Wow, this guy was sure pissed, and it's recent, too. [video=youtube;kl1ujzRidmU][/video] Warning: Contains some bad language. Nothing too bad, just not anything little kids should hear.
You know, i think he might be overreacting just a bit. I think to be honest, though she DID post about her parents on Facebook, isn't it breaching her privacy if he decides to go through her facebook statuses after she's made it clear she doesn't want him to see them? And making her pay for the bullets isn't really fair is it? It's his decision to shoot the laptop rather than just throwing it away or just smashing it. He could've done it through numerous other methods that were available to him, yet he charges her for the bullets used to shoot it? Yeah, he's overreacting just a bit.
I looked at all the facebook stuff and even looked onto the guys wall posts (he keeps his facebook published). Apparently, he doesn't like all the attention that he's getting out of all of this. But, honestly, what did you expect? I do think that shooting the laptop was going a bit far. He put all of that work into it and now it's all gone to waste. I do think that she should have her computer taken away, as well as other punishments. The way she sounded in the letter though, it was going to happen sooner or later. She sounds like any other bratty teenage girl in America, and he treated her like his "little princess" for far too long. She walked all over him and now he's paying the consequences.
According to my mom, he and his daughter talked later (not sure if on the same day or what), and everything's fine for now. Work is in progress, and she understands why he did that.
I have a bad feeling that she's going to get un-punished simply because she "learned her lesson". That's total bull crap! I know that game; she just wants to tell her parents what they want to hear. And they're eating it up, probably being willfully ignorant. I seriously doubt that on the inside, she's really understanding. It's all so she can get in less trouble. I seriously doubt that he's going to keep her "grounded" much longer than a month. And the cycle will repeat itself.
Another bratty kid, coupled with an explosive redneck father. Overreactive is right. Instead of making a spectacle of both himself and his daughter on the net, he should have chastised her personally. Instead of gunning her computer, he should have tried to make good of the bad and sold it-- and in doing so, profiting a bit. Instead he not only guns her computer to a wreck, he also wrecks any standing relationship with her-- he should aim to get along well with his child, but the meager possibility that was is now none, non more. They will be spitting at each other at every chance they get, I imagine. Alas, his relationship with his daughter is now forever fucked. That is what matters, truly. How terrible it must be, to have your own [daughter's] blood boil at your contact. Terrible indeed.
This is something my mom would do if I ever piss her off that bad o_o I dont know if anyone noticed but I can tell he was about to cry at some point.
i saw this video a few days ago. am i only person who thought that he was going to say "i was so close to putting a bullet through your head" instead of what he actually said? it's hard to say whether this Hannah deserved this public humiliation from the video alone. it's very possible she was just venting and was just stressed out that day. but if she's as bad as he makes her out to be, she sounds like a typical entitled teenager and maybe she does need to learn a lesson. but still, telling everyone how your daughter is a ****** might be overreacting. i can feel for both the father and the daughter honestly. i believe he happened to come across it when he was fixing her computer or something (maybe she left it on screen?). also, i don't really feel it's breaching her privacy if it's on facebook because it's kind of public place, even if she did block her parents. if she wanted to prevent her parents from finding out, maybe she should've used a diary or vented to her friends in person?
I guess he really wan't going to cry like I said he was. Maybe he was struggling not to say what he really wants to say o_o
i never really got the feeling he was getting ready to cry. he did stumble a few times when he was talking but i get that way too when i'm talking sometimes.
I'm split two ways on this. Half of me says she deserve it, after he spends all that money to upgrade it and she does the equivalent of spitting in his face I say she needs a hard dose of reality. The other half says this was unnecessary, that she has a right to vent her frustrations and not be chastised for it, I'd prefer writing or vocalizing how one feels than one's fists. And to destroy the laptop instead of selling it is wrong and typical cowboy or redneck behavior. This might teach her a lesson but it's more likely to make her rebel even more and hate her father and there's no worse failing for a parent then for their kin to resent them and wish for them to die.
Another on of the many reasons I'm never having kids. His reaction was pretty ridiculous though. It's no wonder why his daughter is a little shithead. What kind of message does this video send to his daughter? When you don't like something, and you're upset, you take someone's laptop and shoot it with hollow point rounds? Everyone's applauding this guy, but this was over the top. You don't have a discussion with your daughter over youtube. It's no wonder you're kid is the way she is, you can't even confront her directly on this. Maybe if you showed your daughter some attention, instead of being on her ass, which of course, you wouldn't admit to doing because you're the greatest dad ever, this wouldn't of happened. Instead, you make a video about it, so you can have everyone tell you how awesome you are. Oh yeah. Father of the year right here. Some people just shouldn't have kids, and sometimes I'm glad I grew up without a father. I fucking hate people. I'd rather be raised by wolves. Why? Because wolves are decent people.
He could also give the laptop to someone, anyone. Say, the nice lady who cleans their house as a favor and actually has a hard life ? I mean how exactly does shooting the computer shows he knows the value of money and hard work better than his daughter ? Also lol at the whole "eye for an eye" Facebook exposure thing, very mature.
That made me laugh,I must admit. And really,did he need to put it on the Internet,showing the world and embarrassing both himself and his daughter? But still. The thought of it makes me laugh. Wonder shall they forgive each other? Kekekekk.