Evolution vs Religion

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    As long as we're offtopic, I'm making it a point not to click on your sig/movie again.
  2. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Oh, but it's sOooOoOooOo addicting, don't you think? Well, that's what pretty much all of danbooru, shrinemaiden IRC, and 4chan thought.

    I'm going to have another one in my sig similar to it next month. Yes, just as seizure inducing.
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Let me ask a question of you fools:
    What is life without a little mystery?
    I mean, what's the point of knowing everything? That's what science is about, right? So why can't people have religion? Stop criticizing other people's beliefs and examine your own. Human perception is flawed, so how is science truth? Religion makes life interesting. Science does not.
    I believe some of the things the Bible says (I am Catholic), and I'm not saying science is totally wrong, but please, STOP ridiculing the beliefs of other. Some of these posts sicken me, as do their authors. How would you feel if someone bastardized your faith? :confused:
    I'm sorry if I've seriously offended anyone, I have a tendency to act superior toward others.
  4. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    The posters here aren't bastardizing religions. The users who are making arguments against faith supported ideas are simply highlighting the flaws they present, not intentionally criticizing them for what they are. Similar to what you are doing with this.

    Wow, sorry I like living life realistically, not in an illusion that I've molded myself into.

    Heh, pompous much?
  5. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    I agree that life needs a little mystery. I believe people people should have faith what ever you choose to place it in, whether it be in science or religion. To me the idea of a structured belief system (is for me) wrong. I just don't like the idea of people telling me of what I should place my faith in, all that should really matter is that I have faith in something.
  6. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I'm going to ask you this:
    How do you know evolution is real? I mean, you haven't seen the things they have, have you?

    Go here:
    and here.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    No transitional fossils? Ha! That whole thing made me laugh! XD

    Of course there aren't! You wanna know why!? We have barely found any fossils! At all! In the course of human history, we have found a dismill few amount of fossils. We're lucky we've found any. After so many millions of years, most bones have disolved, rotted, or better yet, melted. The ones that we do find are ones that are so well preserved, because they were lucky enough to have the proper conditions for such preversation.

    Really, iPraise. Give it up man. You aren't going to convert anyone or prove anyone wrong. It's impossible for you to prove us wrong just as it is impossible for us to prove you wrong. It's just...you know...we have more evidence. All you have is stuff that is attempting, (and failing mind you), to disprove our evidence. I have yet to see any real evidence from you, or the other people who support you in this debate.
  8. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    And you present to me websites from the internet? Shame on you.

    As Cin has so wonderfully put it, we are lucky to have what fossils we have considering the history of the earth in the amount of time the individual died and when we found them. Eruptions, earthquakes, continental drift, ice ages, etc.

    And yes some of the fossils we have found such as the Pitdown man and the Nebraska Man have been false but that is because we learned that they were false. Same as we learn who our ancestors were.

    And what you put your faith in is your business. Just don't try to convert anyone. You're rather failing.
  9. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    There's truth in that, but it still doesn't mean we can't be certain of what's around us.
  10. RavenSetFree Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 24, 2007

    And last night I saw a pretty pink Unicorn outside my window. 8D

    Really man... just because you see something doesnt mean it happened or that God did it. In my eyes, most of these "miracles of god" are seen by crackheads or people seeking attention.

    By the way, Cin, I <3 you. You are one of the few people in this thread who I agree 100% with.
  11. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    *I'm probably being rhetorical*

    Evolution is indeed a theory, but it has been proven to be true in many aspects. The fact that genetics and gradual change from genetic combinations have been proven true, that pretty much seals up evolution as a sound concept.

    As for the religion half, the whole concept of it is actually pretty messed up to begin with. But to stay on topic, religion's evidence against evolution is poor at best. Many times the people who try to defend religion say "but the BIBLE says so", yes and the bible also was written by PEOPLE. Now here's a lovely loophole many biblethumpers leave out, can't people LIE and CREATE FABRICATIONS? Just because the bible is old doesn't make it completely honest. I wouldn't be surprised if the bible was just a fictional to tempt people with the idea of hope. And if any of you naysayers say, "Oh but it mentions this place/person/event" Well gee, I think the people back then could also BORROW ideas/names/locations.
  12. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I doubt any of you are biologists or geologists. I doubt any of you have personally studied a fossil and identified it as some ancient creature or have studied genetics to find a link between us and some other species. You all keep saying that religious people are just using the bible to base their beliefs on, that they've never personally experienced God, but you yourselves have never personally proven any of the things you believe to be true. All it is is a belief. Just because a scientist says he proved it doesn't mean it's proven.

    Fact is, there is no evidence that is concrete or 100%. Hell, most of the evidence COULD be completely fake, some coverup or conspiracy. Possibilities are endless in this world and nothing is 100%. However, some people choose to believe as such, and that's fine. It doesn't matter if it's belief in religion or science, they've all got the same things in common with eachother. Honestly, I don't see why you guys are insulting eachother's beliefs. This is a debate, not church gathering and not a science function. Stop insulting eachother and stop saying the other people are completely wrong and there's no way it's true. Just stop, seriously.
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    i completely agree, this is never going to be resovled so insulting others just because you think you are right isnt going to help. i personally believe in evolution, but i dont care what anyone else thinks, that is my opnion if someone else thinks something else as long as it doesnt affect me (ie they dont try to force their opinion on me) im fine with it.

    with an issue as 'big' as this theres no point getting so worked up about it cos theres is next to no chance that either will be proved without a doubt in our lifetimes. [/rant]
  14. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Just throwing this out thee randomly but, did you guys know that scientists try hard to disprove God and fail at it?
    A lot of the times, they prove there IS a God.
  15. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    Not be rude or anything, but how so?
  16. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    When they have tried in the past to prove there is no God, they end up proving there is but keep it under their hoods.
  17. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Um, I think he wanted an example. Not an unsupported statement.
  18. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    You don't have to be a geologist, biologist or any other scientific profession to notice that even though "religion" encourages "good behavior" it always promises the same exchange of things, "salvation" for siding with some convient invisible entity. In fact, most religious texts are actually just anthologies of stories with morals. Our childhood stories also have morals in them and sometimes the twist of something that isn't based in reality, but we don't go preaching the word of Little Red Riding Hood, no, religious people talk about how Jonah got out of the whale.

    As for the "scientist says it is proven", are you trying to say that scientists who use genetics to alter crops are actually just using the word of God? Are you saying that FARMERS (or even people who like to grow things for fun) who use this same method of selective breeding, are all in on this genetic conspiracy? How about when you study physics and use the formulas that a "scientist" discovered to find out that indeed, the rocket did land where it was supposed to in accordance to what you already proved on paper? Or is that just a bunch of lucky conincidences?

    I doubt anyone has undeniably "heard the voice of God" either. Also how do you "experience God"? Are you told by someone else or do you refer to a "religious text" to know.

    example: Virtuous people are not automatically people who have been touched by God. People who recover from illness are not automatically "touched by God." Truly evil people still recover from illness, and some of the same abomidable people use the basis of religion to justify their sick causes. The most disturbing part of all this? There are hoardes of people who believe them.

    The tricky thing about zealous faith is that those who put their faith in things (the really strongly opinionate ones, aka the loudest ones) claim some of the most outlandish things and downright crazy things. This isn't to say that every single religious person is crazy or that its not ok to believe in something.

    The reason that makes science more believable in that is it not a conspiracy theory is that people from all walks of life can OBTAIN the SAME QUANTIFED answer through their RESEARCH. Now people who loyally follow a belief system, the more they believe in a certain entitiy, the most analogous they become to each other in terms of idealogies.

    And although I cannot speak for ALL of the posts here, it is not an "insult" in a debate if the fact is true. Also, this is a debate, people don't just shake hands and make good friends without tearing into each other's throats first.

    Not to sound sarcastic, but how did they prove this, did they find where God is situated while looking at various nebuli?

    Please give a specific example that is not just an "I think" sentence.
  19. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Erm excuse me for a moment! Now I agree that debates are meant to be just that! Debates aren't meant to be all friendly and nice! However You cannot tell someone their idea is stupid because there is no evidence! You are aware right that until that apple dropped there was (figuritively speaking) no such thing as gravity. Scientists used to believe the sun went around the earth and that the earth itself was flat!

    I follow the theory of evolution, however I also accept the fact that science is not neccessarily written fact! So there isn't as much eveidence to support God and religion? Well thats good and all but remember that science is also "evolving" new ideas are thought up and old ones are dismissed!

    Scientific evidence for evlution is quite impressive, but that doesn't make someones religious belief any less valid!

    I'm not saying this to p*** you off or anything but I think you need to liten to the point you try to make! If you say that people shouldn't have their religious belief becasue it's all rubbish or whatever then how can you expect them to take what you say as gospel?
  20. Xenor Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2007
    did the creater of this thread in my science class? cause we just learned about this in my science class

    personally i perfer evolution because it is a fact though.......
    srry religious people
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