Sorry if this is considered advertising, but is anyone else having problems with so-called policy violations on Facebook? I've been sending friend requests to people I know (school), and I just got blocked from sending friend invites for 7 days because I do not know the people!? It happened once before, too, but no action was taken. Also, other people are complaining about it in the community forum, so it's not a dumbass mistake from me.
Well I know facebook changed their policy, so it could be that if you send a certain number of friend requests at time it thinks you're a bot or something. Facebook has been jacked up for years, my brother got reported one time when he hadn't done anything and couldn't log in for a week because the idiots don't give a shiz to actually see if the person deserves to get banned. If you're concerned about it the only thing you can do is contact the facebook people and try to clear it up(good luck with that...), or wait the alloted time.
What happens is you're logged out, and when you log back in, you get a message that says something like, "You've sent requests to people you don't know, something, something." It did then gives you the option of canceling all pending friends requests, friends request with people you have little in common with (e.g.: mutual friends), or leaving it -- I chose the second one. It also would be nice if they linked to the profile(s) that got the user the warning.
When you receive a request, I believe you may say that you did not know the person you were attempting to add. Perhaps Facebook assumes that they do not know you if they decline your friend requests, or they said that they did not know you. Did you ask them?