;o HAPPY BIRTHDAY AQUARIOUS!! Its my friends Bday too today, i already made her a Pic but she hasn't seen it yet because she's offline celebrating and stuff ^^
I know , he became a little weird because I had to animate him ^^ Originally the pic is differnt xD He doesn't wave on the original :) Thanks for comments ^^
(LOL you made him wave!) WAAAHZZZUURS! I drowned you in much hearty red Love in a couple of other messages, but I guess it doesn't hurt to do it again, does it fluffykins?! =D <3<3<3 Merci soooo much~ You're a bit too good for me~uu And thanks TBK and HazHearts!! (Though my bday was on Wednesday lol >_>)
( I tried xD) No it doesn't :3<3 fluffykins ? x3 <3<3<3 No problem ^^ Nah , you are waaay to good for me ^^<3 Tnx for comments TBK and Hazhearts ^^ Anyone else want's to comment ?;3