lolwutstock Whatever. Oh yes, before I forget again, no ratings and give good critique, not only compliments, thank you <3.
OMG I love it. But the Light in the corner is a bit too bright for my tastes. It actually looks wayyyy different from the stock, and that prooves your artistic imagination and tastes. (: :noworries: Great Job.
Pretty~! ^o^ I actually like the light in the corner, yeah a little too bright, but it's good :3 Love the effects too, and that's a very good stock ya have there~ ^w^ Another awesome job~! >w<
That light in the corner that you all keep refering to, cannot really be helped as its part of the origanal stock. Chaser (Lavos whatever you'll always be Chaser to me) great job as always but the negative space in the top right =/.
Chaser is fine, but just because you know me ;D. Anyways, I know what you mean, I was actually thinking in cutting the right side a bit XD.
bottom left should be emiting light. it isnt. Also the big @55 light scource kills this as well as the c4d whoring fixit
*looks at stock* Okay first of all, freakin' amazing job, I never would of guessed that was the stock. I looked at it and I was shocked. I like what you did with the light in her hand, it sticks out more that way. As the others said, the lighting in the upper left could be a bit less bright. I do like the darkness in at the right it blends into the effects.