Existence: The Hearts of Time

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Singstar, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Author Note: I made this story with the help of my friends. It is of course split into chapters of course. I'm trying....the keynote is trying...to make this story have as much suspense as posible.. It starts out as a normal tennage life in the few chapters but gets more action and more eagier when i keep writing.I know i haven't finished the other ones but this one i will finish....for sure.Also keep in mind of the title. Thats my only hint for the story.
    I make this out to all my friends on KH-Vids! Especially the ones I knew the longest:
    Nymph of Destiny, Turalim, DestinyStar, The Last f the Organization, Dmaster and the rest of you guys!
    I Love You All!
    Chapter 1:
    Cade Kizuna was in the bathroom. He was looking at the mirror in the bathrooom. Specifically his chin. "Damn" he said outload. There was no hair on his chin yet. He was looking for hair for three months. 3 damn bloddy months! He sighed and walked out the bathroom.
    Cade was 14 1/2 but was very tall for his age. He had blonde hair that goed over his eyes. His eyes are blue and had no facial hair, as you can see. He was friendly but very competitive.
    When he came out of the bathroom, he saw his little sister, Tilum. "Ha Ha Ha" she said annoyingly. "You still looking for hair? I hope your not thinking that if you get any facial hair, that a girl will like you" she said menacingly.
    "Shut up Til" he said with a grimace. Tilum had the smae color hair and eyes but have a WAY too big of a mouth. She was 12 years old. She could be friendly at times but mostly she was annoying. "Grow up" he said and went his room and closed it. He didn't like to slam it.
    His room was quite bland. The walls were white and the carpet was grey. All that was in his room was a bed, a desk, and a laptop which HE had too buy. His parents don;t want him to have a T.V in his room because they think he's not 'responsible'. They even disagreed about the laptop.
    His parents been acting strange lately. They were going out frequently and coming in at all kind of times at night. They were sneaking in things. It wasn't even Christmas yet. 6 more months until Christmas. Why ae they shopping now? Cade would ask this question occasuonally to himself and maybe even Tilum. But she wouldn't understannd.
    He looked out the window as he normally does. The he saw something that amazed him.
  2. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ... not half bad... you could of written some of the sentences better but that's something for you to figure out... keep writing it...