Fable 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Peace and War, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Comically entertaining, action RPG, Fable 3 arrives at the end of this month to the Xbox 360. 'Loudmouth' Peter Molyneux promises that everything has been redefined for the thrid installment not only for the Fable series, but in all RPG. Gone is the health bar and traditional EXP systems of the past and comes forth a new intergrated system that cleans up the clutter of the HUD in yesterday years. Personally I enjoy the series greatly, we've got beautiful places differing characters and British humour, how can it go wrong?
    Anyone else interested?
  2. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    I'm interested, I played Fable: the lost chapters and enjoyed that quite a bit. Though it was really short. I hate how most rpgs are short these days, if they could do anything with the series, making the gameplay longer with more quests would be excellent. I heard they're also changing it from having the standard male character to being able to choose if you're male of female. That's exciting. :)
  3. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    That was all in Fable 2 as well XD

    I'm totally stoked for this. Fable is amazing, and it always gives me something to do when I'm bored :3
    I'm curious about the no health bar thing though. Will that make it easier to die? I don't really care though. The graphics in those games are so good. I just can't believe 3 is already coming out O:
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I'm a bit confused about the no health bar thing as well, chances are I'll never play Fable 3 (I played the original and loved it though), but how would you keep track of when you're going to die? An HP bar is a fundamental part of an RPG, imo, and doing away with it is just going to confuse people.
  5. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    Peter Molyneux Speaking.

    Yeah they are moving away from RPG clichés - you can tell how much health you have in many ways. For instance the world loses it's colour more and more as you get hurt. When there's no colour at all you die. Alternatively the action get's slower and slower until just before you die you are in bullet time. Or maybe the actions you make appear to be as if you are tired. Unique touches which are interesting for the players as they have to adapt can help make (or break) a game. Nonetheless whatever option Lionhead picks we will end up having to get used to it.