So I want to modify my 1TB External HDD (IOmega) to allow for a multi-boot sutup. However, I am not sure as of wether I can actually do this, and also, the HDD has 477GB of data on there already,so I can not afford to lose any of it. I can not afford to spend any money for a long time, so this obviously hinders progress. So first off, is it possible to create a multiboot system on my laptop/External HDDs or would I need a proper desktop with two or more HDDs in it already? Secondly, if it is possible to do this with a Laptop/External, what are the risks involved? Third, anything else I should know?
in order to do that you would have to know what your doing if you don't know what your doing then you could really f**k up your laptop dude. if you want to do that then you would need to talk to a professional, someone who knows what there doing and ask them if thats possible.
That's what I thought. I just don't want to have to find a computer store with staff that actually know what they are talking about, cause around my place they're incredibly rare. My laptop is of less concern that my external, since my external has pretty much my entire digital life on it. All my music, movies and games and stuff.
well the good thing about a professional is that you can ask them if they can save all your external files that you don't want deleted but if a professional on computers is rare in your area then the thing that I do when I want to find a place in my area is I google it so try googling computer specialests in your area and see what comes up :) if you don't use goolge then use what ever search engine you normaly use. :)