Existence of Ghosts: Yes vs No

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Zandyne, May 20, 2007.

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  1. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I dont believe in ghosts.
    Simple,your mind plays tricks on you in the dark.
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Unfortunately, that doesn't disprove most ghost sightings. Ever seen Ghost Hunters? I don't believe in ghosts, but the show Ghost Hunters gets me thinking.

    BTW, people STILL believe in a flat Earth!
  3. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    i.. i have to say a believer. creepy stuff has happened to me. the items moving, and you know that static theory? i saw clear images, ((i could have sworn one of them was Pablo Escobar)) and the whining of the tv got loud and started to sound like my name. also.....

    My nephew (about three at the time) once saw this man hanging out on the other side of a large field at their home. he said to my sister- 'I don't like that man, tell him to go away.' the aunt looked and nothing was there, so he told the kid to stop fibbing. two weeks later, he went to my mothers house, and we started looking at photos. he saw a picture and said,´'there. thats the man i saw,' the man was his grandfather who died before he was born.....
  4. Xigbar The Freeshooter

    Nov 24, 2006
    In a house.
    I do believe in angels, but ghosts not so much. I think that the reason why we think there is ghosts is because our minds play tricks on us when we are frightened or scared.
  5. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Hmmm....I'm not sure. I've felt I've sensed ghosts and I've seen glimspes of things, but I'm not sure if it were ghosts or just my imagination. Most of the time these glimspes were when I was thinking intently, but sometimes it wasn't just people, it was sometimes these animals, and I think those were from my imagination. But, it depends...I'm not sure though. It depends on if you believe in them or not...
  6. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Mockery, I would remind you, has no place in an intelligent debate. Please keep your responses intelligent and bringing some sort of evidence to support your claim.

    You ask me for proof to support the things I have witnessed? Bring me proof of the things you have not. This is a most tiresome and dead end thing to say in such a debate. 'Show me proof ___ exists.' and then the other side counters with, 'Show me proof ____ doesn't exist.'

    So onto a new start, I have made several lengthy and informative posts on the subject at hand. Again I say that ghosts DO, in fact, exist. But this is based on my own rather lengthy experience in the subject.

    Most of the photos I would bring forth would be dismissed as either good quality Photoshop manipulations or dust/insects/a malfunction of the camera. Skeptics do quite enjoy using their imaginations to come up with all the reasons how it could NOT be a ghost in the image. Any EVPs I would offer would again be dismissed.

    So then what am I left with to convince a skeptic of what is etched into my memory? Skeptics will not change my opinion.
  7. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Um... Wouldn't you be frightened or scared AFTER you see it?

    It is true that most ghost sightings or paranormal things are misconceptions. However, there may be exceptions. Watch Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi on Wednesdays. There's some creepy stuff in that show.
  8. xAXELxFIREx Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 14, 2007
    I'm not really sure if I believe in ghosts, but I believe that there are supernatural things among us.

    The night my mother had passed, I woke up in the middle of the night, and thought I heard something crying. At the time, I had no idea that she was dead or anything, but I just felt that she was with me at that time. A lot of strange things happened to a lot of my family members that night, also. My aunt woke up to her dog barking like someone was in the house. My grandmother's alarm clock went off in the middle of the night, and my dad woke up in the middle of the night.
  9. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    I think there could be lingering spirits. What I mean is say someone just died and their ghost lingers. Someone feels that presence. The spirit may move on a little later. I believe we do NOT stay on Earth for eternity, but move on to something different. I don't know what, we could only guess, but I believe that we do move on. I don't think a ghost/spirit will stay on Earth, haunting everyone forever, because I think a lingering spirit is somebodies' way of saying goodbye. When they have said goodbye, they move on.

    I wonder what happens to the spirits of anybody who has died in space?

    We have solved so many questions that are "How", but seldom have solid proof for "Why".
  10. MisuzuKamio Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 5, 2007
    This may sound a bit strange...

    I think this may sound a bit odd but, I personally always believed that when we die, our spirits, as well as our bodies, become part of the earth again. But that means that parts of us become parts of new things, like the wind, the oceans, the plants, other people even. But I think when someone dies, someone who is close to us or someone that we know, (I don't believe that it is exactly a GHOST per say) we can detect it somehow because of the memories that we have.
    So I think when people think that they 'feel' someones presence, or believe in something they think is a ghost, it is their hearts coming in contact with a piece of someone who remembers them too.
    As for those shows on TV where they go to 'discover ghosts' and 'white noise' and all of that--I think most of that are just coincidences(sp) and people trying to make the slightest bit of noise sound like someone talking. I don't believe in that kind of paranormality.
    I know i may sound a bit weird saying this, but I really believe that to be true. (It's also why I couldn't kill anything for the life of me, because it could be part of somebody I know)
  11. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    No, that doesn't sound odd to me, I could believe that. I mean, isn't that why they call it the life CYCLE? I'm not so sure about the spirit, well maybe not the entire spirit, anyways. I can believe that PART of our soul would get left behind and return into the Earth.
  12. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Proof that ghosts exist!

    Ghosts do Exist cos, When the soul leaves the body, it obviously wants to get to the light(heaven, whatever)The Devil dosent want this to happen so he tricks some to going to hell. Some are lucky and get straight to the light, Some cant get out of a place(like a house or the place where they died) so they just linger, looking for a way out, some have found the light and are just visiting, Some get lost on theway to the light, and some get angry they cant find the light and start chucking things about! Perfect Proof!
  13. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I believe ghosts are purgatory-bound spirits. When a soul is in purgatory, they need but a single prayer to release them.
  14. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    I say they're real. my sis would disagree. one time i was on KH-vids, and the back door suddenly flew open halfway and closed again. they say it was the wind, but the door was locked. also, i was at home, and this black hooded figure appeared and i'm like, OMG!!! it's Organization XIII!!! And I still belive it. Nobodies and ghosts do exist. (I know, the whole nobody thing, go ahead and call me pscho! but i saw him again.
  15. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Off Topic: Sorry that just sounded like one of those "One time at Band Camp..." except you put "One time, one Kh-vids...." lol

    Back on: Um, I would disagree with you on the whole Nobodies exist, because those characters are just made up by someone, they are just part of a game. A really awsome game.....meh, but it is what you believe, so I am not trying to change what you believe.

    If you read what I wrote on the topic, then you will have an idea of what I believe...
  16. killedbyoathkeeper Destiny Islands Resident

    This may sound weird but........... I don't believe in ghosts......... I believe angels were sent down to watch over us and that's what we sense and/or see....
  17. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I'm sorry. But no angel would look like some of the things I have seen. No angel would look like a disembodied skull in a black cloak running at me with a meat cleaver.

    Now what can I say that hasn't been said in my already lengthy posts on the subject?

    Spirits can be anything from disembodied voices to full apparitions. Some of these, I think are 'spectral fingerprints' if you will. Almost like a memory of a time being affixed. Sort of like a photograph that moves, if that makes any sense. Or selecting a specific scene in a DVD.

    Just think of it on a grander scale.

    I would think the existence of ghosts would be a comfort. To know that there is something after we die. Even if we just linger and eventually fade completely it is still something.

    But I don't think I would like ghosts to be scientifically proven to exist. Because then I wouldn't see a reason to go ghost hunting anymore. It would almost take the fun out of it.
  18. killedbyoathkeeper Destiny Islands Resident

    Me, my family, and my church agrees with my previous statment......... End of story........... Goodbye...........
  19. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I would remind you this is an INTELLIGENT DEBATE. A line like you have provided doesn't allow the debate to continue. It is a dead-end arguement that does not allow for a rebuttal. Please elaborate with examples to make your view seem more solid.
  20. Jest Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 26, 2007
    Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
    Blarg! I believe in both ghosts and angels. As to what the two entities are as a whole, is out of my reach. (I know, made no sense, COMPLETELY tired). But I have a fun time looking at orbs on photographs XD
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