red. "You'd best run off with your dirty friends, you coward, staying up in the air like a yellow chicken!"
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "What?" Peter stopped on the starboard side of the Jolly Roger. His hands on his hips, he looked down at Hook. There was a moment of silent communication between the two foes. "Nobody calls Pan a coward! I'll fight you man to man, with one hand behind my back!" He landed on the deck of the ship, dagger in one hand, the other behind his back. If Hook wanted a fight, he would get one from Peter. The boy, for the moment, had put Rebecca and David out of his mind.

    Tinker Bell flew faster. She may have decided that she liked David, but she still didn't like Rebecca; she didn't like any girl that Peter brought to Neverland. She glanced over her shoulder to see if the two were keeping up with her. David was falling behind the fastest.
    Now you see, fairies aren't all bad. Sometimes they're all good. But fairies are so small that they only have room for one feeling at a time.
    Tinker Bell picked up even more speed, going into a nose dive towards Hangman's Tree -- the Lost Boy's hideout.

    "Tinker Bell, wait!" David tried to call after her, but she was a fast little pixie. "Rebecca, why does she go so fast if she knows we can't keep up?"


    "Look! Look!" Nibs, the Lost Boy who told everyone he met that he planned the battles, cried out. He was on look out duty, seeing as Slightly had let him. Slightly was Peter's second in command, then came Nibs.
    "Tinker Bell's coming back!" the moment this was shouted, all the Lost Boys came and gathered 'round Nibs. There was arguing over who was to hold the spy glass; they all wanted to see if it was indeed Tinker Bell. If Tinker Bell was back, that meant that Peter had to be back too!

    "Let me see! Let me see!" the twins chorused. They both jumped up and down. That was one of the ways to tell them apart -- Harry jumped higher than Terry. The two were always seen together, it didn't matter where they were. Whether it was a fairy dance, an Indian party, taunting the mermaids, following the leader, going to Skull Rock, they were always together. However, there were some times that they were apart, but never anything big.

    Tootles reached up for the spyglass, but it was out of his range. He was the silent Lost Boy. None of the others knew exactly why it was that he didn't talk, but they mostly guessed it was because he never learned. Tootles was the smallest and the youngest. It appeared to most outsiders that he should be crawling on the floor and crying for his mother at his age. But Tootles was actually a very good Lost Boy. He was the winner of Hide and Seek nearly every time it was played.

    "Hey, no I wanna see!" Cubby, the roundest of the Lost Boys, was the next one to yell for the spy glass. His voice was always cracking; none of the Lost Boys knew the answer to that either. He was a short fellow who carried a club the size of his head around with him most of the time. Food was his favorite thing about Neverland.

    Curly stood by and waited. He liked to watch the other's behavior. He was a smart Lost Boy. If a puzzle needed to be solved, Curly was the one to go to. His dirty golden hair was seen poking out from under his wolf hat in little ringlets, but it was his dark brown eyes that most people payed attention to.

    "Close your pie holes!" Nibs shouted over all the commotion. "Slightly's in charge when Peter's gone!" He tossed the spy glass to Slightly. All the Lost Boys were silent, waiting to hear if Slightly saw what Nibs had: Tinker Bell.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca bit her bottom lip, trying to keep up but also falling behind. "I don't know... Mom and Grandma always said she didn't like them. Esspically Grandma, remember the story about the "Wendy bird". I hope she likes us more than that..."

    Slightly caught the spy glass and looked out and up. "Ah i don't see her." he said, scanning the sky. But soon he saw the flicker that he knew to be a fairy and focused on it. Recognizing the fairy he wooped. "There she is! Hey Tink!" he put the spy glass down and waved to her with a huge grin on his face. "Where's Peter?"
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: *looks at last post* Huh... that's bigger than I thought. ><

    BIC: "Oh no..." David sighed. He was having trouble flying as it was, and now he was worrying about being shot out of the sky. That thought wasn't very happy at all.

    Tinker Bell flitted around each of the Lost Boys, stopping by Slightly. She pointed behind herself to indicate that Peter was around the Jolly Roger and then stood on Slightly's shoulder. The little fairy spoke to Slightly. Peter, Slightly, and Tootles were the only ones who spoke the fairy's complicated language of bells and chimes. She told Slightly there was a danger coming to Hangman's Tree. She wove a tale of a flying beast, followed by an innocent boy. She said that Peter was holding off Captain Hook, but he'd sent the flying beast after her to find the Lost Boy's hide out. The boy, she said, was with Peter and he was not to be harmed. But if they wanted to protect their hide out, they'd better make sure that the flying beast didn't come near.

    "What did she say?" Harry and Terry asked. They'd ceased their bouncing and huddled around Slightly, along with the other boys.

    Tootles had climbed onto Cubby's back to get a better hear of Tinker Bell. It seemed quite odd to him that Captain Hook had a flying beast under his control. Didn't he have enough to worry about with the crocodile? When did he find the time to get a flying beast? Then it struck him: while Peter was gone! The weeks that Peter had been gone, Captain Hook could have been devising a plan. This was terrible! Their hideout was in danger!

    Curly, seeing that Tootles was on the verge of tears, lifted the little skunk-boy off Cubby's shoulders and onto his own. He patted the kid's head and said, "Don't worry, Tootles. Whatever it is, Tink can help us."
    All of the Lost Boys were brothers -- the only blood brothers being Harry and Terry -- but Curly had a soft spot for Tootles, and took it upon himself to see to it that Tootles was always smiling.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: awesome descriptions though :D

    BIC:"Don't worry. I'm sure that won't happen this time." Rebecca said cheerfully. "Besides, she likes you. I think she's just being herself. We'll be fine." she grinned at David. "We're in Neverland, David, no worries here!" after saying this she did a little turn in the air and sped off, daring David to race her.

    Slightly eyes went wide. 'She says a flying monster followed her along with a boy. Peter must have gotten a new lost boy!" He looked excited at that thought before remembering the danger. "Oh, but we have to protect the hidout from the flying beast. It's one of Hook's things and it wants to know where we live." he translated, leaping around and making gestures to make it sound even more exciting. "Everyone get your bow's and arrows and sling shots. We've got to save the new lost boy and stop Hook's flying thing!"
  11. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: they're all unique! =D I can't pick a favorite! D:

    Tinker Bell spun in the air. She loved how easily the Lost Boys could be tricked. Now David could be a Lost Boy and that Peter-stealing girl would be out of the way.

    The Lost Boy's cheared and whooped, they ran into the tree and got their hand made weapons. Nibs and Slightly had their bows, Harry and Terry had their sling-shots, Cubby his club, Curly his stick with an arrow head on it, and Tootles picked up a few rocks. It was true that each Lost Boy had a bow and arrows, but this way, they'd be able to tell who had hit monster. Though none of them stopped to think that it would be easier to hit the monster if they all used their bows and arrows; each one had a different decoration on the end of their arrows anyway.


    David smiled. It was a good thing he'd come with Rebecca, elsewise he might have hit the ground already. He accepted the taunt to race and jolted after his friend. It was very faint now, but Tinker Bell's pixie dust trail could be traced by the falling dust in the sky. They'd race along that, it would be like a track.


    "Ready boys?" Nibs called. They all stood in a line, weapons raised. "Wait for it to get closer, and fire on three." There was a "right" or "okay" from each Lost Boy, save for Tootles.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Slightly closed one eye to aim and held the bow and arrow up towards the approching figures. "One..." he said, watching them get bigger. Now they could tell one was a boy and the other wasn't.

    Rebecca flew as fast as she could, following the pixie dust. She was laughing without worry as they took turns being in the lead.

    "Two..." Slightly aimed higher, knowing how to hit something moving like they were. Something nagged at the back of his mind though. Was there something familar about the flying creature. The noise it was making, almost like laughter, made his mind say "mother" but he shook it off as they were at the perfect distance now. "THREE!"

    Rebecca heard something shout below them and looked down, in time to see a group of boys with a variety of weapons. "David..." she started to say, questioningly.

    OOC: i know right? they're all so cute in their own way
  13. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Nibs has the most awesomest hair in the 2003 movie. xD (Imma go eat lunch now. And I think mah dada wants to do something. Might be back in a bit.)

    BIC: "Rebecca, move!" David collided into her, knocking them both out of the way of the projectiles. Something hit his leg, but he paid it little mind. What was important was getting to the ground and out of the sight of whomever was firing at them. Trying to stick to his happy thought so he wouldn't plummet to the dirt and grass shrewn ground, David held onto Rebecca's hand and descended.


    "They're going down! We hit 'em!" Harry and Terry cheered like Indians.

    Tinker Bell cheered a mixure of whistles, bells, and sparkles. She tapped each twin on the nose as a thank you kind of gesture.

    "Let's go everyone! We've got to save our new Lost Boy," Nibs was also grinning from ear to ear. It was a mission well done so far.

    Curly picked up Tootles and ran with the other boys to where they'd seen the boy and monster going down. A little voice in his head wondered why they'd fallen out of the sky together, but it didn't matter really, as long as the new boy was okay.

    "We need bigger rocks!" Terry told Harry as they ran.
    "Yeah, they fell too slow!" Harry agreed. They both knew they'd never bring down a pirate or Indian with little pebbles.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: enjoy lunch! i may do the same ^^

    BIC:Rebecca clung to his hand, somewhere between fright and anger. How dare they throw things at them! What were they thinking?! She fought hard to think of something else as they flew down so they wouldn't fall with these angry thoughts. When they finally got to the ground she instantly walked towards the where they'd seen the boys, pulling David with her since she didn't let go of his hands. It wouldn't take long for the two parties to meet.

    Slightly cheere with the others but he had noticed something. The boy had flown into the creature when they'd fired. Now why would he do that? He might have gotten hit. He frowned, thinking the boy may not be the brightest after all.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Under David's stripped pajama bottoms, a nice bruise was forming from one of the twin's sling-shot rocks. He tried to keep up with Rebecca, but was mostly pulled along. He was in no hurry to meet up with whomever had fired those thing at them. "Was it... do you think it was the Lost Boys?"

    "Wait!" Nibs stopped, his arms spread out as a kind of stop sign barrier. When the others stopped behind him, Slightly next to him, he listened and definitely heard what he thought he had. There were rustles; someone was moving other than them. It couldn't have been the Indians, this was too far north for them to travel and they would have been a lot quieter about moving around.
    "Let's sneak up on 'em," he suggested to Slightly. "Ambush 'em, like the Indians do to us."

    Curly listened as well, letting Nibs and Slighlty have their hushed exchange. He could hear the rustling and the snapping twigs. He caught Nibs's idea of an ambush and quickly nodded his agreement. Cubby, the twins, and Tootles did as well. Nibs really was an excellent battle planner.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Yes, I think so." Rebecca nodded. "But where are they, I could have sworn the group of boys I saw was over this way...."

    Slightly nodded. "Yeah, you can hear them moving 'round, let's hide in the bushes and wait for them here. Sounds like they're getting closer." he made a hushing noise to the other boys and every one scurried away to wait.

    Rebecca looked back to David as they walked. "David... did you hear that?" she asked, having heard a slight rustling farther along path they were going along as the Lost Boys hid.

    Slightly thought to himself as they heard movement closer and closer. The flying beast must have the new boy captive. I wonder what it looks like. Peter's gonna be so excited to see we caught the flying monster. I bet Hook throws a real fit too.
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: lol I'm watching Peter Pan right now (Disney's 1953 version). xD

    BIC: David pulled Rebecca to a stop. The surroundings were new, the trees blocked most of the sun, the noises didn't come from a known source, and the sound of water could be heard just a few paces away; David was getting a bit scared.
    "Maybe we should just wait for Peter...."

    Nibs frowned. He could hear the voices, but could only barely see faces. He asked himself how they were supposed to ambush someone if they wouldn't come close enough. He looked over to where Slightly was hiding and saw that he looked a little frustrated too.

    Tinker Bell touched down on a leaf next to Slightly. Her usual yellow-green glow was starting to go a redish-pink from her irritation. She wanted Rebecca gone now. She stamped her foot on the leaf, causing it to collapse behind her and land her bottom on a branch of the bush. Her glow burned a fiercer red.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca squared her shoulders and shook her head. "Waiting around won't do any go-...." she stopped talking and turned towards where the lost boys were hiding. "That sounded like bells." she whispered. "Tink?" she called out, "Tinker Bell is that you?" she started to run towards the noise again.

    Slightly exchanged a look of confusion with Nibs. "It's coming towards us." he said, although he was sure he'd heard someone yell Tink's name. he looked down at the little fairy. "Tink you're all red." he commented lightly.

    OOC: nice! i miss those movies. i want my vhs player back!
  19. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: you women post too much! (i cannot BELIEVE i just said that) now i have to read all this crap...
  20. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Yeah, we're just that good. =D (But Hook's not. lol Stinky codfish. xP) Post 60!!

    BIC: Tinker Bell stood up and dusted off her bottom. Hearing Rebecca and David coming closer, she got a brilliant idea. Her glow flashed back to yellow-green. She spoke to Slightly, telling him to stay there and loose their weapons at the one she flew above. Pleased with her devilish plan, she hurried away, leaving a distinct trail of pixie dust.
    The fairy flew to the children, stopping but an inch in front of David's face, making him come to a dead stop. She rubbed her tiny nose against David's much larger one. She was glad to see that he was unhurt. Then she flew in front of Rebecca and, with one hand on her hip, she shook a finger very sternly at the girl, scolding her for putting David in danger. Without waiting for a response from Rebecca, she flitted up and hovered abover her head. She stayed their, arms crossed over her chest, for a moment and then looked to the Lost Boys and pointed enthusiatically down at Rebecca.

    "Tinker Bell, what's wrong?" David asked.

    Nibs looked to Slightly. What was he supposed to do? Tinker Bell had spoken to Slightly, not him -- he wouldn't have understood anyway. The girl standing next to the boy didn't seem like a flying monster to him.
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